i'm not a bad man

Chapter 329 Another woman who accompanies me

Chapter 329 Another woman who accompanies me

The universe is so big and there are as many planets as grains of sand on the beach, so it is absolutely impossible for life to exist only on the earth. However, there seems to be a barrier between life and life on the two planets that can never be broken, even if it is The speed of light cannot be crossed, but the universe is a big connected world, and life should not be isolated from each other. Therefore, death is a speed more extreme than the speed of light, or in other words, death is a magical passage that will The magical power carries the lives that have disappeared on the earth to new planets and new dimensions.

"Han Chao...are you okay?"

Qiao Jiao sat up before me and leaned over to look at me...

I finally said to her: "The stars in the sky are so beautiful!..."

Qiao Jiao looked up at the sky again, and replied after a while: "I know the stars in the sky are beautiful, but does this have anything to do with your current mood?"

I murmured back: "Death is definitely not an end, but a new beginning... But life will not reincarnate on the earth. Those lives that disappear on the earth will reach a planet that cannot even reach the speed of light... ...So, Luan Yu must not have lied to me. She said that if there was another world, she would live a good life...Looking at these unreachable planets, I seem to be able to feel her existence. She has reached a new world. In that world, the sea water is bluer than here, the mountains are greener than here, the flowers are more beautiful than here, and even the air is sweeter than here... The relationship between people is not so complicated, because it is a world without In a world dominated by desire, everyone is equal and harmonious."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

"Close your eyes and feel it."

Qiao Jiao glanced at me with confusion on her face, then closed her eyes. After a while, she said to me: "Isn't that what you are talking about?"

"Whether it's heaven or not, as long as she still exists."


Qiao Jiao opened the door of the RV again. The seaside was very humid and had no ventilation for a long time, so it was filled with a musty smell. Therefore, this was not a good place to drink, especially for me, because this small There are too many memories related to Luan Yu in the RV. During the two years of wandering outside, we spent more than half of our time in this RV.

My consciousness has been filled with these memories, and I no longer have the extra mood to drink, although I also know that drinking will numb people's nerves to a certain extent, thereby reducing pain.

Qiao Jiao opened the windows on both sides of the RV, and the sea breeze came in with a roaring force. It finally dissipated some of the musty smell, but it also brought a feeling of moisture. I breathed heavily...

Qiao Jiao first filled my cup, and then her own cup. After drinking it all, she whispered to me: "Actually, I don't know how to persuade you, but I know how you feel in your heart. ...I'm afraid you have never imagined that she would completely leave you in this way, so it is difficult for you to accept this fact... What's more, you also know that you are always her favorite man, and the reason why she left you is just Because you have been unwilling to give her the home and stability she wants... You must feel guilty and regretful now, but it is so useless... After all, she is not separated from you, she is really After you leave this world, you will never have a chance to make amends..."

"Stop talking...I beg you not to talk anymore..."

Qiao Jiao ignored my plea for mercy at all, and continued: "You chose to stay in a small town to start a business, and suddenly you have an ambition that has never appeared in you. This is something that is very puzzling for everyone. , you yourself are very confused, so when others ask you, you can never tell a reason... Once, I thought you were doing it for Lu Xi. You knew that she was much better than you, and you wanted to catch up in her footsteps. ...But, I don’t think so now. The reason why you became like this is entirely because of your subconscious mind... You gradually realized that the person who was really wrong was not Luan Yu, but yourself... She followed you In the past two years, I have seen a lot of scenery with you, and at the same time suffered a lot of hardships that others could not imagine... But even so, you are still unwilling to satisfy her and give her a stable home... Two years, two whole years , what will continuous suffering turn a woman into?... This is why later Luan Yu was willing to have her hymen repaired and be with Lu Ming... The extreme nature of her approach proved that she was How wronged and helpless you are... In fact, when she first found you and asked you to leave Qingdao... your guilt and regret had already awakened, you just didn't want to admit it..."

"I don't know, please stop talking... really stop talking, let's drink, just drink..."

I picked up the cup and took a sip, but Qiao Jiao didn't accompany me. She just looked at me, at the injury on my head, at the cracked corner of my mouth... "I've heard from Black Foot and Yu Li said... In order to successfully change the name of Danangou, you deliberately provoked those villagers and asked them to beat you... Until now, those who beat you are still in the custody of the Public Security Bureau... How rich are you? Scheming, how ruthless... If you are scheming towards others, you are ruthless towards yourself... Aren't you afraid that those people will beat you to death when your head gets hot?"

"Don't be afraid... I want to revive Danangou Scenic Area!"

"Come on, there is no Danangou... As you wish, that place will be called Lover's Valley from now on."

Qiao Jiao looked at me, with tears glistening in her eyes.

I filled the glass with wine, and then drank it all. I said to Qiao Jiao, who was in tears: "Do you know?... I already have a family. When I come back from Qingdao, Uncle Chang will take care of me." The house was transferred to me...I have already got the key, and Uncle Chang told me that it is a 168-square-meter house with four rooms and two bathrooms...it is more than ten times bigger than this RV!"

Qiao Jiao turned her head and stopped looking at me, but I could clearly see that tears were streaming down her face...

"If you want to live in this kind of regret and redemption for the rest of your life, then I have nothing to say...I won't talk anymore, I'll get drunk with you."

Qiao Jiao wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves, then filled up another glass of white wine and drank it all in one gulp. We were drinking from the beginning to the end, and we didn’t even touch the dishes Qiao Jiao brought to go with the wine.


Qiao Jiao gradually became a little drunk. In the past, as long as she was drunk, she would talk non-stop, but this time she didn't say anything. She just drank one cup after another until she was on the verge of collapse.

Her alcohol capacity was always limited, so she was not the one who had the ability to get drunk with me. She just got drunk in this RV that only belonged to me and Luan Yu.


Lighting a cigarette, I finally left the dull RV and stood in the courtyard, looking toward the sea. The tide kept surging, and I also saw my broken life in the surging tide. .

I seem to have experienced life and death... and the days to come are still so long. How can I stand in the pain of life and death and become happy again?

I'm so confused!

Really confused...

I looked back at Qiao Jiao, who was drunk in the RV, and felt an inexplicable pain in my heart!
Compared to Luan Yu, she was another woman who stayed by my side and never said she wanted to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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