i'm not a bad man

Chapter 368 Unimaginable Energy

Chapter 368 Unimaginable Energy

Before I knew it, it was daybreak, and during this not-so-long, but not-so-short period of time, we didn't talk anymore. I really wanted to have the ability to read minds, to walk into her heart and see what she was thinking. , but I don’t have such an ability. I just felt her looking at me, looking at me very gently. It wasn’t until the sun rose and the sunlight shone through the window between us that she looked at me in a daze. The world outside the window.


I got up first, and Qiao Jiao slept for a while. While she was sleeping, I went to a nearby breakfast shop to have breakfast, and then brought another one to Qiao Jiao; when I walked back to the hotel, It happened that Qiao Er also walked out of the hotel. His energy looked even more depressed than Qiao Jiao's. The two heavy dark circles under his eyes were particularly eye-catching, making him completely lose the charm he had when they first met last night.

We stood face to face, and finally I smiled and said to him, "Are you ready to leave?"

"I don't want to leave, do you?"

"It's quite harsh to talk."

Qiao Er looked at me with complicated eyes, and after a while he said to me: "Be nice to my sister Qiao, don't let her be wronged."

After saying that, Qiao Er subconsciously looked back, his eyes full of helplessness and regret, and then he reflected this helplessness and regret in his words. He said to me again: "I don't know why she likes you. ...But there are some things I have to tell you...We are a team, there are more than 20 people like me in the team, we are all top players in the game, but Sister Qiao is the most special one, and she is also our team Chong... If you dare to treat her badly, then you have to think carefully..."

"Are you going to start a team fight against me?"

"Be serious, I'm talking to you seriously."

I finally nodded and said to him: "I will definitely treat her well and do my best."

"Well... there's nothing else to say... Sister Qiao is gone, and our youth is over!"

A young man who looked under 20 years old said that his youth was over. I couldn't help but find it a bit funny, but after he said this, he walked back to where he parked his car without looking back. There was a kind of loneliness seen in his back, and this loneliness really seemed to make him look a lot more mature... And this was Qiao Jiao's weight.

Maybe, I really understand what is so special about Qiao Jiao.


I returned to the hotel and opened the door, only to find that Qiao Jiao was no longer in the room. She left very cleanly and left nothing behind. I quickly took out my phone from my pocket, and there was an unread message she sent me. information.

"Brother Chao, after thinking about it, I decided to go to my mother's place to stay for a while first. Although I am also very curious about the man who has influenced Luxi for so many years, I still can't resist my eagerness to leave... I'm so proud of myself. , and I don’t know what you are thinking, so I always feel that after I tell you what is on my mind, I will be embarrassed and feel guilty when facing Lu Xi... After all, it happened between you first If it weren't for Luan Yu's existence, you might have been together a long time ago. If you think about it carefully, I seem to be an meddler, and a meddler who is not sure. There is nothing like this in the world. It's even more embarrassing... So, let's hide for a while... Don't ask me when I will come back. When I want to come back, I will come back naturally... Finally, I want to tell you, don't tell my dad and Blackfoot that I went there. Where, I want to be quiet for a while, especially... If you are with Lu Xi, don't tell me, I don't want to hear... I am still a bit stingy!..." I stood in the room and looked around blankly, until After confirming that there was really no Qiao Jiao aura in the room, my heart became empty, and this emptiness actually diluted my expectations for Lu Xi.

I have begun to get used to living without Qiao Jiao around me.

Just when I was in a daze because of this discomfort, my mobile phone received another transfer message. Qiao Jiao transferred all the 150 million she earned from selling games to my account, and seemed to be telling me that she had already I have completely said goodbye to the game-loving self I once had, and is getting closer to me little by little, becoming what I like little by little.


After I completely accepted the fact that Qiao Jiao had left, I checked out, left the hotel, and went to the hospital; Lu Xi and I also met in the hospital, and she, that man, and Qin Minhong Went to see Xiao Chen and Jiani together.

It was not as close as I imagined, and she always kept a little distance from that man; after we met, I didn't know if it was an illusion, but there was a little joy in her eyes, and she seemed to have a lot to say to me. , but Qin Minhong kept talking endlessly between us. Qin Minhong made an introduction for us. Only then did I know that the man I had guessed countless times was called Yang Yiming. He was even more handsome than what I saw in the photo. He is handsome and has more aura...but he also looks a bit bland. I seem to have seen this blandness on someone before.

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Ming, Lu Xi's brother, and even Lu Xi himself have a very indifferent temperament. They seem to be very similar to the same kind of people.

After briefly understanding the conditions of Xiao Chen and Jiani, Yang Yiming took the initiative and said to me: "I have a certain understanding of this disease, it is quite dangerous... Although the qualifications of this hospital are good, they are not the most reliable... ...If you are willing, transfer your child to BJ, to BJ’s Union Medical College Hospital.”

I thought this was just a suggestion. After he paused for a moment, he added: "I can arrange beds there. In addition, my friends and I have established a special public welfare medical fund abroad to help disadvantaged children." Medical problems are difficult... Therefore, Jiani’s medical funds can also be provided by our fund, and we will provide her with the best treatment.”

I am not a professional in medical treatment, so I subconsciously turned my attention to Zhao Yingrou, who was also present. Zhao Yingrou seemed to understand my request, and she finally asked Yang Yiming: "Can you really ensure that you can arrange a bed in Union Hospital? ? It’s BJ’s Union Medical College Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology.”

"Yes, you can now."

He answered so firmly that Zhao Yingrou had an incredible look on his face, and Yang Yiming was obviously not a person who liked empty words. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He said a few words on the phone. After saying this, he handed the phone to Zhao Yingrou.

I don’t know the content of the conversation, but Zhao Yingrou’s tone was very respectful, as if she was facing a dean in academia; indeed, after the call ended, she still could not get out of that state of admiration, and she focused He nodded and said to me: "The person who just answered the phone was my mentor in college, an absolute authority in the industry... Jiani will have a better chance of winning if she goes there!"

Now that Zhao Yingrou said such things, I no longer had any reason to reject his kindness, but at the same time, I felt a huge sense of oppression in my heart.

This man seems to have an energy beyond imagination!

(End of this chapter)

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