i'm not a bad man

Chapter 187 Quarrel

Chapter 187 Quarrel
Looking at the empty drawer, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I clearly remembered that when I was packing my luggage, I put the jewelry box containing the bracelets into this drawer. Could it be that too many things have happened recently, causing this Memory confusion?
I quickly took my feet out of the footbath, not bothering to wipe off the water stains on my feet. I put on my cotton slippers and ran to the cabinet where the clothes were kept. There were two drawers in the cabinet, and I hurriedly opened them. I opened it and took a look. Apart from the electronic products I put there, there was no jewelry box inside.

I froze in place, looking at the room with only one bed, one cabinet, and one desk. My mind gradually became blank. I would never put such valuable things outside the room, but in I really can't find the pair of bracelets in this simple room!

The snow outside the window was still falling to the ground. The cold wind blew up the snow on the window sill with raging force. The snow floated in the air, forming holes. I looked out through these holes and saw everything. It all seems to be twisted, twisted light, twisted buildings, twisted trees, twisted light signs...

It wasn't until the wind stopped and the snow stopped blowing that everything returned to normal, and I suddenly woke up from my blank state.

The bracelet will not disappear out of thin air. It was stolen in this room where only Uncle Zuo Xiaowei and I lived.

I remembered what Zuo Xiaowei once said to me in a casual chat. She said that her uncle was addicted to gambling. I have been in contact with this type of people. Their moral standards are far lower than ordinary people. When such a pair The bracelet was placed in my room without any precautions. Did he have any motive and conditions for taking the bracelet?
There was a burst of uncontrollable anger in my heart. I immediately opened my door and walked to the room where Uncle Zuo Xiaowei lived. I knocked on the door hard but got no response. I pushed the door in again and opened the room. lights, no one inside.

Even though I dialed Zuo Xiaowei's number, I couldn't bear to delay this matter for one more second.

After calling twice in a row, Zuo Xiaowei answered. She asked me in a daze: "Why are you calling me now? It's already midnight!"

I suppressed the anger in my heart, but this time, I was not calm anyway, so my tone was a bit cold and lacked emotion: "Don't go to sleep yet, you come to my place, or I can go find you." OK."

Only then did Zuo Xiaowei become alert. She asked cautiously, "Did something happen?"

"Before I came to the small town, Sister Ran gave me a pair of bracelets and said that she would sell them as an emergency when I encounter any difficulties here. She said that if I meet someone who knows the goods, People can sell it for about 20 yuan; I was going to sell this pair of bracelets to pay off the money I owed Chen Linqi, but now, the pair of bracelets are missing."

"When you came here, did Sister Ran give you a pair of bracelets?"

"Shouldn't your focus be on who stole this pair of bracelets?"

I can hardly suppress my emotions anymore. Even if such a major thing happened, Zuo Xiaowei and I are still not on the same frequency!I can imagine what kind of tone and what kind of expression I had when I asked Zuo Xiaowei this question. I was almost ferocious.

Zuo Xiaowei fell into silence at this time.

"Speak, if you don't come to me, I will come to you. This matter cannot be delayed for a second."

Zuo Xiaowei finally spoke, her speaking speed was very slow, and she seemed to be hiding some emotions that I couldn't understand at this moment: "I know, you suspect that my uncle stole the bracelet... Yes, he is a gambler. , but he doesn’t dare to do anything illegal... If you think about it carefully, maybe you put the bracelet somewhere else and you forgot about it."

"I don't have to think about anything. There is only a bed, a cabinet, and a desk in my room. I have looked through it several times. If the bracelet is lost, it is lost..." After a short pause, I suppressed it again. The anger in his heart was escalating and he said: "I just went to your uncle's room. He was not at home. I didn't have his contact information, so I called you... He is your biological uncle. I think this matter should be handled Sometimes, I still have to leave some room, so I want to meet with him first and then explain the matter clearly face to face. If he didn’t get the best one, and if he took it and is still unwilling to return it, then I can only Call the police."

"So, you still suspect that he stole your bracelet." After arriving in the small town, I became uneasy for the first time. My anger was like being blown by the wild wind, burning up. I rushed to the left Xiaowei yelled: "It's already damn time, why can't we still communicate on the same frequency?... Isn't it necessary for me to meet him?... There are only two of us in this house, now The bracelet is lost. I must have someone to suspect. Tell me, just because you said he didn't dare to do anything illegal, should I exclude him and suspect someone else who may be nothing at all?...Excuse me , is this the logic to solve the problem?...I am just doubting him now, not identifying him, is it so damn difficult to communicate once?"

Because I was out of control, I was panting violently... I didn't want to quarrel with her. I just wanted her to understand how I felt after losing the bracelet, and then we could solve the problem together, but I felt that the more we talked, the farther and farther away we became. Chatting is less like two lovers who are already together and need to have a tacit understanding.

"I didn't get the bracelet, why are you angry at me?...Is it just because Sister Ran gave this bracelet to you, and if you lose it, everyone around you is guilty?"

I was stunned, and then I fell into an inexplicable depression of being unable to communicate. I just held up the phone and looked at the falling snow outside the window as if I was lost. I never said a word or hung up the phone. .

I seemed to have lost my sense of time, so much so that I couldn’t tell how long it had been when I looked at my phone again; in short, the call had been hung up, and the call record between Zuo Xiaowei and I was frozen at five minutes and nine seconds. .


I sat back on the bed, neither smoking nor looking at my phone. I just looked out the window absentmindedly, and the garbage emotions in my heart were like the thicker snow, which had filled my thinking space.

I suddenly didn’t know the meaning of my coming to the small town, nor did I know the meaning of selling bracelets to resolve contract disputes.
It wasn't until there was a knock on the door outside the house that I suddenly came back to my senses.


When we opened the door, Zuo Xiaowei's shoulders and hair were already covered with snow. She seemed to have cried bitterly, and her eyes were red and swollen. We just looked at each other, and no one spoke at the first moment.

Finally, I spoke first, and I said to her in a gentle tone: "I don't want to quarrel with you, not at all... But I really don't understand. What I'm throwing away now is a pair worth 20 yuan." The bracelet, no matter who gave it to me, it’s 20 yuan in real money. Why do you look like you don’t care at all? Moreover, without this pair of bracelets, I have no way to help you get the peace. Chen Linqi's contract dispute is related to your own interests, why do you want to focus on the fact that it was given to me by Sister Ran?"

After saying that, I looked at Zuo Xiaowei with all my attention. I just felt that Zuo Xiaowei, who couldn't understand me at this time, really made me feel desperate!
But she still didn't give me an explanation, she just said to me: "I called my uncle, but he couldn't get through. If you want to call the police, just call the police..."

"I won't call the police. I'll wait for him until tomorrow morning. If I'm sure he didn't take it, I'll call the police again."


After closing the door, Zuo Xiaowei and I sat on the sofa and chairs in the living room on opposite sides. I smoked, and she stared out the window in a daze. Neither of us said a word or slept, and the time was in this dull atmosphere. Little by little passed...

The sound of cockcrows could be heard intermittently from the houses outside the house. It was at this moment that the sound of a key turning the lock finally sounded outside the door. My sluggish spirit suddenly cheered up, and I stood up and looked outside the door. Look...

(End of this chapter)

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