i'm not a bad man

Chapter 168 Champion and Runner-up

Chapter 168 Champion and Runner-up

He lit a cigarette and turned to look at Chang Yuli beside him. He was still looking at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa high up, but the curtains had already been closed by the man and woman, and he didn't know that he What are you missing?

"Xiao Chang."

I called him and handed him a cigarette. Only then did he come to his senses, took the cigarette in my hand, and said, "The woman who just danced was competing with Xiao Wei to be the town's tourism ambassador. , the two of them went all the way to the finals. She was good at dancing and Xiaowei was good at singing. In order to help Xiaowei canvass votes, we friends found more than 50 cars in total, with Xiaowei’s promotional photos and her participation in the car on them. Declaration, three days in a row, promotion around the city, and finally helped Xiaowei win the competition... Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye it has been almost three years."

I subconsciously looked up again, and couldn't help but feel a little curious about this woman's appearance. I felt that the woman who could compete with Zuo Xiaowei to the end must not be a mortal.

"Do you still have the video from that time?"

"Yes, I've always kept it on my phone."

After saying that, Chang Yuli took out his mobile phone from his pocket and played a video. I looked closer and saw that this was simply a grand event in the small town. The leader of the team was Guan Yubo's double The beautiful Bentley Bentayga, Chang Yuli's Mercedes-Benz Big G followed closely behind, and the remaining dozens of cars were also luxury cars worth more than one million, driving on the streets of the small town in a mighty manner, while the left Xiaowei was wearing a long white dress, a crown on her head, and a scepter in her hand. She stood in Guan Yubo's Bentley with the sunroof wide open, exuding the confidence that she was bound to win...

At this time, Chang Yuli said with some emotion: "Since Xiaowei left the small town, our group of friends has never been as united and lively as it was then. I really miss the atmosphere at that time. Who was with us?" There is no barrier between anyone, I just want to help Xiaowei win the game..."

I nodded, knowing Chang Yuli's feelings better than anyone else, because before I came to the small town, I also performed a benefit performance in Qingdao and caused quite a sensation. These feelings can be compared together. The only thing The only difference is that Zuo Xiaowei and I each played the protagonist once, taking our friends around us to party together, and together we showed our inner passion in front of all living beings...

After a brief silence, I changed the subject and asked Chang Yuli: "What is this woman who competed with Xiao Wei for the championship doing now?"

"She is the host of our small town TV station. She got married last year. The man she danced with just now is her husband."

"What does her husband do?"

"The hotel where we had dinner today is owned by her husband's family. Her husband's family has already monopolized the hotel and catering industry in the small town."

I took a heavy drag on the cigarette, then smiled and said, "If Xiaowei didn't choose to be with me, her life trajectory in the small town should be similar to that woman, right?"

Chang Yuli didn't seem to understand why I said that, so he looked at me with confusion, but I didn't choose to explain to him. The reason why I said that was just because I could see Zuo Xiaowei's life through this woman. It’s more transparent. Apart from being a singer, she has no choice. If she is not with me, she will only live a better life than that woman, but I can’t even afford the 150 million liquidated damages. Two people are in a dilemma.

I filled my cup and signaled Chang Yuli to have another drink. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore, so I changed the subject again and said to Chang Yuli: “By the way, what happened to your business before? With the resources of a small town, it’s hard to make a loss in a business, right?”

Chang Yuli shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to say anything.

"Why, are you so afraid of facing your own failure?"

"I'm not afraid of facing my own failures. You just came to the small town and I don't want to gossip about my friends in front of you."

I'm not usually a particularly perceptive person, but after I came to the small town, everything was unfamiliar. Based on the need to get familiar with the environment as soon as possible, I kept an extra mind to listen and feel everything. In addition, Chang Yuli was not very familiar with everything. I was so good at concealing my emotions that I made a guess.

"Is your failure related to Guan Yubo?"

Chang Yuli looked surprised, and after a while he replied: "Has anyone told you about this?"

"Yeah, I mentioned it, but I didn't tell you the details. Just tell me. When you come to a small town, everything starts from scratch. I have to know which friends I can make close friends with and which friends I should pay more attention to."

I was afraid that Chang Yuli would have reservations about me, so I hid the fact that he had guessed it; since he said that the failure was caused by his friends, then someone who could match his strength in this small town and also meet the requirements of a friend , then it’s only Guan Yubo.

