i'm not a bad man

Chapter 330 Mirror Room

Chapter 330 Mirror Room
"Han Chao...Han Chao...I feel uncomfortable...What are you doing? I want to drink water...Can you please stop being so unloyal, I am here to get drunk with you, you are not allowed to get me drunk, He just ran away on his own..."

Qiao Jiao muttered like this, and when I didn't respond, she slapped the table with her hand again, showing that she was uncomfortable and trying to attract my attention at the same time.

I finally turned around and walked back to the RV, and then she looked up at me, her eyes blurred and lifeless, and she really looked like she had drunk too much.

I rummaged around in the bag she had used to carry wine and snacks, but couldn't find any drinkable water. I could only say to her, "Come on, I'll take you out to buy water."

"Are you a pig? Have you forgotten... we... came in over the courtyard wall? I'm already so drunk, how can you ask me... to get out again?"

"Then you wait for me here and I'll go out and buy it."

"No way...no way...if the current owner of the house comes over, wouldn't I become the turtle in the urn...There were originally two turtles, but now I am the only turtle left. If someone else picks up the knife, I can only be killed. , if there are two turtles, if they kill you first, I might be able to take advantage of the chaos and escape..."

Qiao Jiao was really drunk, and she actually said such nonsense, which also made me a little bit at a loss. It seemed that it was neither right nor wrong to leave. After a while, she said to her: "Since you can't climb the courtyard wall, , then let’s go out through the door, can’t the lock be opened from the inside?”

"No, no... there is surveillance at the gate. If the landlord sees us on the surveillance, it will be unclear."

"Are you drunk? Sometimes you are sober, and sometimes you are confused."

"Even if I'm drunk, I can choose to be sober."

"Whether you are awake or not, that gate is our only way out...unless you can hold back your thirst and stay here."

"I can't help it. You go and destroy the surveillance."

"There is no need to be so cautious... Let's go, drink water, and then find a place to have a good sleep. We have to go back to the small town tomorrow."

After saying that, I cleared away the leftover wine and food on the table and pulled Qiao Jiao towards the main entrance. Qiao Jiao seemed to be really wary of the surveillance camera hanging in the corner. She even took a special look at it when passing by, and then She covered her head with the torn coat before, but forgot about me. This seemed to be a cover-up. In fact, this house still belonged to her, and she didn't need to do this at all.

Therefore, sometimes what you see with the naked eye may not be the truth.


After leaving Qiao Jiao's villa, I bought her a bottle of mineral water nearby. She drank the entire bottle in one breath. After drinking, her whole body became still. She didn't make any noise or make a fuss. That's it. Looking at the sea not far away...

After a long time, she spoke to me: "Han Chao, do you feel particularly lonely now?... Your state of mind seems to have returned to the days when Luan Yu was with you, but she disappeared from this world forever. So, for those emotions that have traveled through 296 cities, you can no longer find anyone to rely on."


"If you are not sleepy yet, let me take you to a place... That place is a secret of mine, and I am the only one in the world who knows it."

"If I go, it won't be a secret."

"Who says it's not the case, but I can't keep seeing you depressed like this... Luan Yu doesn't want to see you like this. She said this before leaving. She said that Han Chao, who has become pretentious, is the least likely to It makes sense... What she misses will always be you who was like a child once you were happy... Why do you think she could wander with you for two years?... It's because the way you are happy makes her forget it temporarily. Without the worries of home, she will not be able to help but laugh with you and follow you to the next city you want to visit..."

I lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and finally said to Qiao Jiao, "Don't hurt me anymore."

"If you don't want to be hurt, just come with me."

"What kind of place is that?"

“There will never be a lonely place.”…

We called a taxi and drove north along the coast. The city was gradually left behind us, and those street lights...

The world gradually became darker, and in this darkness, I felt the tranquility from the edge of the city. This tranquility made me feel even more lonely, as if there were only three people in the car left in the whole world. The driver did not speak, and Qiao Jiao is half drunk and half awake, and I am a person who has lost all emotions, so there is no communication, no communication...

I'm afraid I've been deceived by Qiao Jiao again. There is no place in this world where people don't feel lonely. Even in the busy streets, I look at those people who have no emotional communication with me. They are crazy. Laugh, even if you are walking in a hurry, you will feel lonely, not to mention such a suburb that has lost all the fireworks of the world.

The taxi finally stopped. The driver seemed to have never been to this place. He looked at the navigation and then asked Qiao Jiao, who was half drunk and half awake, "Is this this place?"

