i'm not a bad man

Chapter 247 My sorrow is her troubles

Chapter 247 My sorrow is her troubles
This is a night where no one can refuse to indulge. Even Lu Xi drank a lot of wine with Qiao Jiao. When I came to them, Qiao Jiao was already eighty drunk, and Lu Xi also let go Now, she was surrounded by Ren Ran and Tu Lin, playing the drinking game I taught them before the last concert; as for Qin Minhong, who has always been inseparable from Lu Xi, she is really a sociable person, and at this moment she is Director Wang and Chang Tianming were talking happily while drinking. They looked a little drunker than Qiao Jiao.

For me, this is of course a good thing. She was completely drunk, and Lu Xi and I had more space to get along. But in the face of everyone who was very interested, how should I take her away?
My ability to drink is my biggest advantage. I simply sat down in the middle of the crowd, picked up the bottle, and joined the game. I changed to a faster-paced game. After two rounds, I learned this familiar game. A group of people drank a lot, especially Ren Ran and Qiao Jiao. The two of them leaned together, drunk and blurred, talking about the trivialities of life and complaining about my shortcomings. But in the end, they gave me their blessings together, they said I will definitely be able to make a career here, especially Ren Ran, who made it clear for the first time that it was right for me to leave Qingdao, because she saw my talent and ability on this stage, and this is a job that will make her happy. I feel excited about the cause, because this scenic spot, like me, is redeeming itself, riding the wind and waves, and the wind and sea water are a kind of baptism, washing away our past, washing away our pain, and finally, with a brand-new attitude, in The town’s tourism economy has left a mark in its history.

Renran really drank too much and even used her broadcasting voice, which made me a little embarrassed. In my mind, she is not a woman who loses her temper easily. She has always been reserved, but if you think about it carefully, she It’s not wrong for me to compare it to Danangou Scenic Area. Before the tourism economy prevailed in the town, it was the best scenic spot in the town, but later it fell into the wave of marketization; think about my past, think about my Due to family changes, our trajectories really overlapped. Although we are one person and one thing, it is not suitable to make analogies, but it is a great fate to meet in this city and jointly undertake the mission of revival.

So, I put aside the embarrassment in my heart, nodded heavily to Ren Ran, and said in her ear: "Sister Ran, if my idea can be successfully implemented, there will definitely be many homestay projects in the scenic area. If you are in If Qingdao is not happy, just bring Xiaoguang and the others here, and I will leave you the best project."

I said it euphemistically, but Ren Ran will definitely understand. The reason why she is unhappy in Qingdao is because she has been clinging to Lin Shengen to take over the project, but she is obviously tired of this relationship. In the dead of night, she must be thinking It is also very contradictory. Conflict is the source of unhappiness. If I could replace Lin Sheng'en and help her in her career, she would not have to be so conflicted and painful.

Ren Ran smiled and said to me: "I'm really happy to see such a change in you... However, I can't leave Qingdao for the time being. I still remember the tourist town I told you about. Project?... They have decided to give me this project... I asked my friend to do an evaluation. If this project is done well, I will not make less money... When I make enough money... …”

Renran stopped, she looked at me, and after pondering for a while, she spoke again: "When I make enough money, I want to take my parents to immigrate abroad. For me, the only way is to stay away from the source of pain." , my life can really start again.”

I fell into silence. Silence is because I have equated Qingdao with Ren Ran to a certain extent. If she also chooses to leave Qingdao, it will take away my sense of belonging to the city of Qingdao, because in Qingdao, there are only She treats me as a family member from the bottom of her heart.

Just when I was silent, Ren Ran turned to Lu Xi next to him and said, "Xiao Lu, don't you have to get up early to go back to BJ tomorrow? Let Han Chao take you back to the hotel to rest."

This is Ren Ran, who always knows what I am thinking and what I need, but when Lu Xi stood up and was about to leave with me, I felt inexplicably uncomfortable because Ren Ran also came all the way for me, but I He didn't spend time with her, or even have a meal alone with her.


