Chapter 186
After arriving at the train station, I asked Chang Yuli to go in first, while I waited for Qin Minhong outside the station. After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, she rushed over alone...

She walked quickly to me, without giving herself a chance to breathe, and said to me: "Han Chao, do you want to think carefully about what I told you before?... I have now got the exact information. According to news, a music program that costs a lot of money will be launched next year. The main purpose is to discover and support outstanding original musicians in China. My classmate is the chief director of this program, so I have the best resources so far. , if you are willing to join our company, I will definitely be able to use this program to win you up..."

I remained unmoved and replied calmly: "Sister Minhong, do you know why I agreed to meet you even though I knew exactly what you were going to say to me?"

"Of course I know, who doesn't want to be a star? If you just couldn't think about it for a while, two days is enough for you to figure it out... The reason why stars are envied by so many people is not the so-called star halo, but their I won’t use other people’s examples of income. Let’s just say that our Luxi, for any advertising endorsement, will start at 8 figures... If you have no concept of money, then let me tell you, if you withdraw this money into cash Put it in front of you, even if you are a man, you may not be able to take it... You can use this money to change your life and life, such as buying a house in Qingdao or buying yourself a luxury car , if you have kind thoughts, you can also use the extra money to do some charity, which can also improve your reputation and accumulate virtue..."

Qin Minhong suddenly talked about cash to me, and I couldn't help but think of Qiao Jiao again. This obviously happened in the morning, but I felt that it had happened for a long, long time, and she was already far, far away from me...

"Han Chao, did you listen to me?"

"Listen...but I can't quite hear what you said. The reason why I agreed to meet you is because I think we have friendship. If you don't call me, forget it. You can give me a call." I called, then I must meet you and treat it as farewell."

Qin Minhong had an incomprehensible expression, but she was still patient and said, "Is there really someone like you in this world?"

"Very few, but that doesn't mean none... I have never had the idea of ​​exposing myself to the spotlight. I don't know how to get along with everyone as a public figure. So, compared to the temptations you mentioned, I I prefer an unfettered life.”

"What about Lu Xi... have you ever thought that when you enter this industry and become a popular public figure, you can get along and talk to each other as equals. Even if there is further development in the future, everyone will think that this is Things that should be taken for granted..."

I interrupted Qin Minhong for the first time and said seriously: "Sister Minhong, you really shouldn't say this to me. Firstly: you know that I already have a girlfriend, she is Zuo Xiaowei; secondly: Second, this is just your own idea and does not represent Lu Xi; third, even if I really become a popular public figure, I can't be on an equal footing with her, because after taking off the celebrity's coat, her father is still a director of a state-owned enterprise. level cadre, this is not a gap that can be bridged with hard work; fourth, I have never thought about chasing her. My good impression of her is precisely because there is such a big gap between us, but she can still treat me as a friend Treat it sincerely... So please don't use similar words to hurt the relationship between us, let alone treat Luxi as a bargaining chip that you can use to negotiate terms. I don't like this approach at all."

Qin Minhong looked at me and didn't say anything in response for a long time.

"Sister Minhong, if there is nothing else, I will stop first... Xiaowei is still waiting for me at home."

"Do you really want to bury your talents in such a small city where no one cares about you?"

"How could it be buried? Small cities can also achieve great things, and becoming a star is not the only way for a person to realize his talent."

Qin Minhong looked disappointed. After a long time, she looked at the crowded entrance and said to me: "It seems that you are determined to reject me... It doesn't matter if you reject me, I will still be with Zuo Xiao Wei, if by then she is determined to enter this industry, will everything you just told me look like a joke?"

I laughed: "She?... She will only be more determined than me!" "Don't say anything too absolute. The most unreliable thing in this world is people's plans... To be honest, I don't think much of you in the small town at all. future, because you simply don’t belong there.”

I looked at Qin Minhong, and I no longer had the desire to continue chatting. I just turned around and pointed at the clock tower on the train station, indicating that my train was about to arrive, and then walked straight to the entrance... Soon, Qin Minhong I was overwhelmed by the surging crowd, but her demeanor and determined tone when she spoke kept lingering in my mind, and then made me extremely annoyed.

I admit that compared to Qingdao, I really don’t like small towns that much. At least there is no bar in the whole town that can make me linger, and there are no friends like Sao Zhu and Tu Lin who can get together because of music.


Back in Luoyang, there was a sudden heavy snowfall, which caused the only highway leading to the small town to be controlled. Chang Yuli and I could only drive on the national highway below...

There was already snow on the national highway, and car accidents occurred from time to time. We walked cautiously. By the time we arrived at the small town, it was already 02:30 late at night, so I did not meet Zuo Xiaowei.

The temperature dropped sharply. After returning to the house I shared with Uncle Zuo Xiaowei, I started to work hard to keep warm. I first changed myself into a thick big quilt, and then soaked my feet in hot water. , I was not idle during the foot soaking process. I am a person who is particularly afraid of the cold. The community where I live does not have heating yet, so I looked up heaters on the Internet... I have already prepared to stay here. Preparation for winter.

It wasn't until I selected the heater that I was completely free. I didn't get into bed immediately. I just kept soaking my feet in the footbath, and then looked absently at the street outside the window...

The cars parked on both sides of the street were covered with heavy snow, and even some store doors were not spared, so that the whole world was left with only one color, and it was extremely transparent, and because of this transparency, I At a glance, he saw the end of the street. At the end was an old private house. When the wind blew, the cracked walls and broken tiles fell one after another along with the snow...

This scene makes me suffocated. I really hope that there are other forks at the end, but as far as I can see, there is no other way out. Only the wall coverings and broken tiles fall to the ground...


The water in the footbath gradually lost its temperature. I withdrew my gaze and then opened the drawer at hand. I wanted to see the pair of bracelets Ren Ran gave me. This is my The sense of security is also the only bargaining chip to resolve contract disputes.

On this cold night, I suddenly broke into a cold sweat. The jewelry box in the drawer disappeared! !

(End of this chapter)

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