i'm not a bad man

Chapter 167 Like a memorial ceremony

Chapter 167 Like a memorial ceremony

The other party thought I didn't hear him, so he knocked on the car window again and called out "Brother Chao". The voice was familiar. Then I looked up and saw that it was Chang Yuli...

"Xiao Chang."

I opened the car window, called his name, and asked, "Why are you back?"

"Halfway through, I remembered that no one had arranged a place for you, so I came back to take a look... Look at why you are still living in your car!"

In this small town, besides Zuo Xiaowei, it was rare that there was someone who cared about me, and I couldn't help but feel grateful; I smiled and said to him, "It's okay. I have been living in an RV in the past few years, but I feel like sleeping in Being in a car is more comfortable than living in a room..."

"This isn't an RV either."

I finally figured it out. Chang Yuli was a straight man and couldn't hear other people's voice-overs at all. It was so late and I didn't want to trouble him to arrange a room for me, but he was so entangled with me that this was not an RV, so I didn't know. How to answer his words.

Over the years, I have dealt with all kinds of people. Even Tu Lin has his own little thoughts, he knows how to hide them, and he knows how to figure them out. When I suddenly meet such a person who doesn't know how to turn around, I really don't know how to get along with him.

"Brother Chao, don't sleep in the car. Come home with me. I have a lot of empty rooms there."

I didn’t know his family relationship. There were several people living in the house. Of course I wanted to refuse, but he had already opened the car door, pulled me up from the car seat, and asked his driver to drive the car to the parking lot. .


I was overly worried. Chang Yuli lived in a local villa area, and there was no one else in the whole villa except himself. This was a bit like Qiao Jiao, who also guarded a large villa, but she was the only one.

"Brother Chao, except for the master bedroom on the second floor, all other rooms are empty. Which one you want to live in is up to you."

"Just the one on the first floor by the roadside."

After saying that, I opened the door and walked in, but I was embarrassed to find that this was not a bedroom, but a room for storing wine. It was different from displaying it in cabinets. The room was full of boxes of wine, including Maotai and Wuliangye. There is Jiannanchun and some foreign wines that are rarely seen in ordinary times. In short, everything is available.

Chang Yuli was also a little embarrassed. He said to me: "My dad has a lot of social activities outside, so he made a special room here for me to store wine."

"You really don't have a lot of fun here!"

"That's not true. Just the wine in this room, if my dad and I go out to socialize, we can finish it in a month."

"By the way, you have a really good drinking capacity. You are the only sober person at this table."

Chang Yuli smiled, but it seemed a bit self-deprecating: "My dad always said that God closed all the doors for me, leaving only one window for me, and this window is for drinking... Brother Chao, you are also here today Aren’t you drunk?”

"Me?...To be honest, I can still drink some."

"Then let's have some more drinks?"


Chang Yuli's villa was built on a mountain, so it was well-proportioned. Extraordinarily large stone piers were built on the roadside, and guardrails were connected in series. The stone piers were extremely flat. There was also a street lamp next to each stone pier, which was used for drinking. Good place.

Chang Yuli took a bottle of Feitian Maotai and fried a plate of peanuts without any food. Then the two of them sat cross-legged on the stone pier and drank.

The night in the small town was very cold, so I kept wearing Zuo Xiaowei's down jacket, and Chang Yuli also wore a thick cotton coat. A cold wind blew by, quite reminiscent of an old friend in the cold river, and this is where I came from. This is the most comfortable time after being in a small town. I really like the feeling of being in a high place and not being disturbed...

This is different from when I was in Qingdao. In Qingdao, I particularly liked the excitement, so I became a frequent visitor to the bar and even found people to strike up conversations with.After filling up the wine glasses, Chang Yuli and I clinked a glass and asked him first: "Don't you live with your parents?"

"My mother passed away in a car accident when I was in junior high school. My father later got married and had twins the year before last. He was busy practicing trumpet and didn't come back often."

I was a little surprised, but when Chang Yuli said this, there was no emotional fluctuation. He seemed to have accepted such a reality; after a short silence, he said to me again: "Brother Chao, you really like Is this our small town?”

Under the dim light, I felt a little melancholy, and I couldn’t tell whether I really liked this small town; because of Zuo Xiaowei, everyone would call me Chaoge, which would give me a sense of satisfaction, but I couldn’t tell. It’s unclear who is sincere and who is hypocritical.I had expectations for the small town, but after I came here, it did not develop according to my previous ideas, and even caused a big trouble. This made me feel a little contradictory. As long as people fall into a contradictory state, they will It will become confusing, so I can't give Chang Yuli a definite answer.

