i'm not a bad man

Chapter 311 Unexpected Calls

Chapter 311 Unexpected Calls

Lu Xi didn't seem calm in the face of my questions. She seemed to have remembered a lot of things, so that after a long silence, she finally said: "I still appreciate you more who could give up everything for the sake of freedom, but this No one in the world can live in that way for the rest of their lives. Sooner or later, you will return to a universal life, so you change yourself and do something that is very meaningful and reflects your self-worth. , on the premise that you have changed, why can't I change with your change?"

I thought this was a relatively reasonable explanation, so I accepted it submissively. I even smiled and said to her, "Don't say I'm narcissistic. How come I smelled like a husband and a wife?"

Lu Xi fell into a deep depression inexplicably. She did not respond to me. When she spoke again, she had changed the subject. She said to me: "It's time for you to go back."

I raised my hand and looked at my watch. It was indeed 12:30 in the middle of the night, so I replied: "Okay, you still have a lot to do tomorrow, so go to bed early."

Lu Xi didn't say much. She opened the door to the room. I followed her into the room and she opened the door again. Compared to the first time I accidentally entered her room, this time it was calm without any disturbance. This made me a little uncomfortable, so before going out, I looked back at her again, full of doubts in my heart.


After returning to my room, I simply washed up and then lay on the bed. All I could think about was Lu Xi's somewhat abnormal behavior. This abnormality started after I asked her that question. I didn't know this. Did the question poke some sensitivity in her heart? But I still insist that this is a question I must ask. I really want to know what made her change like this. This is important to me. It's very important, because her change is also one of the motivations for me to do what I am doing now...

Suddenly, I felt that the explanation she just gave me didn't seem so reasonable anymore. It seemed that she changed first and then I changed, instead of her changing with me...

I gradually felt an uneasy feeling in my heart, but no matter how much I reflected and recalled recent events, I still had no idea where this uneasy feeling came from.

Perhaps, it is really because I am too worried about gains and losses when faced with such a unequal relationship...


I didn't like this feeling of worrying about gains and losses, so I forced myself to let go of the distracting thoughts in my heart, then closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Just when I started to feel drowsy, my phone suddenly made a vibrating sound next to my ear. It was probably Heizu and Chang Yuli. They had called and harassed me more than once after drinking too much.

I didn't really want to answer it, but the vibration stopped abruptly, reminding me that this was not a call, but a message.

I then opened my eyes and picked up my phone. It was not a WeChat message, but a text message that almost no one uses nowadays...

"Han Chao?" The other party called out my name, but he didn't seem so sure.

"who are you?"

"Oh my God, you are such a Korean trend!"

"It's true that I am Han Chao, but in the middle of the night, can't you introduce yourself first?"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, but you're still so curious!"

"Are I curious? I'm afraid. All supernatural events happen after twelve o'clock... If you don't tell me your name and why you're here, I'll treat you like a ghost or a snake. "

"How to deal with it? Put it on the blacklist?"

I felt bored, but at the moment when I was about to put this number on the blacklist, a familiar feeling suddenly came to my heart. The familiarity was because of the other party's tone and behavior...

At this moment, the other party sent me another message: "Haha, I guess you must be impatient now... You are really heartless. I just followed you when I was there. You can't guess that I am Who...Other people’s youth is colorful, but my youth is used to feed the dogs, sad!”

Although the other party was still pretending, I already had the answer in my mind, so I asked tentatively: "Zhao Yingrou?"

"Finally I remembered it, I guess you still have some conscience! ... Chat on WeChat, chatting via text message is too inconvenient." "No, I already agreed when we broke up that we would treat each other as dead."

"But I'm not dead, and you're not dead either. This is a fact!"

Zhao Yingrou was suspected of making jokes with me, but I fell into deep doubts. Ever since I left Tianjin alone, I had cut off contact with everyone. Even my parents couldn't find me. She Why can I find my phone number?Moreover, it was still after so many years.

Seeing that I didn't respond, Zhao Yingrou started a bombardment mode: "Are you not curious at all about why I have your phone number?"

After this message, she sent dozens of the same messages in succession, and I was really curious, because when she could find my phone number, it also meant that other people who had completely lost contact could also find my phone number. This gave me a glimmer of hope that there would be news about my parents; so, I sent my WeChat number to Zhao Yingrou.

She added seconds.


After switching to a new chat platform, she became more active. She immediately sent me a bunch of smiling emoticons, and then said: "I asked many of my classmates in high school, but they all said they couldn't contact you. Some people even said that you might have gone to jail, and even more exaggeratedly, they said that you had been murdered and the case has not been solved yet... For a while, I took it seriously and felt sad for a long time. After all, you are the one in my life. The first man...how could you go to jail, how could you die inexplicably?"

"...To get to the point, how did you find my mobile phone number?"

"Can you stop being so impatient and let me talk about my feelings first?"

"With your whining way of talking, even if I beat you, it will be light."

"Now that you have become more capable, have you learned how to hit women?"

"You are mentally torturing me, do you understand that?"

"Hmph... You want to know how I found you so much. You just want to know the whereabouts of your parents. I hope your parents can find you in the same way... But since you care about your parents so much, Why did you leave without looking back?...You are really the most contradictory person I have ever seen, and you have never changed."

"You are not a roundworm in my belly. How do you know what kind of mental journey I have had over the years, so don't make any comments about my experiences!"

"I'm the roundworm in your belly... If you really want to know the answer, just chat with me first. When it's time to tell you, I will tell you naturally."

There was a feeling of suffocation in my heart, but in front of such a woman who was used to stalking me, I really felt like I couldn't vent my feelings. This was also an important reason why I broke up with her in the first place. I couldn't stand her using this kind of behavior. She tortured my spirit in such a way that she wished she could make a TV series to express something that could be explained clearly in one sentence.

After smoking a cigarette and calming down, I finally asked her as patiently as before: "You asked me to chat with you, just because you hope that I can care about your current situation... Tell me, what are you doing?" What have you been doing for the past few years?”

"Compared to how well I know you, you know me well...you may not believe it. After graduating from college, I worked in a hospital and now I am a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded."

I was stunned for a long time before replying to the message: "He saved lives and healed the wounded, so he received a lot of red envelopes!"

Zhao Yingrou was not content with text chat, and immediately sent me a voice message. When I clicked on it, she laughed loudly...

I don’t know if this is an acquiescence. Anyway, I already have the image of her secretly asking for red envelopes from patients, because during the time we were together, she almost emptied my living expenses. The most classic She asked me to save money to buy a car for her dad to make it easier for her family to travel. You know, at that time, we were just a couple of high school students. (Follow the author's Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B. Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view character pictures! You can also view the latest chapters)
After I expressed my helpless attitude, she said that she must study medicine in the future so that one day, when I have no money, she can cut open my body with a scalpel and then take away my organs and sell them on the black market. Selling, in short, can't let her live a hard life.

Thinking of her words and the fact that she had really realized her dream of becoming a doctor, I suddenly felt light, as if she had disembowelled me.

(End of this chapter)

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