i'm not a bad man

Chapter 246 Bonfire Party

Chapter 246 Bonfire Party
Director Wang specially emphasized his identity. The purpose must be to dispel the doubts of some participants. This is equivalent to an official statement. That is, this statement finally changed the history of Danangou Scenic Area. This is what I have been committed to. One thing I did, when it was realized in such a way, I felt a sense of self-identity in my heart. I never thought that seriously doing a career of my own would also bring happiness to others. I feel such a strong sense of joy. This sense of joy is also a signal, telling me that I am already on the road to success. As long as my footsteps do not stop and my spirit does not slack off, I will definitely be successful one day in the future. Go to the end and pick your own fruits of victory.


After Director Wang's statement, there was a brief silence, and then a local boss who was invited by Chang Yuli said, "Now that Director Wang has spoken, I also feel that this operational idea and direction has great potential." The feasibility... In the past six months, I have been looking for a suitable place to invest in a large-scale boutique B&B... I have gone to negotiate with several popular scenic spots near the city, and their asking prices are not low. If I If you want to choose the land yourself, the price will be higher... I thought about it again and again, can I change my mind and find some relatively unpopular scenic spots to do this?... In fact, it is possible, B&B is different from Hotels and B&Bs can be small attractions in themselves if they are done well. There have been many successful cases of this in Dali and Mogan Mountain, especially Mogan Mountain. It was not a very famous scenic spot in the past, because later With a variety of B&Bs, they have attracted a large number of tourists and media attention, which has made Moganshan a scenic spot. This is a typical successful case of B&Bs driving the scenic spot... The natural conditions our Danangou Scenic Area has, It's no worse than Moganshan, but it lacks some humanistic things... Just think of it as a humanistic wasteland. Since it's pioneering, there must be pioneers... I'm willing to be this pioneer." He paused for a moment. , he raised his arms and said: "I want to invest 2000 million in Danangou, build a boutique B&B, and become the first pioneers of this scenic spot!... Brother Han, I don’t have any other requirements, I just hope that I can give him I’ll leave a good piece of land.”

I was a little surprised, after all, it was an investment of 2000 million, so after being in a daze for a while, I replied: "Brother, I will definitely leave you a good piece of land."

With Black Foot and this local practitioner taking the lead in demonstrating, and with the official recognition from Director Wang, those who originally had doubts gradually dispelled their doubts, and they began to turn from discussion to consultation, consulting here. I am not an expert on land policies, construction costs, etc., so most of the questions were answered by Chang Tianming.

Director Wang also participated. He suggested that we find a suitable time to count the idle land in Danangou, and then hold a bidding meeting, one land for one price, so that interested investors can choose the land they need. , this will be more standardized and transparent.

This is certainly a good suggestion, and it also proves that Director Wang is indeed concerned about this matter. On the other hand, I am afraid that it is also because he is disgusted with Guan Yubo's attempt to monopolize the small town's tourism market that he gives us such strong support. And this is what Chang Tianming hopes to see. He even wants to use Director Wang's voice to stop Guan Yubo's road expansion project...

All of this started when I wanted to revive the Danangou Scenic Area, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a confrontation between me and Guan Yubo; I was not willing to be Chang Tianming's chess piece, but the current situation was such that I had no choice but to do it. Fa, and to take a step back, Chang Tianming is not my chess piece. I am also using his scenic spots to realize my own value. Besides, there is no business in this world without fighting. If you want to stand on a high place and enjoy the scenery, you have to There are a few stepping stones... After thinking about it this way, I calmly accepted this situation.

Inadvertently, I saw Zuo Xiaowei sitting next to Guan Yubo again, and I couldn't help but sigh again. She and I were really two different people; at first, she hoped that I could use Guan Yubo's power in the small town to do this. Some things happened, but as time went by, I accidentally followed Chang Tianming and his son, and stood on the opposite side of Guan Yubo... I can’t tell if this was fate, but it did make me and Zuo Xiao There seems to be no tacit understanding between Wei and Wei. The price and result of this lack of tacit understanding is endless sorrow and regret.

She is already Guan Yubo's woman, and I am Guan Yubo's enemy. To a certain extent, we are also enemies, but not long ago, we were the two people who came to the small town with great expectations.


Putting aside these distracting thoughts in my mind, I whispered to Chang Yuli, who was sitting next to me, and asked: "Who is the boss who just wanted to invest 2000 million?"

Chang Yu replied in a softer voice than mine: "That's my dad's, and the 2000 million was also invested by my dad... My dad said that what we are doing now is essentially an investment attraction, and it must be done Only by forming a herd effect can we get twice the result with half the effort.”

"Damn, he turned out to be a shill. No wonder what he said sounded so familiar...I said these words to your dad, and your dad said them to him."

Chang Yuli smiled and said: "It's not a shill. My dad is very optimistic about you. He said that from the time you went to Director Wang to ask for the bus route, he knew that you were a capable person. He was really prepared." Invest 2000 million to build the industry's first B&B in the scenic area to help you revive Danangou Scenic Area."

I nodded, and I couldn't help but feel a little admiration for Chang Tianming. He is indeed a very courageous person in doing things, and I really need his support, his 2000 million, and Blackfoot's investment. , which can be regarded as two reassurances and two perfect demonstrations. They have kicked off the revitalization of Danangou Scenic Area with such a large-scale investment. Other investors will definitely be tempted. This is what Chang Tianming calls the herd effect... Presumably, back then, Moganshan is what it is today because of such enterprising pioneers. …

The bonfire party officially began in this exciting atmosphere, and the staff began to distribute various wines and roasted mutton to everyone; facing such a cold night, what else could be better than a bonfire? , fine wine, and roasted lamb are more attractive?

As the host, I also sat under the bonfire with my guitar and sang to cheers...

I didn't invite, but the women who could dance at the scene gathered around me in a tacit understanding, embellishing my singing with their dance movements, and embellishing this increasingly exciting night... Even Lu Xi was also attracted by Qiao. Jiao La came to my side. They must have had the experience of learning dance together, so they were able to dance a couple dance full of tacit understanding, and soon became the focus of everyone's eyes.

The appearance of Lu Xi also gave everyone great confidence, because she was my guest, and it also reflected my connections to a certain extent. The most important thing for pioneering is connections. When so many capable friends are doing it for me, for Coming to this scenic spot, who would question the revival of the scenic spot?

The only ones who were silent were Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei, especially Guan Yubo. He originally wanted to ask Luxi to be the spokesperson to expand the popularity of his scenic spot, but before the endorsement started, Luxi came with great participation. When he comes to my side, he becomes my help invisibly, and of course he will feel unbalanced.

So, after drinking, Chang Yuli said something in my ear again. He said: He has never seen such a lonely Guan Yubo, and he has never seen anyone who can outshine Guan Yubo, but I did it. It gave him the pleasure of getting revenge.

He knew Guan Yubo, so not long after he said these words, Guan Yubo came to me and Chang Tianming, said a few polite words, and left with Zuo Xiaowei on an excuse.


This night, my friends headed by Blackfoot launched a very strong offensive against me. I gradually began to feel drunk. For a person who is not easily drunk, this is a feeling worth pursuing, but But I am trying hard to stay sober and avoiding unnecessary drinks, because the shadow of Luxi has always been in my mind.

She told me that she was going back to BJ after attending my bonfire party, so this was our last night together. I hope that my remaining consciousness can allow us to avoid the hustle and bustle and gain a relationship that only belongs to the two of us. time.

During this period of time, I will definitely forget Luan Yu and the helplessness of not being able to get close...

(End of this chapter)

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