I could only reply in a joking tone: "You are blocking my drink and providing me with a place to live. You are not trying to win my favor and let me leave the town... I have heard that you like it." Xiaowei, only when I leave will you have a chance."

Chang Yuli waved his hands quickly and said: "No, I definitely don't have this idea... I like Xiaowei, but she doesn't like me at all. In her eyes, I am just an ordinary friend of hers, and we are even alone I’ve never been on a date…”

Chang Yuli was a little disappointed and sad. After a short silence, he sighed and said: "Actually, I live with a low self-esteem. I have physical defects and am not smart. It's just that my family has a little money. Originally, everyone Because my dad is the so-called richest man in a small town, he gave me face. But later, after my dad had twins, no one was willing to give me face. They knew that my dad no longer put hope in me, and the best I could do was Eat some leftovers at home... Even though it's a small town, people are very realistic. I don't blame them. I'm useless... A few years ago, my dad gave me a sum of money and asked me to do it myself. Business, but I lost it all. Since then, I have been driving behind my dad, taking care of construction sites and so on. Although I am not short of money, I still have no self... Xiaowei will not like this person. A person without ego, not to mention I am a cross-eyed person.”

After saying that, Chang Yuli filled a glass of wine and drank it all. At this moment, I also had a better understanding of society and life. Chang Yuli is the son of the richest man in the small town. , it’s okay to live alone in a big villa, but he actually has low self-esteem and is lonely. I’m afraid even Zuo Xiaowei doesn’t know this, so you should never judge someone easily. Only after getting along deeply can you see him. Deep in my heart...

At this moment, I felt that wine was a good thing. At least, it could make a lonely person with low self-esteem willing to speak and express.

Maybe it's because my city is too deep. Until now, I still haven't told Chang Yuli what's in my heart. Not only Chang Yuli, I can't tell anyone. I came to the small town not because I like Zuo Xiaowei, nor because I really like everything here. I just don’t want Luan Yu to lose everything she has gained now, so I settled for the next best thing and came here.
Thinking of this, I seemed to fall into an emotion that I couldn't extricate myself from, so I poured a glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp.


It was already 01:30 in the middle of the night, and there were almost no houses with lights on in the villa area. Only the street lights were still flickering with weak light, illuminating the small area under our feet.

Suddenly, lights came on in a villa high up, and Chang Yuli and I subconsciously looked up at the same time...

They were probably a pair of young people who had just come home from drinking. They did not close the curtains. The woman was slender and had long hair shawl. The man took off his coat and wore only a shirt. They hugged each other. I thought what was coming next What unbearable scene will happen, but the next moment, they are stepping on the floor and dancing...

I was lost. I didn't expect to see such a romantic scene in such a relatively closed town. At this moment, romance is like a pile of endless seeds. As long as the wind doesn't stop, it will fly to any place in the world. A corner...

I lost my mind because of this, because in my mind, I had also imagined this, but the woman dancing with me was not real. I didn’t fantasize about anyone in particular, I just simply felt that this was a kind of fantasy that was separated from daily necessities and daily necessities. A low-level lifestyle.

Of course, I didn’t want to miss this scene, so as soon as I came back to my senses, I took out my mobile phone to record this scene, and stored it in the album "Korean Chao Experience". I just felt that my life experience was again A little richer.

Suddenly, I remembered the dancing photo that Qiao Jiao posted on WeChat Moments. It felt like a coincidence, so I sent this photo to her.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Jiao misunderstood what I meant. She immediately sent a series of angry expressions and asked: "Do you want to laugh at me for being single by posting this photo?"

I was stunned for a moment before I remembered that she was dancing alone, but there was a man and woman in the photo.

Qiao and I were used to bickering, so I simply followed her words and said, "You are really a roundworm in my belly. I didn't say anything, but you knew what I was thinking."

"Do you really think that just because you have a girlfriend, you will ascend to heaven? ... Believe it or not, I will tell Lu Xi and Lu Ming about Luan Yu's bad story right now. A man who left with all his thoughts, You have no right to get carried away."

In fact, I knew Qiao Jiao was also joking with me, but my mood became heavy inexplicably. I really had no right to get carried away, because after arriving in the small town, everything was not as I originally imagined. I felt a little tired in my heart. Fatigue is Because I had no initiative and even the right to know, I had no way to influence Zuo Xiaowei, and I didn’t know whether she wanted to go to BJ to cooperate with Qin Minhong.

I finally put down the phone and looked up. The dancing couple had closed the curtains, and the only company I had was the equally frustrated Chang Yuli, a bottle of white wine, and a plate of peanuts. Rice seems to be offering sacrifices...

(End of this chapter)

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