i'm not a bad man

Chapter 367 Han Chao, listen up

Chapter 367 Han Chao, listen up

Just when I was thinking about this, Qiao Jiao, who thought she had fallen asleep, suddenly turned over and said to me: "Brother Chao, I'm a little thirsty. Please pour me a glass of hot water."

As I stood up, I asked, "How do you know I'm not asleep?"

"Once a person has something on his mind, how can he fall asleep so easily..."

Turning on the light, I poured a glass of warm water for Qiao Jiao and placed it on her bedside. She leaned on the bedside, and I leaned on the bedside, looking at each other. Looking back on this feeling, I was already in college. When I lived in a student apartment, I would sometimes chat with my roommates like this before going to bed.

Qiao Jiao drank the water in the cup in one breath, and then asked me to turn off the light. Because it was almost dawn, I could still vaguely see her; I finally spoke and asked her: "Qiao Er Do you like you too?"

"He's just a little kid."

"No one stipulates that little boys can't like mature women."

"Am I mature?"

"Relatively speaking, you must be a mature woman to him."

Qiao Jiao smiled and seemed not to object to my using the word mature on her. She also acquiesced that the big boy named Qiao Er liked her.

"Sister Jiao... I think you are a more special woman than me... It seems that every man who comes in contact with you will like you, from Tu Lin, to Blackfoot, and this little kid named Qiao Er. …”

"Stop it...don't flatter me...it's actually very easy for a woman to be liked by a man. All she has to do is be good-looking. Of course I'm the kind of woman who is pretty pretty."

"I don't think it has much to do with your appearance... Take Heizu for example. I used to get along with some female Internet celebrities, female stars and so on. Those people all have good looks, but there is no way to make Heizu addicted. ...You have also seen the changes in Blackfoot. He has really calmed down and has never seen him in contact with other women... And Qiao Er, why does Qiao Er miss the feeling of playing games with you all night long? , this is also a sign of addiction, even though you think he is just a little kid..."

"Don't tell me this... I don't want to hear it..."

Qiao Jiao covered her ears, and until she was sure that I would stop talking, she said to me again: "You know, since I decided to come to the small town to live with you, I have never thought about this again... Before you After agreeing to take me back to live in Qingdao, I don't want to think about this... Others think I am a careless woman, but when it's time to be sober, I am more sober than anyone else... I don't allow anyone around me to destroy me. Happy people and things exist... Therefore, I will not allow Heizu to go to Dubai, let alone give Qiao Er any hope... So, do you know? After meeting Qiao Er, the first thing I said was Tell him that I came here with my boyfriend... I can really clearly feel the changes in myself... In the past, I did not object to playing games in a room with a group of friends in the game, but Tonight, I felt really awkward. I didn’t even want to put on the slippers in the hotel. I kept telling myself that this was an Internet cafe... I thought this might be an illusion, so I asked Qiao Er for a cigarette and tried to get it back. The feeling before... But I really can't go back... No one can do it..."

After pondering for a while, I replied: "Before you came to me, I always thought you were showing your temper..." "What kind of temper are you showing... We agreed to share the joys and sorrows together... How could I bear to give you this at this time?" Adding trouble." After a short pause, Qiao Jiao lowered her voice and said to me: "But it is true that I feel aggrieved. There should be no one in this world who knows Lu Xi better than me. We have been best friends for more than ten years. , she is really a woman who can satisfy all the fantasies of men. It is understandable that you like her... I feel aggrieved because I feel that everything I do is in vain. Later, I think about it, since I like her. A man like me still cares about whether his work is in vain or not. Anyway, he is willing to do it... But this kind of willingness cannot be endless... So, I thought about it very seriously. After returning to the small town this time, I will not do more. Wait, I'm going to leave for my mother tomorrow...I'll give you space to think clearly...but I'm not forcing you..."

I looked at Qiao Jiao...

"Han Chao, listen carefully...I no longer like women, I like men...I like you..."

My heartbeat was speeding up, and then it developed an abnormal beating rhythm.

"Did you hear that?"

"I hear."

"I want to have a future with you... I want to have a family with you... I want to give you a child..."

I was suffocating. I couldn’t explain what I felt. I wanted to cry, hug, wake up, and prove whether this was a dream. When all kinds of emotions filled my mind, I was suffocating. I thought again. When I came to Luxi, I remembered my obsession with her, and the scene of us holding each other and crying...

Qiao Jiao seemed to be able to feel my emotions, and she followed me in silence. After a long, long time, she spoke to me again: "Go to sleep, there are still many things to do later... I asked Lu Xi, she and That man came to Tianjin at noon and said that we wanted to have dinner together... No matter who the man is, don't feel inferior, because the man I like must be the best and most special in the world..."

"When you say that, I feel really uncomfortable!"

"Why are you feeling uncomfortable... I am the chosen one now... Be more generous, if you insist that Lu Xi is the woman you must be with in this life, I will bless you... because... because, you They are all people I sincerely hope can be happy... To put it bluntly, Lu Xi and I are two different types of people. Whatever I want to say, I will say it without reservation, and I will also do it without reservation. Do it... She has a more reserved personality, so many times, she has silently done a lot of things for you without you noticing... The same goes for Luan Yu, although during this time I have been Stay with you, but she pays more and endures more behind the scenes... Of course she knows that I like you, so she will restrain her emotions. She has been like this since she was a child. She will give up everything good to me without fighting for it. ...But this is a man, it is the happiness of my life. Anyway, I can't do it. I want to snatch it, I want to fight for it, even if I fail, I still have to fight vigorously..."

I fell into silence, but my emotions kept ups and downs. There seemed to be a confrontation between ice and fire in my spiritual world. A world of ice and snow, boundless; a blazing fire, burning the sky and the earth. Whoever I lost would be It is losing the most beautiful scenery in life.

I admit that at this moment, I began to face up to my feelings for Qiao Jiao.

I'm not special, I'm just like Black Foot and the others, but my love is more obscure, so that Qiao Jiao has always been under Lu Xi's halo, but no matter how dazzling the halo is, it can't cover up her natural fire. After all, she It broke through, breaking through the sky with an unstoppable momentum...

(End of this chapter)

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