i'm not a bad man

Chapter 30 Waiting

Chapter 30 Waiting
The barber asked me if I was satisfied with the hairstyle he designed for me. I sat in front of the mirror and looked at it carefully for a while.The oblique bangs were trimmed, making me look a little less melancholy and elegant, but also a lot brighter. This suited my current mood, so I nodded and said "satisfied" to the barber, and then asked for a haircut. The stylist sprayed some hairspray on me and I did it myself until I got a more handsome hairstyle, then I was satisfied.

The barber untied my haircut scarf and said to me with a smile: "I am going on a date with my girlfriend. If I am not mistaken, you should have just established a relationship not long ago."

"You really guessed wrong. Do you know that there is a popular word recently called sense of ritual? Even if we have been together for ten years, every time we date, I will also come up with a look."

"Ten years? It's time to marry home and be your wife in ten years...haha."

"Hey, look what you said."

The barber thought he had said something wrong and looked at me with some fear. I waved my hand and said to him: "There is nothing wrong with what you said, but I have always been a little doubtful. You said, this world Is there such a man and a woman in the world who only fall in love but never get married, and then live together for the rest of their lives, and neither of them has ever thought about leaving?"

"Uh... never seen it before."

After a pause, the barber continued: "Those families who choose DINK (without children) may be closer to the situation you mentioned, but they are also married, but they seem to have more freedom than those who are married and have children. Some... I have a client. He and his wife chose to be a DINK family. Both of them are doctors and have no shortage of money, so as long as they have holidays, they will travel around the world. They look quite cool, but It's hard to say whether the two of them will be able to spend a lifetime together... They seem to be only in their 40s, so a lifetime is very long."

"Then you help me observe."

I suddenly said this, but the barber didn't react in time and asked, "What?"

"Isn't that male doctor your old client? Just help me keep an eye on whether they separated in the end."

The barber laughed: "Your request is too difficult. I'm not sure how long I can stay in Qingdao. How can I help you watch other people's lives?"

"This is easy to do. Next time he comes to get a haircut, you add his WeChat. It won't disappear. Just observe him on WeChat. Then you add my WeChat and I will ask you from time to time. As long as If we both persevere, we will definitely know the result.”

After saying that, I showed the QR code for adding friends to the barber. The barber said "OK" and we successfully added friends.

I admit, almost all of the thousands of friends I have on WeChat were added this way.I have no way to control myself, especially when I am in a good mood, I will have endless things to say. If I talk too much, I will always find a common topic. Sometimes, having such a common topic is enough between friends. Furthermore, I like running. I run all over the world and it’s hard to live without friends.

If anyone is willing to get to know me in depth, they will find that I am a person who walks around with a world on his back. My world is very interesting, filled with all kinds of people and things, and I can't finish talking about it for days and nights.


After leaving the barber shop, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, I just felt the crisp autumn air, and my mood became even better. I looked at the time, and it was just after 11:[-], and there was still an hour before the time Lu Xi and I agreed on, so there was still time.

I turned around and went into a fresh food supermarket and bought an insulated box, two pounds of chicken wings, and a few cans of Coke. After preparing the necessary ingredients, I found a small restaurant nearby and spent a little money. The boss borrowed the kitchen and took it upon himself to make his signature Coke chicken wings, which he then packed securely into the thermos he just bought.I already had a place in my mind where I wanted to meet Lu Xi for dinner. Anyway, I had to wait for her for a while, so I walked towards that place. Along the way, whenever I saw snacks that represented Qingdao characteristics, I would buy some. When we were about to reach our destination, the cloth bag we were carrying was already filled to the brim.


After living in Qingdao for a year and a half, whenever I was in a bad mood, I wanted to be alone, so I created a secret garden.My secret garden is on the beach, but it is different from the beach that is full of beaches. There is no beach here, only layers of rocks stacked up. When the weather is good, those rocks that are far away from the tide will be particularly dry. , at this time, find a flat and clean reef to sit down. No matter how anxious you are, you will slowly calm down, because it is so private and quiet here.

In the past year and a half, I have been here dozens of times and only met one sea fisherman. He stayed here for a long time and left without catching anything. Other than that, I am the only one here.


After finding the clean and flat reef, I sent Lu Xi a location and told her I was here.She is really a girl born and raised in Qingdao. She can tell at a glance that she is already in the suburbs, and she doubts whether there is a place to eat.I told her for sure that there must be food here, and she gave up her doubts and told me that if there is no traffic jam on the road, it can be there in 10 minutes.

In terms of time scale, 10 minutes is not very long, but it is not very short either, because it is enough for me to have many different emotions, and it progresses step by step.

When I am sure that she will come, I must be very happy. After happiness, there is expectation, looking forward to what kind of state she will appear in. Gradually, expectation will evolve into excitement, and excitement will make me look forward to it even more, and as time goes by As time goes by, this feeling will intensify and loop endlessly until the moment she actually appears.

Of course, there will be a little uneasiness in the middle. I am not sure whether she will like this kind of date led by me. It is very quiet, open and pleasant here, but it is not without its shortcomings, at least when the sea breeze blows. , there will be a cold feeling. I am hot inside, so of course I am not afraid of the cold; if she just treats me as an ordinary dinner party, without the fire inside, I will definitely feel cold. As long as I feel cold, my feelings will change accordingly.


When there were still 5 minutes left before the time we agreed on, I stood up on the rocks and looked towards the road opposite...

During the process, I lit a cigarette. It was my timing tool. I smoked at a slow pace, usually one every 5 minutes. When I finished smoking the cigarette, it was time for her to come.

This place is already a suburb, and there is not much traffic, so every time a car passes by, I think it is her, or even a van, and I imagine that it will stop. Maybe her car broke down on the road. In order not to delay your date with me, you took a van and came here?This unrealistic feeling became more and more intense when I was about to finish my cigarette, so much so that when a truck passed by, I thought she would be in it.

The most fake thing in this world is fantasy. A person should have a certain configuration, so even if it is infinitely close to the time agreed upon by Lu Xi and I, she will not appear in a van or truck that happens to be passing by.

So, after 5 minutes of timeout, I saw a red sports car speeding from a distance. When it was about to reach me, the speed dropped sharply. It must be that the people inside were looking around...

It must be her. I started running towards the shore, waving my hands as I ran, trying to attract her attention, and the red sports car really stopped at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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