i'm not a bad man

Chapter 291 If you don’t come, Rose will be undefeated

Chapter 291 If you don’t come, Rose will be undefeated

I never expected that Lu Xi would say such words to me, and I never dared to imagine that one day, I would take Lu Xi with me in an RV and walk the same road all over again.

The road is still the original one, but the relationships between people are constantly changing. If we really make the trip, what kind of people and things will we encounter?

Everything is unknown, but it is this unknown that makes my long-cooled blood boil again. This boiling makes me unconsciously raise the corners of my mouth...

I finally spoke to Lu Xi and said: "RV travel is a kind of wandering without a fixed abode. Through this, we will see a lot of scenery that others cannot see, and we will also be exposed to a lot of experiences that ordinary people will never have the opportunity to experience in their lives." , the price is that you will stay away from your original social relationships, put down your previous career, and live only to catch up with your own footsteps. Sometimes you will be very tired, and sometimes you will be extremely relaxed. If you can adapt to this pulling feeling, I think this is a kind of beauty... Of course I am willing to take you with me to experience this very niche lifestyle."

After a short pause, I asked again: "Why do you suddenly have such an idea? And this star status is not something you can just let go of... There is a team behind you, and there are many things that are being fulfilled. If you don't deal with the contracts in the process, you won't be free, especially if the contracts that are being implemented are stopped midway, it will involve sky-high compensation."

After these words came out, I felt a little funny because I was too serious. Maybe she just said it casually, but I thought about the consequences for her after giving up her celebrity status.

After lighting up a cigarette and taking a few deep breaths, he gradually gained some clarity in his mind to look at problems based on reality. At this time, Lu Xi finally spoke: "During these days in Qingdao, Luan and I Yu talked about some of the RV life you had together, and Luan Yu himself felt relieved a lot about this experience between you, and was no longer as secretive as before..."

I'm a little surprised.

Lu Xi added: "Of course she wouldn't take the initiative to talk to me about this. I took the initiative to ask her... Actually, when things have come to this point, I think it would be better for everyone to be more honest, because only honesty can make people happy. Things that were previously difficult to accept become a little easier to accept.”

"I agree with this, so I will never hide my past. Right is right and wrong is wrong. They are all part of life."

"Well... Luan Yu told me something like this. I don't know if you still remember it. It was something you met in Changchun."

When I heard about the city of Changchun, I gradually had some fragmented memories in my mind, but I was not sure if this was what Lu Xi was talking about. I just remembered that the scene that day was the same as today, and it suddenly snowed at night. The temperature is so low that it makes you want to escape the city.

I stopped reminiscing, and then focused on Lu Xi. I wanted to listen to her more than my own memories.

Lu Xi's mentality seemed to have calmed down a lot. She put her hand on the stove, and then said to me: "She said that you once met a man holding a rose in Changchun's Cultural Street. That day, It was snowing heavily and it was extremely cold in Changchun, but after buses came one after another, he still stood there. He seemed not to be waiting for a bus, but more like waiting for someone... Luan Yu said you are like this People are born with a strong sense of curiosity, so you went to chat with him, but this person seemed to have some mental problems, and you couldn't explain the reason... Just when you felt depressed, an insider came, He talked to you about this man's past and present life..."

Just as I thought, this was indeed what Lu Xi was talking about, so he nodded, and then continued with the plot Lu Xi told: "An insider told me that this man once had a first love girlfriend, and they studied at the same school. In a university, the man's family conditions are very good, but the woman's family conditions are very average. However, in the simple environment of the university, the two of them still spent a very happy time... Later, the two of them graduated. , the man’s parents have a deep-rooted disapproval of family status, so they find this woman more than once and ask her to leave... The woman knows very well that this kind of love with a huge gap between rich and poor will not have any good results, so she makes up her mind to leave one day The man tried every means to make trouble with his family, but the family just refused to compromise... Shortly after the woman left, she married a man who was very ordinary in all aspects, but the man kept delaying it for various reasons. At home, they refuse to find girlfriends or get married; occasionally, men will secretly go to the place where women work to see how women are doing, but they never bother women, so women don’t know... In fact, women are After getting married, they lived well and had a good relationship with their husband. They had a child in the third year after their marriage. On the day of delivery, the man secretly went to the hospital and stuffed the baby with the doctor in charge of the woman's delivery. He paid a lot of money and told the doctor to ensure the woman's safety...but the woman's own physical condition had problems, which led to her death in childbirth...After the man learned the news, his spirit immediately collapsed...It was a real collapse..."