I didn’t ask Chang Yuli’s friend to drive us to the hotel where Lu Xi was staying. When we passed the bus stop where Lu Xi and I first met, I asked him to drop us off. I thought this was A great place to chat as it is quiet, especially late at night.

I lit a cigarette out of habit and took a deep breath. I asked Lu Xi, who was sitting next to me, "Sister Lu, did you drink too much tonight?"

Lu Xi put the back of his hand on his face, took a deep breath and said to me: "I seem to have drunk too much, but I am very happy."

After saying that, she turned to look at me. Her eyes were a little blurry, with a little smile in the blur, as if she was praising this night and this experience; my mood fluctuated because of this, and then turned into impulsive. , but this impulse has nothing to do with possession. Instead, I want to give her the most beautiful words in the world, such as the autumn moon and spring breeze, such as Kunshan jade, such as beautiful flowers and full moon...

These are what I saw in her blurred eyes, sometimes warm, sometimes magnificent, sometimes strange and beautiful.

Just when I wanted to respond, she took away the cigarette from my hand, tried hard to stay awake and said to me: "Are there two people living in your body? One is you before, and the other is you now. Of you..."

"Why do you ask?" "Because you are very handsome because you are serious about your career."

This is the first time Lu Xi and I have known each other for so long that she has used the word "handsome" to describe me. This surprised me because the circle she is in is the place where there is no shortage of handsome men. She should have been tired of aesthetics long ago, but she said the word "handsome" to me. Does she still have a sense of this word?
Based on this doubt, I asked her rather embarrassedly: "Are there any handsome male celebrities in your circle?"

"When I say handsome, I mean a kind of personality charm, not appearance... I think everyone seems to like getting along with you and is willing to trust you."

"But when we first met, you regarded me as an outlaw."

"So, I said there are two people in your body..." After a short pause, she said to me seriously: "If your parents can see your performance today, they will definitely be happy... I know this It’s a thorn in your side, you haven’t seen them in a long time.”

I didn't expect that Lu Xi would take the initiative to talk to me about my parents. This was indeed a thorn in my heart, especially on a day like this. I thought of them several times and their expectations for me, but there was no way to let them go. When they saw me like this, their pricks turned into regrets, and regrets turned into secrets. Of course, secrets should be kept deep in their hearts. I thought no one would see through it, but Lu Xi was the only one who could see through it.

Looking up at the infinitely large and silent sky, I nodded and said, "I miss them very much. I haven't seen them in four years."

"Have you ever thought that maybe they are no longer in the country and have immigrated abroad?"

I looked at Lu Xi and was surprised. I didn’t know how she came to this conclusion. At this time, she lowered her voice and said to me: "The night before yesterday, I sent a Weibo message to help you find them." The whereabouts of... But I have so many fans on Weibo, but no one has news about them. Then some fans reminded me whether they went abroad... I also think that the probability of going abroad is very high, otherwise four years have passed. They will always go back to where you lived before. As long as they go back, someone will see them..."

I was even more surprised. I didn't expect that Lu Xi would post such a Weibo out of regret in my heart. You must know that a celebrity's Weibo is a commercial tool and is absolutely prohibited from being used for private matters.

"Why are you doing this for me?"

"I want them to see you at the bonfire party... Unfortunately, this idea fell through." Satellite public account ***, has been updated to chapter [-]
After saying that, Lu Xi hugged her knees and looked at the endless night sky, as if my sorrow was her trouble.

Just when we were all immersed in such a state, a light suddenly shot out from the distance, and the roar of the engine pierced the tranquility here.

Lu Xi and I subconsciously covered our eyes with our hands, trying to block the strong light, until a white van parked beside us, and then there was a harsh sound of opening the door, and we saw several strong men holding iron rods. , immediately jumped out of the car...

(End of this chapter)

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