Chang Yuli lit the cigarette I just gave him, took a deep breath, and said to me with a wry smile: "That happened the year before last. There was a tunnel project in the small town that was open to bids. My dad wanted me to try it. He gave me a sum of money and went to bid in the name of our company. Guan Yubo also wanted to win this project. At that time, he had not yet gained momentum, and he had no obvious advantage when he competed with me... Later, he He came to me for a drink and said that a construction group has come to the provincial capital and wants to win this project. If the two of us continue to fight, it will be internal friction and end up giving the outside company an advantage. It is better for us to concentrate on doing big things. , let his company take the lead, and after the project is won, we can make money together; he asked me to invest the money my dad gave me into this project, and finally share the profits with me in proportion to the investment... After I returned home, I thought about it and realized that I was not as good at managing relationships as he was, nor had the ability to organize and coordinate, so I gave this project to him and invested in it together with the money my dad gave me... But at the end of the project, he didn't give me a penny. He just said that the project was a loss and showed me a bunch of accounts... In fact, there was no loss at all on the project. He made at least 4000 million, which is I trust him too much. I should send an accountant from our company to follow this project throughout the entire process, so that he will not be given the opportunity to make false accounts. Moreover, he also released false news about the construction group in the provincial capital. At that time, there were only Our two companies are competing..."

After listening to Chang Yuli tell the whole story, I couldn't help but let out a long breath. It's really hard for me to imagine that a person of similar age to Zuo Xiaowei would have such a scheming mind. It's not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is his ability to strategize. It's not difficult to deceive someone, but to be able to deceive someone from the beginning to the end in such a big project, there must be so many lies involved, and he actually did it. This is the ability to strategize without leaking any flaws. He knows what kind of lies to use at what stage to achieve a coherent whole. "How much money did you invest in this project?"

"500 million."

"So, out of the 4000 million he earned, 500 million is yours."

"Well, from then on, my dad didn't trust me...and this matter not only affected me, but also my dad's company, because the bidding was done in the name of my dad's company, and we lost. After receiving this project, the outside world thought that our company was not as good as theirs, so they were more willing to cooperate with them. In addition, my father is old, and I am indeed not as good as Guan Yubo. The company has gone downhill in the small town. "

Seeing Chang Yuli's frustrated face, I couldn't help but sympathize with him, so I patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Although Guan Yubo is powerful, there are also things that change the situation. The means of doing business are important, but Character and luck are more important, maybe good luck will be on your side one day."

"Unless my dad can trust me again, this good luck will never happen to me."

"Don't worry, confidence is accumulated bit by bit. When you are really capable of making money, your dad will still trust you. After all, your twin siblings are still young. In the next 20 years, Your dad still has to rely on you...20 years is not enough time for you to start a career?"

Chang Yuli seemed to find some confidence in my words. He smiled first, and then said to me: "Brother Chao, you are different from others. No one among my friends has ever told me this. They only know Comparing me with Guan Yubo, I think I am a useless person and even my father can’t save me. You are the first one to encourage me.”

"This is not encouragement. What I say are facts... You must first learn to recognize the situation around you. No matter how much your father loves your twin siblings, it cannot change the fact that they are still infants. Before they can Before you reach adulthood, you have enough space to turn things around... So, don’t draw conclusions for your dad easily, let alone draw conclusions for yourself, do you understand?”

Chang Yuli seemed to understand but still nodded to me.


We had almost finished a bottle of white wine. Just as we were about to leave, a strong light suddenly shone on the road leading to the villas. I squinted and saw that it was a taxi... …

The taxi was driving towards us. After it stopped, Zuo Xiaowei ran out of the car. She didn't say anything. The moment she saw me, she hugged me tightly, as if she was afraid. I left her and the small town.

There was still a strong smell of alcohol on her body. While I held her in my arms, I couldn't help but look at the villa above. The lights were still on, which meant that the man and woman in the villa hadn't slept yet. Unfortunately, because With the curtains drawn, they couldn't see Zuo Xiaowei and me, otherwise they would lament this chance encounter.

The hostess in the villa is the runner-up of tourism image ambassador, and Zuo Xiaowei is the champion...

They actually met again in such a way. Unfortunately, the runner-up was already married and living in a villa, but the champion was in my arms, shaking in the cold wind.


Zuo Xiaowei wanted to take me away from here. When we were about to leave with the taxi, Chang Yuli was still standing beside the stone pier with a lonely expression...

I suddenly remembered something and signaled Zuo Xiaowei to wait for me for a moment. Then I ran back to Chang Yuli and said to him excitedly: "Xiao Chang, I know BJ, one of the top ophthalmologists in the country. You Maybe he can cure the eye problem."

"I have congenital esotropia. I have had an operation before, but it recurred. The hospital has not recommended that I have another operation."

"He is really the top ophthalmologist in the country. Don't give up so easily. You can go to BJ for a consultation first."

I didn’t give Chang Yuli any hope. I really knew such an ophthalmologist. I met him while traveling across the country. It was raining heavily and I was driving my RV on a border provincial road that was rarely passed by. His The car was involved in a serious bicycle accident. Luan Yu and I took him to the nearest hospital and he was saved.

When we contacted again later, he kept saying that I was his savior and invited me to play at BJs several times. It was only in the past year that we have lost contact, but I believe that when I talk to him, he will definitely I will do my best to help, and I have full confidence in his medical skills because I have really seen in the news his authority in this industry and the difficult and complicated diseases he has cured.

(End of this chapter)

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