i'm not a bad man

Chapter 206 Absolute Power

Chapter 206 Absolute Power
The night outside the window was like ink, and in the room only the screen of my mobile phone was shining with weak fluorescence, and I lost my mind at this weak fluorescence. No, this is not fluorescence, it is a conveyance of emotion, and I am the one who receives it. Signal person, I don’t know where Zuo Xiaowei is at this moment, but I can feel her mood. She has no anger, only endless fatigue and despair...

Perhaps, she was standing beside a certain river, watching the running water, and the only hope in her heart was to let the water take away her despair and those painful memories.

Thinking of her past experiences and situations, I couldn't help but feel a sense of suffocation. I subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch the cigarette case, but I retracted my hands empty. I smoked too much today and I have no cigarettes anymore.

In a daze, my spirit suddenly became highly tense again. I quickly dialed Zuo Xiaowei's number, but just like what she said in the message, she completely gave up on this phone number, just like giving up on her unbearable life. past...

I couldn't contact her at all, on such a deep night.


My sleep began to become very bad. I tossed and turned in bed until it was almost dawn. I only slept for about two or three hours when I was woken up by Chang Yuli. He held two Standing next to my bed with a shovel and two hoes...

I had too little sleep, and I couldn't help but feel angry, but then I suddenly remembered that I asked him to prepare the shovel and hoe, and we agreed to go to the entrance of the scenic spot to clean up the dead grass and weeds together this morning.

Of course, you must have the determination to overcome difficulties and laziness in your career. I only struggled on the bed for a moment and then sat up.After wiping my face heavily, I entered a fast-paced state. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth and had a meal. Then before nine o'clock, I and Chang Yuli arrived at the dilapidated and unpopular scenic spot.

After Chang Yuli and I each divided an area, we worked hard with almost no rest. When it was almost noon, we finally cleaned up the entrance of the scenic spot, and the two of us sat on the steps of the ticket office. , each lit a cigarette.

Chang Yuli spoke to me first: "Brother Chao, my dad just called me back and said he could meet with us in the afternoon."

"If it's convenient, please invite your dad to come to the scenic spot to talk in detail. We can talk about it while we walk. If there are any problems, we can tell them more intuitively."

"You and my dad thought about it together, and he means the same thing."

I nodded, and then organized my thoughts in my mind so that when I met Chang Yuli's father in the afternoon, I could accurately and efficiently express some of my thoughts about this scenic spot.

Chang Yuli had no such intention. He turned to me and asked: "By the way, Brother Chao, do you have any news about Xiaowei?"

I stared at him blankly for a long time before replying: "She sent me a message last night."

"What did you say?"

I didn't know how to tell it, so I took out the phone and let Chang Yuli see it for himself; Chang Yuli seemed to realize something, and he took the phone from my hand with a solemn expression.

"We're breaking up now?"

I took a deep breath of cigarette and replied: "For Xiaowei, there is no choice. For me, I want to try again, but she no longer gives me the chance to try..." After a pause, I Then he said with some sadness: "Her passing has completely confirmed that we made a big mistake in coming to live in a small town!"

“Where did the problem begin?”

"I don't want to remember it anymore."

I was a little shy about talking about it, but Chang Yuli was very concerned about it. He said to me: "I heard that on the first day you came to the small town, Xiaowei's parents went there because they didn't want to see you. Xi'an?"

After pondering for a while, I nodded and replied: "It does happen."

"Later, it was said that you were going to sing at Xiaowei's friend's bar. This matter was also messed up?"


"Later, a pair of bracelets you brought were lost, and you suspected that her uncle had taken them away."

"There are only two people living in the house, me and him. On the premise that no third person has entered the house, shouldn't I doubt him?...Actually, I really don't want to argue with him, I just want to get it back. That pair of bracelets was given to me by a very important person. She hoped that the pair of bracelets could help me tide over the difficulties when I encountered difficulties. I wanted to sell the pair of bracelets to help Xiaowei solve her problems. The contract dispute left over from BJ can be regarded as making the best use of everything... My idea is very simple, but because of the lost bracelet, a lot of messy opinions were involved, which intensified the conflict between Xiaowei and I... I I shouldn't have used cold violence against her, and let her search all the hotels and hotels in the city alone in the middle of the night... I regret it when I think of this incident."

As I talked, I remembered how Zuo Xiaowei looked pale because of the strong cold air when she found me. That night, her hands were very cold, and they remained cold until the moment we were entangled in the bed, and this time It's also my last memory of her.

Cold, cold to the bone!

Chang Yuli fell into silence at first, and then said after a long time: "Xiaowei's uncle must have compared you with Guan Yubo." "How do you know?"

