i'm not a bad man

Chapter 313 The One Piece of the Past

Chapter 313 The Past

Chang Tianming and I looked at each other with puzzled eyes. After a long while, Chang Tianming said to me: "Isn't Jiaojiao your girlfriend? Last time when you were chatting with those B&B investors, it was Jiaojiao. How come there are such ridiculous rumors that I want to bring Jiaojiao and Yuli together, even if I am an unreasonable person, I will never create such a conflict between you young people. …”

I was speechless. Qiao Jiao did say that she was my girlfriend in front of those investors, but for more than a month, we still get along with each other in the same way as before, although we still meet every day and spend time together. We had dinner, but we never became ambiguous about it, so over time we forgot about each other, but others who were not often with us didn't think so, which is why there was such a misunderstanding between the three parties.

Chang Tianming is an old man. When he saw that I didn't say anything, he tried to smooth things over for me and said with a smile: "To be honest, the fundamental reason why I treat Jiaojiao well is because of you. I want to keep you by my side to do things, so Whether it's you or Jiaojiao, I want to give you a comfortable and harmonious living atmosphere. Only when you are comfortable and harmonious can you focus more on your career. This is just a little bit of selfishness on my part... Besides, I also had a twin twins the year before last. Before that, I only had a son, Yu Li. Wanting a daughter is my biggest wish in this life. My youngest daughter is too young now, and we haven’t had much emotional interaction yet. , so the sudden addition of a goddaughter like Jiaojiao in my life made up for my regret to a large extent. Jiaojiao is indeed a very good girl, who dares to love and hate, lively and lively, even though I admit that she has done my own thing. daughter, but I still often wonder, who is so lucky to have a daughter like Jiaojiao... So, don’t make any conspiracy theories about this matter. You can come to the small town and do this together with me. A career is a fate given to us by God. I don’t know what you think, but I cherish this fate very much... I think Chang Tianming has been living in a small town for most of his life. Whether it is dealing with people or doing business, I have formed A very solid set of ideas. It wasn’t until you showed up that I realized that there was a group of such amazing people in this world. You are completely different from these young people in this small town. When I came into contact with you, I would unconsciously Breaking the stereotype formed before, I have a desire to integrate... This may also be an important reason why I am willing to do this to you."

After saying that, Chang Tianming lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. He didn't seem to particularly want to know how I felt after he finished speaking. The deep pits formed by over-exploitation were lost in sight.

It wasn't until he was about to finish smoking a cigarette that he spoke to me again: "You and Jiaojiao went to see Chang Chang before, probably because you can't trust me 100%... Don't deny it in a hurry, I can I understand you. After all, you left your hometown, came to such a completely unfamiliar small city, and did something that may change the pattern of the entire small town. The dangers are unpredictable. You must have various concerns in your heart, especially the delicate one. Jiao, she is not a girl from an ordinary family. She is well-informed, so she will know better than you about the games we play among ourselves... It is impossible for me to dispel your doubts in one sentence, but the future is long, I I feel that I have the ability to help you find a sense of belonging here. Even if you don’t choose to stay in the small town in the future, if you recall it, this will definitely be a wonderful experience.”

Chang Tianming's words relieved my anxiety caused by uncertainty to a great extent, so I nodded to him and replied: "The days are long, I hope Uncle Chang will recall the time we spent together, It will also be a great experience.”

Chang Tianming patted me on the shoulder to show his happiness.

After a brief silence, I asked Chang Tianming again: "Uncle Chang, what are you going to do with Chang Chang? Are you going to leave him alone like this?"

Chang Tianming sighed and replied: "Speaking of Chang Chang, I really hate that iron cannot become steel... I have left him there for more than a month just to teach him a lesson. If he can learn a lesson, Even after changing the bad habit of gambling, I still don’t want to give up on him, because the promises between people cannot be easily broken..."

After saying that, he looked at the pits in front of him again. This time, after being silent for a long time, he continued what he just said to me: "Have you seen the pits in front of you?... In our life The first pot of gold was found in this place; more than 20 years ago, Guan Yubo's father, me, and Chang Chang's father were determined to do something in this small town. We opened a barbecue restaurant, and in We raised pheasants on the mountain and bought second-hand construction trucks. The three of us worked day and night to clean up construction waste. In short, we suffered a lot but didn’t make much money... Later, we couldn’t sustain it any longer, so we The three of us were looking for jobs separately. Chang Chang's father worked as a driver for a mining boss, and we had the opportunity to get involved in this industry. At that time, the boss contracted a mining area and said that he wanted to transfer the mining rights to other countries. He was unwilling to do so. Mediocrity is something engraved in the bones of the three of us, so we decided to take another gamble. We borrowed all the money we could, and finally collected 30 and gave it to this boss... But this boss was not kind. The two sold and ran away after winning, leaving the conflicts and disputes between us and another buyer... In those days, control was not as strict and standardized as it is now. The way to resolve conflicts and disputes was to compare whose fists Hard... The other buyer was a boss from Fujian. He hired a group of local gangsters to guard the mining area for them and prevent our mine cars from going down the mountain... That night, the three of us drank a bottle of Zhuangxing wine each. , and then went up the mountain with three machetes... We were determined to take money rather than our lives to confront the gang of gangsters. Chang Chang's father was the most ruthless and least afraid of trouble among the three of us. When the conflict escalated, , he took a machete and chopped off the hand of one of the gangsters. He really chopped it off at the wrist... That scene shocked everyone present. Those gangsters just took money to do things for others and didn't have the guts to fight. ...So, we were all frightened. The three of us just took the knives and escorted the mine car down the mountain... At that time, this incident was very sensational. Afterwards, we were put on file for investigation by the Public Security Bureau. Chang Chang His father took all the responsibilities on himself and was sentenced to 15 years in the end... However, after that, our reputation grew and we won the mining rights of several mining areas in succession. From that time on, our life Earth-shaking changes began to occur..."

Chang Tianming temporarily fell into silence because of the infinite emotion in his heart. In his silence, I looked at the potholes in front of me again, as if I had seen such a night, three young people who were determined to get ahead, took... The scene of the confrontation between the cleaver and a group of gangsters with its cold light shocked me deeply. At the same time, I also had some curiosity. I was curious about the fate of Chang Chang's father. After all, Chang Tianming and Guan Yubo's father were already in the small town. Why did Chang Chang, a man standing at the top of the pyramid, fall into this situation?
Is it really because Chang Tianming and Guan Yubo's fathers were rich and unkind, and after they became rich, they forgot about such a brother who had shared life and death with them?
"What happened next, Uncle Chang?"

Chang Tianming sighed several times without speaking, and I waited with great patience, because I knew that telling such a past event would be mixed with many complicated emotions. Chang Tianming could only calm down these emotions. Only then can I say it with a relatively calm mind...

(End of this chapter)

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