i'm not a bad man

Chapter 309 Lover's Valley

Chapter 309 Lover's Valley

Just as I imagined, Qiao Jiao finally sent Lu Xi to the high-end hotel owned by Guan Yubo in the mountains. The two of them didn't seem to say much. After the car stopped, Lu Xi got out of the car alone, and then went alone again. Entered the hotel.

Qiao Jiao didn't stay too long. She immediately turned around and drove out of the hotel. When she passed my taxi, she seemed to glance at it subconsciously. I hurriedly turned sideways and lay down on the back seat, and then I escaped. Her gaze.

Fortunately, she didn't find out. If she found out, I would be really embarrassed!
Of course I also know that shame is a very strange thing. Before Lu Xi came, I thought I could avoid seeing her in the face of her indifference, but after The moment he really saw her, this will collapsed.

Instead, there was curiosity, wondering why she gave me indifference after giving me warmth. Unlike Qiao Jiao, she was not a moody woman.


I don’t know if God must give us a chance to meet. After I got off the car, I saw Lu Xi hanging his coat to dry on the balcony of the second floor. It must be that the smell of hot pot was too strong, so that the coat It was also adsorbed on the clothes, so I hung the clothes outside to dry.

Watching Lu Xi turn around and go back to the room, I finally took out my phone and dialed her number...

After waiting for a while, she answered the call, her voice still a little cold: "What's wrong?"

After taking a deep breath, I replied: "I remember when I was in Qingdao, I wanted to find you. You didn't tell me where you lived. You just said, if I can jump to you like I did the first time, You will meet me on the balcony...Does this still count?"

Lu Xi was so stunned that it took him a while to reply: "It counts...but..."

"Just do the math...wait for me..."

After hanging up the phone, I walked quickly to the hotel lobby, and then used my ID card to get a room next to Luxi. It was just like the first time we met, although this time I paid for it myself, and It’s expensive, but if I could reenact the encounter, I would find it very meaningful and romantic!
But this time, I will not take off my pants.


After entering the room, I turned on the light. I stood in front of the dressing mirror and looked at myself. After making sure that my clothes were neat and in good condition, I walked out to the balcony.

From a distance, it seems that the two balconies are connected together, but when I actually stood on the balcony, I realized that there was a distance of nearly two meters in between. This distance is not difficult for me, but it still requires some risk. , if it’s like climbing over the kindergarten gate that night, it’s so wobbly that you might actually fall down. Although it’s only two stories high, if your head hits the ground, you’ll probably die or be paralyzed.

With such psychological pressure, I was really trembling a little when I stood on the guardrail, but the romantic mood overcame everything, so I gritted my heart and crossed the two in one big step. The distance between the balconies is barely on the other side of the Luxi River.


The lights were on in the house and it was dim on the balcony, so I could see Lu Xi in the house very clearly. She took off her coat and wore a close-fitting sweater, looking even more graceful and graceful; if it weren't for the fact that there were too many people between us. Despite the helplessness and obstacles, I will definitely rush in and hug her from behind. I think this is the ultimate happiness in the world...

Resisting the impulse, I cleared my throat and finally said in a serious tone: "Open the door, I, Brother Chao..."

Lu Xi turned around, with an incredible expression on his face. Not to mention that she found it incredible, I myself felt very dreamy, being able to re-enact the previous plot in this small town, in this hidden mountain.


Lu Xi opened the door, looked me up and down, and imitated Qiao Jiao's half-smiling expression and said, "After all, I have put on clothes today, and my words have become serious!"

Even if I was thick-skinned, I still felt so embarrassed after being teased like this that I blushed and remained silent for a long time.

Lu Xi spoke to me again: "Why did you find this place?"

"When you came out of the hot pot restaurant, I happened to see you."

"Then why didn't you meet us there?" I was a little speechless.

But Lu Xi smiled and said for me: "I know even if you don't tell me...Brother Chao is a face-saving person. He told Jiaojiao that he didn't have time to eat with us. How could he have the nerve to do it in front of Jiaojiao again?" Meet me face to face.”

I grinned...and my mood became better. I liked this feeling of being understood by others so much. But after I felt good, the doubts in my heart suddenly became aggravated. It seemed that Lu Xi and I were meeting each other. It's one thing when I'm on the phone, and another thing on the phone.

Based on this doubt, after a period of silence, I finally asked: "Why did you ignore me when I sent you a message before?"

Lu Xi turned around and leaned against the guardrail of the balcony. After the cold wind howled and ravaged us several times, she said to me in a tone mixed with complicated emotions: "When we don't see each other, it feels okay not to be together." Okay, so after I saw the message, I didn’t want to reply...but when I really see you, I still feel happy...just like I am now..."

Lu Xi's words made me think of myself: when we haven't met, I would feel that even if we didn't have dinner together, it would be nothing, but the moment I really saw her, my heart was already shaking. If This night, if I really choose not to see her, I will definitely feel panicked and have insomnia...

From this point of view, it is really important whether two people can meet, because seeing or not seeing each other are two completely different feelings.


On the steps of the balcony, Lu Xi and I sat side by side. Probably because I didn't take the usual path, so the joy in my heart seemed to be stolen, so I cherished it even more and didn't want to lose it.

I held her hand. Lu Xi was not as thief as Qiao Jiao, who would stick so many warm babies on her body, so her hand was really cold, and I was doing my best to spread my warmth to her. give her.

At this moment, I was very clear-headed and confident. If it weren't for Luan Yu and Lu Ming, we must have established a relationship, and her indifference was also because of this awkward relationship.


When the two people got closer, their tone and attitude changed unconsciously. Lu Xi asked me in a very soft voice: "Have you done a good job in your career in the past month or so?"

"Of course I'm doing a good job...but now I'm running into a little trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

I explained the predicament at hand to Lu Xi in detail, and she also fell into deep thought; in fact, I didn’t expect her to give me anything particularly constructive, because this was not her area of ​​expertise; however, After a moment, she said to me seriously: "I think it is right to use the long Spring Festival holiday to attract a wave of traffic... Although there are no decent B&Bs in the scenic area, there is no need to limit one's thinking to leisure. In terms of accommodation... purely in terms of scenery, the scenery of Danangou Scenic Area is not inferior to Guan Yubo's 5A-level scenic spot. As long as you bring traffic here, I think tourists will also feel that after seeing the scenery of the scenic spot, It’s a worthwhile trip.”

"Are you helping me think of a solution?"

Lu Xi turned to look at me, with a complicated look in his eyes: "Whether you can do a good job is what I care about most... If possible, of course I am willing to help you find a way... At this time, your thinking Don’t be limited by the positioning of tourism and vacation. You should look for solutions to problems from the perspective of the entire scenic spot... Didn’t you propose that B&Bs should be operated with different themes? What about the theme of the scenic spot? Never thought about it?... Just like the theme of Guan Yubo's 5A-level scenic spot is the inheritance of Taoism... What is the theme of your scenic spot?... When you have a core and a theme, you will naturally know how to promote it. …”

The way Lu Xi worried about my career filled my heart with tenderness and touch. This tenderness and touch instantly broke my already rigid thinking, and then I came up with a very amazing idea.

I want to change the name of the scenic spot. Danangou Scenic Area can no longer be called Danangou Scenic Area, because at first glance, it is easily associated with farmhouses. The most indispensable thing in the small town is farmhouses. This will definitely kill the enthusiasm of tourists for visiting.

What name should I change?

The tenderness in my heart gave me guidance again.

"Valley of Lovers"

It’s called “Valley of Lovers”!
(End of this chapter)

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