"You guessed it, I am often compared with Guan Yubo by others. I can understand the feeling of anger but helplessness... Her uncle will definitely compare you with Guan Yubo... After Xiaowei left the small town In the past few years, her uncle often asked Guan Yubo to borrow money. Guan Yubo basically responded to all requests. For her uncle, Guan Yubo was a money tree... But since you came, her uncle asked Guan Yubo to borrow money again. , it didn’t work, Guan Yubo not only refused to borrow it, but also forced him to pay back the money he owed before."

I looked at Chang Yuli and was surprised: "How do you know these things?"

"I have many friends who hang out with him. We talked about this matter while chatting." After a pause, Chang Yuli said to me again: "Brother Chao, just forget it between you and Xiaowei. ...You are in a small town. Not only is the external environment unfavorable to you, but you also have many problems yourself. Xiaowei is the only one who can support you. How long can she last?... Xiaowei and I have been classmates and classmates for so many years. My friend, I understand her. If you risk your life to find her, no matter how painful she is now, as long as you appear in front of her, she will still go with you. The problem is that after you leave, your conflicts will be gone. Does it exist?... Why not take this opportunity to let her give up completely, so as not to be entangled in it and become more and more painful in the future."

I couldn't believe that these words came from Chang Yuli's mouth. He seemed to have suddenly become enigmatic. I was not used to his change, so I didn't respond for a long time.

It was during this process that a Maybach sedan drove up from a distance. The license plate number was all 6, which is a symbol of identity and status. Even though the car hadn’t stopped beside us, I had already guessed that the person coming was Chang Yu. Lee's father.

They agreed to meet in the afternoon, but he came at noon, which shows that this scenic spot has indeed become a concern for him.


Chang Yuli and his father are almost carved from the same mold, but their temperaments are different. Before Chang Yuli had the surgery, his eyes were always a little distracted when looking at people, but his father's eyes were sharp. Like a knife, he didn't even need to speak, he already knew that he was a ruthless character who struggled in the mall and finally stood at the top of the pyramid.

Chang Yuli's father put his hands behind his back, first looked at the new appearance of the entrance to the scenic spot, then looked at the weeding tools we placed beside the steps, and then asked: "You all removed these dead grass and weeds. ?”

"Yes, Uncle Chang."

Chang Yuli's father set his sights on me, nodded and said, "How can you sweep the world if you don't sweep one house? You have some spirit in your young man who wants to do a good job."

I smiled and he said to me again: "Listen to Yu Li, do you want to clean up this mess?"

"Uncle Chang, this is Yu Li's idea. I'm just helping him from the side... He said that this scenic spot has become a worry in your heart. If you can bring this scenic spot back to life, you will be very happy and will also be happy for him. Amazing... He has been waiting for an opportunity to prove himself in front of you. For him, there is no better opportunity than this. I also think this is a very reliable thing, so I volunteered to work with him. Let’s do this together.”

Chang Yuli's father first looked at Chang Yuli, then looked up at the road that leads directly to the heights of the scenic spot. After a while, he nodded and said to me and Chang Yuli: "Let's walk to the heights."

Chang Yuli and I followed closely behind him, but he asked us to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. After we stood shoulder to shoulder, he asked me again: "Do you have any experience in cultural tourism projects before?"

"No, I have never been exposed to this industry."

"Then where does your confidence come from?"

"I come from a well-informed background. I have been to all cities in the country except XJ, and I have met many friends who are engaged in this industry. When necessary, my vision and network resources can be put to use, and I also have the ability. To integrate these resources, we will ultimately make this scenic spot unique to the town."

Chang Yuli's father stopped and seemed to be judging whether what I said was the truth or a lie. I didn't avoid his eyes and still looked at him with confidence.

After pondering for a while, Chang Yuli's father asked: "If I hand over this scenic spot to you to operate, how much funding do you need from me to completely revitalize it?"

"The infrastructure of the scenic spot is all there, so I won't ask you for a penny. I just want absolute power from you, so that I can transform this scenic spot..."

"Absolute power?"

"Well, absolute power... I have many ideas for transformation in my mind. If I don't have absolute power, I will definitely encounter a lot of resistance, so I need you to absolutely support me in this request."

"First tell me your thoughts on transformation. I'm deciding whether to give you this absolute power."

We just chatted and walked to the heights of the scenic spot, and time passed by little by little. In the brief distraction, I remembered the agreement between myself and Lu Xi. After the afternoon, we Dusk will come. Can she really turn this dusk into a piece of writing paper for me to write the secrets hidden in my heart?

This time, I will never break my promise. If she can really do this completely impossible thing, I will write down the secret between myself and Luan Yu on this piece of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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