i'm not a bad man

Chapter 250 I just want to be an ordinary woman

Chapter 250 I just want to be an ordinary woman
The heavy snow outside the window and the heater in the house are actually the situation between Lu Xi and me at this moment. Although our clothes are still wet, the fire is already burning. This blend of water and fire will definitely bring spiritual excitement. I felt a pleasant feeling. When I looked at Lu Xi’s increasingly rosy face, the picture I imagined seemed to become more real...

If that happens one day, which city will we live in?
Just when I was thinking about this, Lu Xi, who was relieved a little, asked me: "Why can your lighter still ignite after being soaked in water?"

I put the lighter in my hand for Lu Xi to see, and then said: "This is the lighter that Luan Yu once gave me. At that time, we were always on the road and would encounter various emergencies. In order to ensure that there is always a fire source, she gave me a waterproof and windproof lighter... We did encounter many emergencies along the way, but this lighter has never really come in use. I have always All brought to light cigarettes.”

"But today, it saved us... It seems that many things are really destined."

I nodded, and I couldn't help but feel a strong resonance in my heart. Who would have thought that the person who saved us turned out to be the lighter given to me by Luan Yu, but Luan Yu was indeed standing between us. Obstacles that can never be overcome.


The originally burning flame gradually became weaker. Fortunately, the carbonized straw still emitted enough heat to keep us warm, so we had no worries for the time being. However, this is not a place to stay for a long time. After these straws are completely burned, , we will return to the previous situation.

Lu Xi is still in my arms, my hair has dried, and her hair is still damp. I know she is uncomfortable, so I keep stroking her hair gently, trying to make her feel better...

This is a kind of tenderness. I can't understand what Lu Xi is feeling now, but it has already warmed myself first, so my imprisoned thoughts seem to have been pried open a crack, and these still burning flames are the light. Brighten my light, let me say to Lu Xi in my arms with clarity: "If, I mean if, if there is no Luan Yu between us, no your brother... I confess to you now, will you agree to me? ?”

Lu Xi turned to look at me. Her breath was very close to me. It was as fresh as an orchid, with a hint of the hallucinogenic fragrance of wine. This night, like all of us, she drank wine, but she didn’t. Drunk like indulgence... At this moment, I really hope that she is drunk, because only when she is drunk, her consciousness will not have so many disgusting restrictions. Of course, I hope that she can tell me the truth. If If I am not willing to tell the truth even for such a hypothesis, then I will look quite pathetic in this relationship that I have always been chasing.

Lu Xi's silence made me a little panicked, so I stopped looking at her and looked at the lake. The lake was red by the fire, and the outline of my face was surrounded by this red fire, which made me feel a little sad...

I think this matter is too simple. Even without Luan Yu, she is still the most popular star at present. Stars either marry late or join a wealthy family. I have never heard of any star who would do it when he is at his peak. At that time, she pinned her emotional needs on an ordinary person, not to mention her life experience is much better than that of ordinary celebrities. Her father is a department-level cadre of a state-owned enterprise, and her mother, I heard, is also a very good person. An outstanding entrepreneur, she really has too many choices to choose from in her life and relationships. Why should she choose me, a man like me who has no home and even his parents’ whereabouts are unknown?

Thinking of this, I almost put Pu Xinnan's hat on my head. I seem to be too confident about feelings. Not every woman will love me unconditionally like Zuo Xiaowei.


Just when I was thinking wildly, Lu Xi finally said softly to me: "I will promise you..." I could hardly believe my ears. I turned around stupidly, and then looked at Lu Xi stupidly, and suddenly The feeling of surprise occupied my spiritual world like a blowout. There was really only Luan Yu and Lu Ming between us. Although we have such differences and differences, I still expressed my feelings in a quiet way. The gesture entered her heart...

She will not lie to me, and this is not a word of comfort, because we have just experienced a thrilling escape from death. This kind of experience will definitely make people become real, because all the lies will disappear in the face of such an experience. It would all look ridiculous and meaningless.

I raised my head, feeling very excited. In this long journey of life, I finally waited for the moment I had dreamed of. She is the only woman I can't help but like in my dreams.

My consciousness was almost overwhelmed by this surging surprise, which made me forget all the obstacles. I held her in my arms and kissed her cheeks and back of her neck. She didn't respond or refuse, but she hugged me. Hug me tighter...

It wasn't until a reed that had been burned down to its roots fell into the fire, and a flame as tall as a man burst out, burning my skin, that I suddenly came back to my senses.

I held Lu Xi's shoulders with both hands. Her hair was almost dry. A gust of wind passed by, making the burning straw crackle and blowing her hair. At this time, she She smiled at me, and this smile erased all the doubts in my heart, because I could see that she was also very happy...

I have been addicted to her beautiful face and can't extricate myself. This is a scene that can only be found in comics. It makes my spirit happy to the extreme, as if I am wandering in an endless sea of ​​flowers. Every step I take is like a flower. The scenery will never be repeated. It turns out that even happiness has levels. When a person is extremely happy, he will really become hallucinogenic, intoxicated, and unable to extricate himself.

I finally spoke: "A few days ago, when I couldn't sleep at night, I habitually checked Zhihu. There was a post on it asking what it would be like to have a celebrity girlfriend... Of course celebrities also talk about it. When you fall in love, you also need to get married, so someone must be able to answer this question... Unfortunately, that post was questioned by everyone, saying it was an unrealistic fantasy... At that time, I really wanted to leave a message to refute it, but now I can’t When I think about this incident, I have another thought... The louder the voice of this kind of doubt, the luckier I am... because this extremely small probability thing has really happened to me, and it is still a Such an outstanding and beautiful female star... So, what is it like to have a celebrity girlfriend?"

Lu Xi thought for a while and replied: "You have to watch movies with me, go shopping with me, and go to many, many places with me. When I am busy, remember to wash my clothes and remember what I like to eat. , remember my birthday, remember to reply in time when I send you a message, even if you don’t like the gift I gave you, remember to say you like it..."

After pondering for a while, I replied: "Even a very ordinary woman would think so."

"In front of you, I just want to be an ordinary woman."

My defense was broken, completely broken. I wanted to cry, but my heart was filled with endless regret. If there were no Luan Yu and Lu Ming, I would definitely reply to that post: There are no celebrity girlfriends, only girlfriends. If She really loves you, and she will definitely turn herself into an ordinary person to accompany you and cherish you!

(End of this chapter)

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