Chapter 308
Next to Shuanglong Lake, Black Foot and I stood side by side. It was already evening, and the setting sun was still the same as before, reflecting on the lake in an extremely lazy manner. When the wind blew, the waves rippled, which made me feel dull all day long. , I finally found a sense of comfort, and I just looked at the lake so absorbedly that I gradually fell into a trance...

Blackfoot handed me a cigarette, but I didn't notice it. He pushed my arm, and then I came to my senses and took the cigarette from his hand.

After Heizu lit the cigarette for me, he asked, "Are you still thinking about the 38 billion investment?"

“This investment comes so suddenly, it’s hard not to cause a bloody storm in this small town!”

Black Foot smiled and said, "I think the leaders of this county are quite capable."

"How to say?"

"Who do you think will be the final beneficiary of the conflict between the two powerful powers?" Heizu lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then squinted his eyes and said to me: "It must be the government or the people... They said Leave the choice to the market. What is the market? It is a gold-swallowing machine... You have also heard what Chang Tianming said. Guan Yubo is looking for celebrity endorsements and crazy buying traffic on major short video platforms. In the short term, Guan Yubo’s own scenic spot will benefit. In the long term, the benefit will be to the entire small town. After all, Guan Yubo’s 5A-level scenic spot is within the small town. No one has the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea to move the scenic spot to other cities. Go; Chang Tianming can't just watch while Guan Yubo is frantically pursuing market response, so Chang Tianming told us that as long as it can provide him with effective chips, he doesn't care how much money he spends... The ultimate goal is to promote the scenic spot, and the scenic spot is part of the small town... As a ruler, I definitely hope to maintain the situation of competition between these two powers. Therefore, I judge that this road expansion project will not have much effect for a while. As a result... we don't have to be too impatient. We can play the game of chess with a peaceful mind and cooperate with the superiors. As for Chang Tianming and Guan Yubo, they are not unaware of the intentions of the superiors, but they are in the chess game and can no longer help themselves. Who can Can you resist the road expansion project and the temptation of 38 billion... Therefore, one of these two people is destined to become a big enemy. This is what I want to see above. The small town does not need so many richest men to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. The hatred... The only suspense now is who will become the big enemy."

I looked at Blackfoot, and after a while I replied: "Your perspective on the problem is really unique!"

"If you tell Qiao Jiao about this matter, she will think the same way... It's not that we are smarter than you, it's just that we have seen this kind of thing more and can look at it from a higher standpoint."

"I agree with this and am convinced."

Black Foot smiled, and I added: "Judging from the current situation, Chang Tianming may have a greater chance of becoming a grievance, because we have already reached the limit of what we can do. In the short term, we It is impossible to attract so much investment, and the revitalization of Danangou cannot be completed in a day or two. The current state may last for a long time."

"Well, after the network resources are used up, the real test is the ability... Han Chao, if you are really determined to revive this scenic spot, then the real test has come... If Guan Yubo really takes away the road expansion With the project and the 38 billion investment, the Danangou Scenic Area should no longer be revitalized. From now on it can only be a mediocre scenic spot and will definitely not become a top-level scenic spot because of the traffic problem!"

I raised my head and took a deep breath, then nodded to Blackfoot and said: "My determination has never changed... The Chinese New Year holiday is coming soon, and it is also the peak period of tourism. I will see if I can seize it. This opportunity creates a wave of traffic to the scenic spot."

"It's very tricky. Even if the traffic comes, how should we take over it? The entire scenic spot is full of B&Bs that have not yet started construction."

"Yeah, it's tricky!"

“Not only is it difficult, it’s also impossible to start!”


As the chips got bigger and bigger, I couldn't help but feel nervous and anxious, because I became more and more aware that my vision and ability could not fully control the current situation; therefore, I really couldn't put the matter of entrepreneurship into perspective. Things are too simple to think about. Maybe you have certain planning and execution abilities, but there are various uncontrollable factors in the process. When these uncontrollable factors begin to occur and take effect, do you What about having unparalleled adaptability?

Many entrepreneurs are afraid that they have failed in this adaptability. …

After Blackfoot left, I sat alone by "Shuanglong Lake" for a long time. It wasn't until night came and everything returned to silence and tranquility that I took my phone out of my pocket...

I didn’t contact anyone, but looked through the news on that day’s Moments. Ever since Ren Ran moved to Thailand with her family, this has become a habit of mine, because she would post a news at this time every day. Let’s record this day’s life.

Today, Ren Ran found a good vegetable market near her residence. She went to buy potatoes, carrots, curry and beef, and made curry beef rice. In addition to showing the delicious food, her last photo was It's a selfie of herself. She is becoming more and more open now. This time she actually posted a swimsuit photo taken at the beach. She has a delicate and beautiful face and a good figure. Plus, the blue sky, white clouds and sea, just look at the photo. , the artistic conception was as sweet as caramel, and my heart was tired of it; so, as usual, I gave her a like and left a message, she has a good figure!
Ren Ran just replied "Hahahaha".

Although there is not much interaction, we all know that even though we are thousands of miles apart, we have never forgotten each other.


When I saw Ren Ran, I suddenly wanted to drink some wine. From my heart, Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao were of course my number one choices to drink with me, but last night I made harsh words to Qiao Jiao, saying that I didn’t care whether we wanted to go with them or not. To eat, if you call them again at this time to beg for food or drinks, it would be too disrespectful.

So, I thought about Heizu and Chang Yuli again, but when I called them, I was told that they had made an appointment to go to a bar in Luoyang.

These two people went to a bar in Luoyang to hang out, but they didn't ask me to come with them. Their explanation was that I was carrying a heavy responsibility of 38 billion, and they were afraid that I would lose my mind by playing with things, so they didn't tell me.

I could only smile helplessly, it seemed like this was destined to be a lonely night.


A man ate a bowl of noodles on the street and sat at a bar for a while, but he didn't find the fun he imagined, so he got up and left after drinking a bottle of beer.

Maybe the town is really too small. When I was wandering around the pedestrian street, I discovered that the Mercedes-Benz G that Qiao Jiao drove away was parked in the parking lot of the pedestrian street. As expected, Qiao Jiao must have brought the deer with her. Xilai is having hot pot...

Just when I was hesitating whether to enter the store, two people actually walked out of the hot pot restaurant on their own. There were many people on the pedestrian street, and it was not convenient for Lu Xi’s identity to be exposed, so after leaving the store, they both walked very quickly. Come on, you didn’t notice me until you got in the car.

I said I didn't have time to eat with them, but I didn't say I didn't have time after eating. So with this psychological suggestion, I quickly stopped a taxi and asked the driver to follow their car.

(End of this chapter)

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