i'm not a bad man

Chapter 292 Goodbye, Sister Ran

Chapter 292 Goodbye, Sister Ran
The snow is getting heavier and heavier. I can’t remember how many times it has snowed since I came to the small town. Henan in my memory is not a snowy province, which makes the small town more and more popular. , it is not only a summer resort in the minds of many Henan people, but even winter has not been forgotten by nature. In my opinion, winter with snow can be called the real winter, because every time snow falls, it is like sending a message to others. A piece of pure white clothes came to cover up the dullness and depression of winter. Judging from the frequency of snow in the small town, she has changed several sets of clothes this winter, just like a rich lady, having no worries about food and clothing.

You really don’t have to worry about food and clothing. Don’t forget that there are also extremely rich mineral resources here, which is why we have cultivated wealthy people like Guan Yubo and Chang Tianming. There are also people like Zuo Xiaowei who are not inferior even in the entertainment industry. Among the beauties of many female stars.

I seem to like this small town a little bit. During these years of wandering outside, it is the city I have stayed in the longest except Qingdao. It seems to have been two months, or maybe three months. I only remember when I came here. It was late autumn, and now it is winter. It has experienced the changes of two seasons.


After making a pot of hot tea, I sat under the umbrella and looked at the heavy snow in the sky. Then I remembered many scenes that Luan Yu and I had experienced. She said that she was relieved and didn't hate me anymore, so she would recall it again. She should be able to laugh off the hardships and conflicts along the way, right?
Anyway, I laughed. I remember the most serious argument we had was in the service area. When Luan Yu went to back up the toilet in her car, she fell because of the slippery road in the snow, breaking the toilet and causing dirty water to flow out. This place attracted the attention of others. It was probably the most social death in her life, so she yelled at me. I was young and energetic, and also said many unpleasant things to her.

If it were now, I would definitely let her vent; if it were now, she might not scold me. Good or bad is an experience, and this is how people grow up, accompanied by pain and relief.

Besides, if we had the current mentality, maybe the trip to XJ would not have been stranded. Speaking of which, this is really a pity; because I have heard more than once that Northern Xinjiang in summer and autumn is like the Lord of the Rings. The scenes here are so beautiful that they are unreal and breathtaking!
I will go, I will definitely go, Luan Yu and I will go, it’s just a different way, a different kind of companionship.


Feeling inexplicably comfortable, I drank the whole pot of tea, put away the heater and recliner, and returned to my room.

When I was about to turn off the lights and take a rest, I received a call from Ren Ran. Presumably, there had been new progress between her and Lin Sheng'en.

"Miss Ran..."

Ren Ran on the other end of the phone took a deep breath and then said to me: "I have already met with Lin Sheng'en. We signed a divorce agreement. He gave me 8000 million in cash compensation and the villa where we got married. , he also transferred it to my name."

I was a little surprised and replied: "Didn't we talk about 6000 million before?"

"It was 6000 million, but after signing the agreement, he gave me another 2000 million bankbook and said that this money had been saved for me a long time ago. He said that he knew that we would reach this point sooner or later. He Let me not hate him... As a self-made man, he has a lot of helplessness that I can't imagine. The reason why he forged so many debts is just to maintain this relationship for a longer period of time."

"Then do you hate him?"

Ren Ran replied after a period of silence: "When I wrote my name on the divorce agreement, I no longer hated him. Just treat it as a nightmare."

"It's really like a nightmare... Sister Ran, what are your plans in the future? Will you come to live in a small town for a while?"

Ren Ran fell into silence again. This time, it took her a long time before she replied: "I also want to go to the small town to witness your success, but my final idea is to move to a foreign country, so I don't want to be so repetitive. I really should go out for a walk. A friend of mine told me that if I want to completely forget the nightmare-like past, then walk as far away as possible... …”

I felt a little disappointed, but I still said to Ren Ran with a blessing: "We have always called each other brother and sister, and we really have that brotherly love in each other's hearts, so I really don't want you to leave. I don’t know when I can see you again... But compared to the reluctance in my heart, I still hope that you can find a way of life that suits you... Then I wish you the best and wish you can be in a foreign country. Get what you want most in your heart, it can be something or someone, in short, you must be happy!"

Ren Ran was already choking with sobs: "Well... you have to live a good life in a small town... The reason why I can go abroad with confidence is because I know that Qiao Jiao is by your side. Even though she seems careless, she is really She is a woman who can help you take the lead at critical moments... and she also has such a desire... When you really work together to build that scenic spot, it will not only be your own fate, but also become a legend spread in the small town. A good story... Compared to Qiao Jiao, even if I go to a small town, it will be superfluous. I can only accompany you to spend the day and night, drunkenly in the bar every day, but you don't need this anymore... It's better to say goodbye to the past together. Dejected, each started a new life..."

At this point, Ren Ran suppressed his sobs and smiled again and said, "By the way, I'm going to Thailand. I had a classmate who worked at the consulate there and is very familiar with it. She has already helped me get a visa in Thailand." I saw a villa in Phuket Island. The villa is not big, but it is enough for me and my parents to live in... I won’t be too bored there. I plan to open a Chinese restaurant facing the sea. Chinese tourists on Phuket Island There are so many, business should be good... Every night when I finish work, I move a stool, sit at the door, enjoy the sea breeze, look at the sunset, drink beer, it is very comfortable and unrestrained just thinking about it... maybe I can still touch it I’ve found the one I love!” Although I smiled along with Ren Ran, I still stood by the window, looked at the accumulated snow, and lit a cigarette. I smoked because I felt very lost and conflicted. If If Ren Ran really met her lover there, she would be even more reluctant to come back.

After taking a deep breath of cigarette, I finally asked Ren Ran: "Will you come back in the future?"

"Who can say for sure what will happen in the future... But if I really meet the one I love, I will definitely bring it back to you."

"Well, hopefully that day will come soon."


I thought the conversation between Ren Ran and I would end here, but after she responded, she said something that was beyond my expectation. She said: "You must be nicer to Qiao Jiao... She should be the best person in this world." The girl who is most suitable for you, others either can't let go or have their own purposes, but she is the purest."

"What, Sister Ran!"

"Time will give you the answer."

"You'd better stop talking about me and talk about yourself. Before you leave, do you have any regrets or is there anything you need my help with?"

"There is no more help that I need from you...but unfortunately there seems to be one..."

"What regret? If I can help you solve this regret, it can be considered a help!"

"If...that night wasn't a prank..."

"What night?"

As soon as I said the words, I suddenly remembered the scenes before I accidentally broke into Lu Xi's room. At that time, I was about to untie Ren Ran's clothes, but was this what she was talking about?
Ren Ran laughed loudly on the other end of the phone: "By the way, you have a really good figure. I hope you can maintain this figure next time we meet and don't degenerate into a greasy middle-aged man."

I also laughed "haha" along with Ren Ran, laughing and laughing, and fell into a trance. I seemed to have returned to those depraved times when I drank with Ren Ran and told dirty jokes...

I never felt that this was an experience worth remembering, especially after I came to a small town and decided to start a career; but at this moment, my heart is full of reluctance, because I know that we can't go back no matter what. , and I am slowly changing from a bad man to a good man. I no longer dare to make such a joke with Ren Ran, or even say such a joke...

"Goodbye, Han Chao... I will miss you."

"Goodbye, Sister Ran...I will miss you too."

(End of this chapter)

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