Having said this, I seemed to have experienced the feeling of hearing this story again, so I unconsciously took a deep breath of the cigarette, and this one puff directly turned the half of the cigarette into a cigarette butt...

After blowing out the smoke, I said again: "Since then, there has been a man holding a rose on this bus stop. He comes here every day, because this is the bus stop where the woman comes to get off work every day... ...He has been waiting for her here..." Such a story made Lu Xi feel depressed. Although she had heard Luan Yu tell it once, she was still depressed because of it. Probably because I stood on the side of From a man's perspective, this experience would be more thrilling... As a man, of course I understand the man's pain better than Luan Yu, so I will bring my own emotions into some places.

In order to prove to Lu Xi that this was a real thing, I took out my mobile phone, then opened the photo album I named "Korean Trend Insights" and found the photo I took of the man. In the photo, the man was holding a rose. , standing in the heavy snow in the sky, looking in the direction he was most looking forward to...

"If you don't come, Rose will be undefeated..."

Lu Xi read out these words softly, and then I realized that that night, I had given this photo a name. The eight words Lu Xi read out were hidden under the photo. In the corner of the world, it exudes unparalleled power. There is no more miserable persistence in the world, and roses have become the incarnation of persistence. Although they have been replaced one after another over the years, as long as they are on this platform, they will always be there. Never failed!
Lu Xi looked at this photo for a long time, then returned the phone to me, and then said to me in a heavy-sounding tone: "After staying in my own circle for a long time, I always feel that such things are very... It’s unrealistic, so this is probably the meaning of travel. Only when you go far enough and see enough people can you have the opportunity to come into contact with these people who live outside the world. There are probably not many men in the world. , can you be as infatuated as him... Although there are very few such men, we cannot deny their existence..."

I nodded, but did not answer Lu Xi with words, because I do not belong to this type of man. I am really not that infatuated. When I feel hopeless in a relationship, I will choose to quit and then start again... I don’t want to become the other person’s mental burden, nor do I want to use this extreme infatuation to make myself laughable...but I don’t hate such stories because of this. Even if I can’t do it, I still hope that there will be some. People can prove on their behalf that there is indeed a kind of love in this world that can be unswerving.

Love can be doubted, but it must exist. This is my understanding of love.


"Korean Chao..." (Follow the author's Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B. Reply "Lu Xi" "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!)
I looked at Deer Creek.

She finally smiled and said to me: "Luan Yu said that she has no resentment towards you at all, because you gave her a very unique experience. This experience cannot be replicated even if someone spends their whole life. So she feels that she is a very lucky person. You have allowed her to see so many scenery that others cannot see, and also see so many human feelings and sophistication that others have never had the opportunity to experience... It is a pity that you still have XJ Not going, this is the biggest regret between you. If possible, she hopes that one day, there will be another person who can replace her to make up for this regret. She has no chance... because there is a new life ahead. Waiting for her."

Hearing Lu Xi talk about Luan Yu's mood, I felt a lot more relaxed inexplicably!
I am a person who will never let go because of a breakup. If I am still afraid of a breakup, it must be the mutual resentment after the breakup. I know that Luan Yu once hated me very much, which makes me feel I owe her a lot, and now that she is relieved, I can finally let go completely; after letting go, I give my sincere blessings, wishing that she and Lu Ming can live happily forever, and I have also received her blessings. I believe that one day in the future, there will be another woman who will accompany me on this journey to XJ that has been shelved for several years.

This woman will most likely be Lu Xi, because when she talked about this topic with me, it was already a hint.


Lu Xi yawned, then patted my leg playfully and said, "I have to attend the signing ceremony tomorrow morning. I'll go to bed first. You should go to bed early too..."

I responded, and Lu Xi returned to Qiao Jiao's room, and I sat alone on the balcony for a while. Although the world was shrouded in darkness, looking into the distance through the falling snowflakes, I always felt that There is a kind of hope waiting for me. It may be hidden in the darkness, or it may be on the other side of the mountain. Maybe there is no need to look for it at all. As long as I look forward to the sunshine, it will come when it is supposed to come.

(End of this chapter)

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