Qiao Jiao then straightened up and looked out the window, and then said to the driver: "Drive a little further and you will see a container, and you will be there."

"It's just a 200-meter road ahead. Please walk a few steps on your own. The road over there is too narrow. If I drive over, it won't be easy to turn around."

Qiao Jiao didn't embarrass the driver. After paying, she pulled me out of the car.

It was dark all around, and there was only one light on the container. At this time, Qiao Jiao said to me again: "This is an abandoned dock, and it is also our family's property. Originally, we were going to build a sea view hotel here. However, the government changed its previous plan and focused urban development on the south and west. There were no corresponding supporting facilities to support it, so this sea view hotel was ruined... In the future, it should not be built again, so this It became my secret base... Did you see that container? I bought it with my own money from a logistics park when I was in my third year of junior high school..."

"What are you buying a container for?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just go in and you'll know."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao walked to the container before me. When she lowered her head to operate, I discovered that there was a password lock on the container. After she entered the password, the door was opened.


I followed Qiao Jiao into the container. The moment she closed the door and turned on the light, I was really shocked because there was nothing extra inside the container, only mirrors, which covered the entire container. And it showed countless Qiao Jiao and me.

Qiao Jiao then said to me: "This is my mirror room. I come here every time I feel lonely."

"Is this really something you made in junior high school?"

"Well... To build this mirror house, I spent all my pocket money from that semester... Sit down, Han Chao."

Qiao Jiao and I sat cross-legged on the mirror, and then saw countless versions of myself and Qiao Jiao. Even if I moved just a little, the figures in the mirror would also move, and so would Qiao Jiao, but she seemed to have already I have adapted to this situation, so I have always behaved calmly and calmly.

After a while, she finally said to me: "That year, my father and my mother divorced. No matter how much I begged my mother, even if she stayed in the country, she still went abroad without hesitation and left me alone. I stayed in China, in Qingdao... My dad was busy working all day, and he found a vixen, and sometimes he wouldn't go home for a month... So there were a lot of rumors outside... I didn't listen It’s not allowed for others to say anything bad about me. It’s just that I’ve heard those vicious words too much and it’s really uncomfortable... Some people even say that I’m not my father’s biological daughter, but that my mother had an affair and gave birth to me. It was revealed that he had no shame to stay here, so he abandoned me and insisted on living abroad; because my father couldn't accept this fact, he ignored me, and I suddenly turned into a bastard... I was already close to I was depressed until one day I saw a mirror house designed by a Singaporean designer in a magazine... At dusk, the mirror reflected another person, as if I was having a conversation with myself... So, I also had the idea to The idea of ​​making a mirror room... If there are dozens of me in a room, I won't be lonely, and I won't have to deal with those venomous people anymore... You know, when I first entered this mirror room, in fact, I was quite scared and uncomfortable. I felt like there were countless pairs of eyes staring at me... This kind of fear was a kind of cowardice to me, and the time in my life when I finally had the opportunity to see myself being cowardly was What does it look like... Of course I don't want to be a weak person, so I compete with myself and stare at myself fiercely, as if I have found an enemy... At this time, my mood actually changed. Knowing that cowardice has no effect on my life, I want to fight back, just like I fight back against myself in the mirror... So, after walking out of this mirror room, I found the place where my dad and the mistress lived. I slapped the mistress severely, and then took my dad to get a paternity test... The next day, I found the classmate who spread the rumor, slapped the paternity test certificate on her face, and asked her to I had nothing to say, and then I asked her to apologize to me in front of the whole class... It was that time that I became famous in one battle..."

After a while, I finally sighed: "You are indeed not an ordinary woman!"

"Later, I would still come to this mirror room from time to time... This mirror room made me stronger, but it seemed to bite me back... I imagined that there would be a man who would protect me and protect me at all costs, but around me There was no such man, so in this mirror room, I looked at myself in the mirror again, and talked about my desire, my desire to be protected... Gradually, I regarded myself as a man, and I actually felt other The woman is weak and lovely...and begins to...begins to..."

"Falling in love with women, huh?"

"As long as you know, don't say it...until that time, when we were in Shenyang...a lampshade was blown off by the wind, and you actually held me tightly in your arms, preferring to get hurt..."

Qiao Jiao didn't say any more, and I subconsciously looked at the mirror room. It seemed that all of Qiao Jiao's personality was reflected in these mirrors!
In this world, no one wants to be seen through, so as she said, this is one of her secrets, but at this moment, she was seen through by me, and I even saw through the origin of her characters. This is not how smart I am. , how considerate she is, but she took the initiative to show it to me...

(End of this chapter)

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