i'm not a bad man

Chapter 351 You Don't Respect Me

Chapter 351 You Don't Respect Me

When the scene after Lu Xi met that man was presented to me in the form of a photo, my mood was affected after all, so much so that I didn’t even say a word of what Zhao Yingrou said to me on the other end of the phone. Listen in.I don’t know what I’m thinking, and I can’t even use an accurate word to describe my mood. I just keep thinking about the scenes between me and Lu Xi, from the first time I accidentally broke into her room. From the beginning to the end, we agreed to help patients with leukemia together, and then fell into a very empty self-doubt. How should we position our relationship?Have I left an irreplaceable memory in her heart?
Suddenly, I had a strong premonition that the appearance of this man would definitely make me very sad and distressed. It was precisely because of his appearance that I compared myself with another man for the first time in my life. , and came to the conclusion that he was crushed in all aspects. It is difficult to describe this feeling in detail. It is probably like driving a Geely to pick up a woman with great joy. When he arrived, he found that there was already a woman. The man in the Bentley is waiting for her...

"Han Chao, are you deaf?...I'm talking to you!"

Only then did I come to my senses and asked, "What did you say to me?"

"You didn't hear a word of it?"

"The signal is a little bad, please say it again."

Zhao Yingrou seemed to be going crazy, but in the end she suddenly replied as if she was discouraged: "Forget it, I don't want to talk anymore, you should go to bed early."

"Say it."

"You finally wrote an essay, but suddenly there was a power outage and you didn't have time to save it... Would you still be in the mood to write it again?"

After saying this, Zhao Yingrou hung up the phone with resentment. I felt a little embarrassed, because carefully recalling my words and deeds, I really didn't respect this woman who had a relationship with me, but I couldn't control myself. Think whatever you want to think, and do whatever you want to do.

Sure enough, after Zhao Yingrou hung up the phone, she sent me another WeChat message: "Han Chao, I think you don't respect me enough. You never respect me. You always like me to coax you, but you never take care of me. The feeling...it was the same before, and it is the same now!”

"When we were together, you yourself admitted that you like my money more than you like me. How can you make me respect you sincerely?"

"Then you have no money now, so why do you continue the same way of getting along as before?"

I was speechless, and after a long while I replied: "I have no money, you can choose to ignore me, why bother to contact me proactively? Isn't this deliberately making yourself unhappy?"

Zhao Yingrou didn't reply to my message again, and I couldn't help but feel depressed. In addition to depression, I also felt depressed. So that night, I fell asleep with these two emotions. Before falling asleep, I set the alarm clock to five o'clock, wasn't it? I wanted to get up early, but I was really embarrassed to let the little security guard stay for me all night. He is also a human being, and everyone has the same perception of pain. I shouldn't feel comfortable giving away this kind of pain just because I have this privilege. Transferred to him, so I just need to rest and adjust for a while, and then switch him back as soon as possible.


At five o'clock, I was woken up by the alarm clock on time, and got up without delay. After a brief wash, I packed up my things and left the room, and returned the room card to the front desk.

The girl at the front desk said to me with some confusion: "Brother Han, the road is not open yet. Even if you have something urgent, you can't leave now if you check out."

"I'm not leaving. I'm going to replace the little security guard. It's really uncomfortable to sit in the car like this all night!"

The girl at the front desk seemed hesitant to speak. I looked at her, and then she said with some concern: "You'd better not change him. Mr. Xiao Chang already said this when he called me before. After that, ask him to wait for you until the traffic jam is over and then come back, and then give him a 200 yuan subsidy. If you go to replace him now, he will not get the 200 yuan subsidy."

I was a little surprised and sighed: "There's still this thing!... Then it's not like we just stay there for 200 yuan. With this kind of extreme weather, it's normal for traffic to be closed for a day or two sometimes. "

"For him, it's really..." At this point, the girl at the front desk showed sympathy on her face, and then lowered her voice and said to me: "Brother Han, he is really pitiful. His family I have a three-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with leukemia at the beginning of the year... In order to treat their child, their family has borrowed all the money they can and sold everything they can sell, but this disease is like It's like a bottomless pit. He has to keep money to survive, so he can only work hard... You know, in our hotel, no one is willing to work the night shift when winter comes, so the salary for the night shift is higher than usual. It costs 50 yuan more. Because of the extra 50 yuan, he has been working the night shift for more than two months, and this is just his job. After work, he will go back to sleep for half a day, and then We started delivering food again in the afternoon and continued until we were on the night shift. There was no rest time in between... We all told him that if this continues, your body will collapse sooner or later... He said, if it collapses, If it falls, he will die with his daughter. Anyway, even if he dies, he doesn’t want to be separated from his daughter... We don’t know how to persuade him... So, you should let him earn the 200 yuan. , if you go to replace him now, wouldn’t it be equivalent to killing him!”

These words gave me mixed feelings, and after a while I replied: "Don't worry, based on my relationship with Mr. Chang, I will definitely let him get the 200 yuan... In this weather, It's really not possible for people to stay in the car forever. I'll go change him first." After that, I walked out the door, and the girl at the front desk chased me out again. She had a blanket in her hand, and then she said to me Said: "Brother Han, if you take this blanket and cover yourself, it should make you feel much warmer."

"Thank you... By the way, what's the name of that little security guard?"

"Chen Zhiren, we all call him Xiao Chen."

"Well, when he comes back later, let him rest in the room where I sleep. You can keep the key card for him."


When I walked out of the hotel, although the snow stopped falling, the snow had already reached my ankles. I really walked to the place where I parked my car. I didn't knock on the car window immediately, but leaned forward to look. Take a look.

Xiao Chen was already asleep. He was covered with the poncho I had thrown in the trunk before, and his body was curled up into a ball. You can imagine how cold it was this night!

I knocked on the car window. He rubbed his eyes, sat up straight, and opened the car window. Even though he had just woken up and his mind was not fully awake, he still spoke to me in a humble tone: "Brother Chao, Why are you here? The road is not open yet."

I smiled and replied: "I'll change it for you... You go back to the hotel and rest... Go to the room where I slept before. The heating is on. You just go to the front desk to get the room card. I have already told her." .”

"This... how does this work?"

"It's okay. I usually sleep for five or six hours. Come out quickly and let me in. It's very cold outside." (Follow the author's Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view Tank Inn B&B prototype. Reply to "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture! You can also view the latest chapter)
Xiao Chen got out of the car in confusion, but he stood there and refused to leave, so I opened the car window and said to him: "It's okay, Mr. Xiao Chang will definitely pay the 200 yuan to your salary." , you go and rest quickly."

"Brother Chao, you should go and rest. I can really bear it."

"Don't argue. If you argue, you really won't get the 200 yuan."

After saying that, I took out a previously printed business card from my wallet and handed it to him and said: "This is my business card. I have heard about you. Please remember to call me later if your child is ill." , I will make the arrangements from now on..."

Xiao Chen looked at me with a confused expression on his sick face. After a long time, he carefully asked me: "Brother Chao... you... are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true. You go to rest first and recuperate. Let's fight the disease together."


With my insistence, Xiao Chen finally left. In the snow, he was as deep as me and one foot was shallow. Suddenly he fell. After getting up, he turned back and took the business card I gave him. He grinned at me, and then, seemingly ignoring the constraints of the snow, he ran happily towards the hotel...

I lit a cigarette and kept looking at his back, thinking: If Lu Xi was by my side right now, she would be happy too, because this is what both of us want to do.

(End of this chapter)

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