i'm not a bad man

Chapter 290 Very Important Chapter

Chapter 290 Very Important Words

I have gone through many relationships in my life, and each girlfriend likes different things. In my memory, to make my first girlfriend happy, I had to spend a lot of money on her, take her to high-end Western restaurants, live in Five-star hotels, buying her all kinds of brand-name bags and cosmetics, especially on some important days. To this day, I still remember the way we got along, but I don’t know if she, who has reached the age of marriage, has anything to do with her. During that relationship of mine, I infinitely magnified my requirements for choosing a mate. I was a little worried about her, always afraid that I would satisfy her appetite too much and then not be able to find a satisfactory partner; after my first love, it was Luan Yu, Luan Yu. Yu is a woman with a sense of worry, so her happiness comes from my lies. I will tell her that when I get tired of walking one day, maybe I will also consider stopping, marrying her and having children, but this is just Maybe, it's a hypothesis, so the happiness Luan Yu gets from me always seems incomplete, even mixed with confusion; and then there is Zuo Xiaowei, Zuo Xiaowei's happiness comes from her fantasy about me, I imagined that I could take her to a distant place to repeat the experience I had with Luan Yu... But the fantasy was just a fantasy after all, and in the end it burst like a bubble.

I shouldn't have thought of this when I was holding Lu Xi, but the falling snowflakes would always bring back some past events, and these past events would make me think about Lu Xi at this moment. She would like what I said. , and feel happy and fulfilled because of it?
Apart from her, I have never been so soft and emotional towards a woman, so much so that I feel nauseated when I think about it afterwards. But when I picked her up, I really had a home in my heart, and this home can be in the cow. On the grassland with flocks of sheep, or by the beach with the gentle sea breeze. If it is in an inaccessible desert, I am not afraid, because what really fascinates people is love itself. In a beautiful environment, that is The icing on the cake is that it will make me tougher in a harsh environment. In short, it is all good, good wind, good scenery, and a good mood!

In the wind and snow, I hugged Lu Xi tighter, because I knew that after leaving this situation, it would be difficult to continue this feeling, so a kind of greed grew in my heart. I wanted to rely on Closer, even wanting to possess...

Greed is an emotion that is easily hallucinogenic. Coupled with drinking some wine, all the beautiful scenes about Luxi appeared in my mind like a movie replay, and then made me feel like I was dreaming. Did I really hold her in my arms?
This woman with the aura of stardom.

This was not a dream. Her breath, her heartbeat, and even her overwhelmed but powerless expression all appeared clearly in my senses...

"Han Chao, don't be like this..."

Lu Xi suddenly grabbed the clothes around my neck with his hands and tried to get rid of my embrace. Before that, I was sure that we both had the urge to get closer, because eyes can't deceive people.

This change made me feel shocked. I finally let go of Lu Xi. At the same time, I felt a numb feeling in both arms. I held her for at least 2 minutes. If she didn't resist, one more second and I would I can't help but kiss her.

Lu Xi sat on the chair and covered her face with her hands. After a while, she tied all her messy hair behind her ears and looked at me with a conflicting look...

And I also realized that until now, we still haven't found a perfect balance between Luan Yu and Lu Ming, so this short-term happiness and confusion are just stolen by me.

I let out a heavy breath, then sat down on another low bench, and lit a cigarette, feeling filled with the annoyance of waking up.

Lu Xi finally spoke to me and said, "You are really good at flirting with women. The words you say are very much like the lines in a love movie."

I looked up at Lu Xi, and after a moment, I replied: "I admit it's a bit like a line in a movie, but it's not something I just pinched...if I didn't have this kind of emotion in my heart, if I wasn't holding my beloved Woman, if you ask me to read a hundred classic love novels, I can’t say anything like this..." After a pause, I took another deep breath of cigarette and said, "You are no better than me. If love is really a taboo between the two of us, why did you feed me French fries in the car and buy me a hat in the service area? These are things that couples only do, and these are all It's not fatal. What's really fatal is the feeling of freedom you give me... It's not that my co-pilot has never been with other women, but even Sister Ran won't take off her shoes and sit next to me. It's just you and Luan Yu... I shouldn't mention Luan Yu, nor should I mention any woman in front of you... But this feeling almost made me cry, because to me, this is real companionship , a companion who lets go of his reserve and feels that I am a part of your life... Yes, I used words to tease you, but you also used actions to tease me... Between these two types of flirting, which one is more deadly? You should know better than me!"

Lu Xi fell into silence. This silence made it impossible for me to detect her mood, but I could feel that her worries seemed very heavy, so heavy that it made her uneasy.

It is true that she wants to get close to me, and it is also true that she is afraid of getting close to me. She doesn't know how to control this scale, so she reacts like this.

Maybe, I am really too radical and too reckless. …

After I put out the cigarette in my hand, I had the idea of ​​leaving. I didn't want her to be too conflicted, and I also needed to be calm and calm; Lu Xi's celebrity status is an unchangeable fact, if we are really reckless After we got together, and then someone dug up this unbearable experience, wouldn't that mean we would be embarrassed in front of the whole country?
What a joke, her sister-in-law is actually my ex-girlfriend. Even if Luan Yu and I don't want to lose face, what about Lu Xi and Lu Ming?

They come from a well-known family and have good roots. Why should they be harmed by us?

If this is an inextricable knot and one person must quit, it must be me...

There is no need to overcomplicate the emotions here. Even if I use the simplest principle to judge, it should be me, because everything comes first, after all, before Lu Xi and I, Luan Yu had already been dating Lu Ming for a year. , and there are plans to get married. What's more, compared to Lu Xi and I, Luan Yu is more inseparable from Lu Ming. At least, after leaving Lu Xi, I can survive independently. If Luan Yu leaves Lu Ming, she I'm afraid I can't even survive.

Lu Ming also really loves her. For her, he has given up his principle and belief that he will not marry anyone who is not a virgin.

I told you not to think too complicated about the emotions here, but I still inevitably think too complicated...

Luan Yu and I are really old lovers...

It’s really hard to put it into words. Brother and sister Lu Ming were unlucky when they met us!
The enthusiasm in my heart faded so quickly, and then I got up.


"Brother Chao..."


I turned to look at Lu Xi, and her expression became more contradictory and complicated. I felt that she had something very important to say to me, so I became nervous.

"If... I give up my celebrity status and quit the entertainment industry, what kind of life will we live together?... Will you also drive a RV and take me around the world... We don't need a home , just keep running, keep running..."

(End of this chapter)

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