i'm not a bad man

Chapter 205 Let's Break Up

Chapter 205 Let's Break Up

When I returned to my residence, Chang Yuli was sitting in my room, holding a bubble gun in each hand and making aiming movements. He finally got the gun back, so he He became the only satisfied person this night.

I threw the coat I took off casually on the sofa, and then fell heavily on the bed. I hadn't closed my eyes yet, but my mind was already full of what Lu Xi looked like, and what she had just said to me. ; It turns out that I am no longer a scumbag in her heart, and she even appreciates me a little, but what she appreciates is the me I used to be. This makes me even more tired of myself now. I am hiding in such a small city, almost I turned myself into a pig. There seemed to be nothing I had to do in my life. I had no goals and I didn’t want to go to many places. I became poorer and pooped everywhere...

Chang Yu pointed one of the bubble guns at me, and then said nonchalantly: "Brother Chao, I finally know why Zuo Xiaowei, who is admired by all the stars here, is no longer your favorite."


“The first time I saw Deer Creek, I knew it.”

This is a fact and there is nothing to refute, so I chose to remain silent.

"Do you know why I told Lu Xi what you said in the dream?"

"Because you are a big fool and have zero emotional intelligence."

"No, I feel sorry for Xiaowei. I don't want you to provoke another woman who is not the woman you truly love, but the woman who truly loves you... The moment I saw Lu Xi, I felt like I was dreaming. She is a big star, but she comes to a small city like ours, where [-]th-tier starlets have to negotiate for prices. You know better than me why she came here... I think you are not ordinary friends. She is a capable person. The woman who makes you dream, with such a woman in your heart, even if Xiaowei gives her heart to you, even if there are not those messy conflicts, you will still be unhappy here with us."

I sat up from the bed, looked at Chang Yuli, and wanted to say something, but felt that nothing was appropriate, so I fell heavily on the bed again.

"Brother Chao, what did you do to regret her? It's really regrettable to be able to bring this matter into your dream."

"Stop asking, let me be quiet for a while."

"Brother Chao, are you really a great person? Why would a woman like Lu Xi come all the way to our small town just for you?... She must have a crush on you, right?"

"I don't want to talk to you about personal matters now, I just want to talk to you about business matters... Please make arrangements quickly. I want to meet with your dad and talk about operating the scenic spot. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. "

Chang Yuli finally calmed down and replied seriously: "If you think it's better to do it sooner rather than later, I'll make an appointment to meet with my dad tomorrow."


"How do you plan to run this scenic spot?"

"When I talk to your dad tomorrow, listen carefully... By the way, get up early tomorrow morning and prepare two hoes and shovels. We will go to the entrance of the scenic spot to clear away the dead grass."

"We don't need to do this kind of thing ourselves. We can just find a specialized cleaning company to do it."

"No, we have to do it ourselves. This is the best opportunity for you to express your attitude to your dad. You really can't be like you used to be. Your dad's generation are all self-made entrepreneurs. What kind of spirit do they like? You should have a good idea in your mind... Moreover, starting a business is definitely difficult. If you are not even willing to endure this little hardship, then let’s not do this. I will honestly open a musical instrument training class in a small town. You can continue to teach you. Dad is driving, so we pretend we have never met each other."

"No, Brother Chao, don't be discouraged by my attitude. From now on, I will listen to you."

"Then you go up and go to bed quickly, don't look for entertainment here."

"Okay, I'll go up right now... I'll put your gun on the table for you." "Yeah."

I responded and then closed my eyes. Just when I thought Chang Yuli had left, he suddenly said to me in a serious and low voice: "Brother Chao, if Xiaowei contacts you Yes, please remember to tell me, I am also worried about her."

I had so many mixed feelings that I replied after a moment of silence: "Okay."


Chang Yuli finally left, and I finally took out the mobile phone that I had neglected for a long time from my pocket. I still didn't wait for Zuo Xiaowei's reply.

This made me start to think wildly. I imagined a lot of situations related to her, and then I thought of Lu Xi inexplicably, and the agreement between us. She could really turn the dusk into a piece of letter paper, and then let me write The curse in your heart?

Don't be kidding me. Even if I tried my best, I couldn't think of a way that seemed to require magical powers. I was just deliberately making things difficult for her, hoping that she would give up.


Not long after I put down the phone, it made a vibrating sound. I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly picked up the phone. However, it was still not from Zuo Xiaowei, but from Qiao Jiao, who was far away across the ocean. She asked me : "Has Luxi reached your place?"


"Has she already tricked you out of the shameful thing between you and Luan Yu?"

"Not yet, but I think her asking me to write a song was just a pretense. She said she wanted me to write this forced hardship into the song. How should I write it?"

"Haha, this is really her style... But speaking of it, there is really no way to write this matter into a song, because the amount of information is too much, and it is almost enough to be written into a novel. Aren't those bloody novels very popular nowadays? Maybe you can make a lot of money from this."

"Stop gloating about others' misfortunes. This is really my inner demon. I know it's wrong, but I just can't say it." (Follow the author Wei Xing's public account: ***, reply "Lu Xi" or "Qiao "Jiao" can view the photos of the protagonist! You can also view the latest chapters! Participate in the event to get a signed book from the author.)
This time, it took a long time for Qiao Jiao to reply to the message: "If you can be honest with Lu Xi about this matter, I will not study abroad. I will come back from abroad."

"What does this matter have to do with whether you are studying abroad?"

"If you can overcome your inner demons, then I can also overcome mine. My biggest inner demon is that I am afraid that my father will cut off my financial resources... Moreover, you have already confessed your bad things. , I don’t have to feel ashamed of Lu Xi and Lu Ming anymore, so why can’t I go back?”

Qiao Jiao's way of thinking is really a bit different from ordinary people, but her words are inexplicably tempting to me.It seems that as long as I tell this secret that I have been holding on to, everything can go back to the past. We are as happy in Qingdao as before, living an undistinguished life in Qingdao, but we still have ideals, persistence, excitement, and humanity. Son, there are bars, feasting, and the sound of the sea to accompany you to sleep...

In addition to these, there is Ren Ran who regards me as his biological brother... But after such a secret is revealed, can Lu Xi and I really go back to the past?And will this really not become a knot in her heart?

Just when I was thinking about this, my phone vibrated again. I thought it was Qiao Jiao saying something to me again, but this time it was a message from Zuo Xiaowei.

"Han Chao, let's break up. It seems like we've never really been together. I'll give you freedom, let you go where you want to go and like who you want to like... I won't use this number anymore. You don’t need to try to contact me, because I know it hurts when I hit the wall, and I know I’m scared when I see the coffin.”

(End of this chapter)

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