Chapter 312
I was already feeling sleepy, but the sudden appearance of Zhao Yingrou made me completely sleepless. I just lay upright on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I seemed to be frozen, but my thinking was unusually active. , I thought a lot about the past between myself and Zhao Yingrou, especially the relationship between her and my parents...

I remember that not long after we started dating, I secretly took her to my home. I thought my parents were traveling to Kunming, but there was a strong storm that day and the flights were grounded. My parents He went and came back again and caught us.

Of course this was a very bad thing, but it was resolved by Zhao Yingrou with her strong social skills. She actually told my parents that the purpose of coming to my house was to help me with my homework, and she showed off that she was a top student. identity……

The college entrance examination was coming soon. Of course, my parents were most worried about my study problems, so they kept me in the dark. I remember that day, she helped me with tutoring all night, and I had no choice but to cooperate with her all night. In order to reward us, My mother went to the supermarket to buy the best sea cucumber and cooked sea cucumber porridge for us. After we had eaten and drank enough, my father drove her home himself.

From then on, she used to give me tutoring lessons as an excuse to go to my house to eat and drink from time to time. Of course, my parents were well aware of our relationship, but for such a person who could control me and really She was the girlfriend of a top student, but they still chose to accept it happily; especially my mother, after learning that her ambition was to be a doctor, she had a serious chat with me about our future. She felt It is a very good choice for me to have a girlfriend who is a doctor, because she can match our family.

My mother once told me that it seemed that Zhao Yingrou had taken all the good things in the world. Not only was she a top student, she was also sweet-looking, and she had found a boyfriend like me who had no worries about food and drink. …

My mother’s evaluation of her is really spot-on. She is indeed the kind of character who wants to take advantage of all the good things in the world. This character of hers lasted throughout our relationship and formed my final impression of her; therefore, Although I have loved and liked her, the boredom in my heart is also very real. This is why I can't talk to her calmly.

But my mother likes her very much. She said that I don’t care about anything. Only by finding such a woman to accompany me for life will I not suffer!

Really unable to find the state to fall asleep, I simply left the room and walked alone on the path near the hotel. What I was thinking about was not what was in front of me, but the past four years. This change was all due to Zhao Yingrou’s sudden change. Appearing, she opened up many memories that had been sealed deep in my heart.


After walking for a while, I discovered that there was a villa area above the hotel. What surprised me even more was that I saw Chang Tianming’s Mercedes-Benz Maybach with a bomb license plate at the door of the villa area. Chang Tianming He was sitting in the car with the window open, his left hand resting on the window and a cigarette between his fingers.

I looked at my watch subconsciously, and it was already 01:30 late at night.


"Uncle Chang."

I shouted, and Chang Tianming looked at me in disbelief and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I was staying in the hotel below and couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk... Do you live in this community?"

Chang Tianming responded, then opened the car door and walked out of the car. He patted my shoulder, then pointed to a higher place and said to me: "I don't feel sleepy, let's walk up together." .”

Chang Tianming and I were walking and chatting, and naturally we talked about work. I said to him: "Uncle Chang, there is something I want to discuss with you. I think it is necessary to change the name of the scenic spot... The name Danangou is really... It is a bit unfavorable for our packaging promotion. The name is too local, so it is easy for people to associate it with the farmhouse, and it will not feel very high-end emotionally. However, our strategy is to use high-end B&Bs to make this place a For a scenic spot for leisure and vacation, this creates a mismatch, and we may need to spend several times the resources to eliminate the impact of this mismatch... Then why not change the name of the scenic spot to a name that fits its positioning?"

"What do you want to change your name to?"

"Valley of Lovers..."

"Is there any special meaning?"

"We'll talk about this later. You have to tell me. Is it difficult to do this?" Chang Tianming replied after pondering for a while: "Since you specifically brought this matter up to ask me, in your heart You should also know that it is difficult... This difficulty does not lie with me, but with the aborigines living in the Danangou Scenic Area. They rashly changed the name of the scenic area, which is actually eliminating their feelings for this land. ...Did you know that the name Danangou has been formed since the Ming Dynasty. The genealogy of these aborigines all has Danangou as their birthplace, and it is the place they want to protect from generation to generation... This kind of thinking In a big city with frequent population movements, it would seem very different, but in such a small mountain village, it is a belief that cannot be broken..."

I frowned and replied: "Listening to your explanation, it is indeed a big difficulty... However, if the name is not changed, the effect of the activities I will conceive next will be greatly reduced, and it will also affect the future of the scenic spot. It’s really detrimental to development.”

"what activity?"

I lit a cigarette, gathered my thoughts, and told Chang Tianming about my plan to recruit [-] couples to climb the mountain top.

Chang Tianming fell into silence after hearing this, which made me a little uneasy. If I didn't get his support, then my idea would be completely ruined.

After a long while, Chang Tianming nodded heavily, and then said to me: "Your idea is good, really good... If it can be successfully implemented, I can imagine what kind of scene it will be like... I believe those who logged in Couples who go to the top of the mountain will definitely have a strong desire to tell the world that they did it..."

"Yes, Uncle Chang... So on that day, there will be countless short videos and Moments updates, telling the world that they have done it... It is really unpredictable what kind of traffic revenue will be brought by then. ...And for you, isn't this kind of traffic the biggest bargaining chip to obtain the 38 billion investment? ...What's more, if the Danangou Scenic Area wants to be revived, it really needs this kind of explosive traffic, otherwise it will be really difficult. By breaking down the barriers caused by transportation disadvantages, I believe that after this event is successfully held, many B&B investors will extend an olive branch to the scenic spot, and our investment work will be more effective with less effort!"

"That's the looks like the Danangou Scenic Area is indeed going to change its name!"

I nodded, and then said: "Since I came up with this idea, let me do the work of the indigenous people..."

“I have been doing business for so many years, and the biggest feeling I have is that it is really difficult to convince one person, and what’s more, you have to convince a group of people, which is really difficult!”

"Since I have decided to stay here and do this well, I am mentally prepared to face all difficulties...Uncle Chang, don't worry, I will convince them."

Chang Tianming nodded and expressed his approval to me again.


Unconsciously, we came to the end of this path. There was no beautiful scenery as imagined, only potholes left by over-development. It seemed that this place was once a mining area.

Chang Tianming sat down on a rock. He looked at the mining area in front of him with extremely complicated expressions in his eyes. He didn't come back to his senses until I spoke to him.

"Uncle Chang, there is a question that I have always wanted to ask you..."

"Between us, you can absolutely speak your mind."

After a brief silence, I said: "I'm a little confused. Your kindness to Qiao Jiao has even exceeded your kindness to your biological daughter. Why?... Could it be that it's really like what some people say, it's because of Turn her into your daughter-in-law?”

I said I couldn't understand it, but Chang Tianming looked at me with an expression that was even more confusing than mine...

(End of this chapter)

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