Chapter 37
Luan Yu frowned and stared at me. After being silent for a long time, she finally said to me: "Han Chao, do you know what you are talking about? How could the set of vinyl records I gave you be fake!"

"I have a friend who recognized the product and she confirmed that it was pirated. Afterwards, I checked it online myself. What she said was consistent with the characteristics of pirated goods."

"Really? Where's that set of records? Take it out and show it to me."

I gritted my teeth and replied, "I tore him apart and threw him into the sea."

Luan Yu looked directly at me, and I looked at her with the same aggressive eyes. In my heart, there must be a very clear line between right and wrong. This time, Luan Yu did something wrong, so she didn’t have to give it away. , but you must not give me a set of fake records as if they were real. This behavior is very insulting.

I had already thought of words to mock her, but just when I was about to say these words, Luan Yu had tears streaming down her face, but she smiled and said to me: "There are some things that you can't prove unless you tear them to pieces." There is a transfer record on my bank card. Take a good look at how much I spent."

After saying that, Luan Yu took out her mobile phone from her pocket, then opened a certain bank's APP and rummaged through it; in the process, I lit a cigarette for myself to relieve the uneasiness in my heart... ...Although I know that there is no need for me to be worried, because what is false cannot be true, not to mention that I have Lu Xi as a witness, but I still can't control my emotions. I feel that Luan Yu is even more determined than I am, and he is also very powerful. This made me a little suspicious.

Finally, she raised her phone in front of me and said in a cold voice: "I bought this set of records from a video store for 1 yuan. The market price at that time was only about 1 yuan. But in order to give it to you before your birthday, I spent an extra 2000 yuan... This is the transfer record, and the payee is LS's Wuyou Video Store."

I took a look and saw that Luan Yu was not lying. She really transferred 1 yuan to this video store called Wuyou. I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of another possibility: Could Luan Yu also I wonder if this is a set of fake records and she is the one who was really deceived?
"You were lied to, it was really a fake record set."

"Impossible. I had a long chat with the boss at that time, and he swore that if he sold me fake things, he would die badly in his life. No one would curse themselves like that... I have chat records."

After saying that, Luan Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I have no longer used that WeChat account, and I have changed my mobile phone several times, and I can no longer find the chat history from that time... But, Han Chao, this is really can't be the reason for you to question me... You know, in order to buy this set of records for you, it was the first time I reached out to my dad and asked for so much money. There must be a reason for asking for money, so I just lied to my dad. I said that my computer configuration was too low to use for work, and I wanted to change to a better one... Of course I felt guilty, but at that time I was already numb, because I had been lying to them, saying that I was staying in Kunming to work. , in fact, I wandered around with you, pursuing the kind of romantic feeling that you like until death... To this day, I still don’t regret the deception at that time, because I also enjoyed it, the process of wandering, and my own You sacrifice, and because of these sacrifices, you are moved to tears...but people have to wake up, right?"

I looked at Luan Yu with mixed feelings in my heart, but I didn't know how to express it.

Luan Yu wiped away her tears, and then said after a moment of silence: "In the past two years since I left you, I have never cried again. I thought I would never cry again in the future, because from the moment I left you , I warned myself that I must be a rational and mature woman... However, when I saw you again today, I still couldn't control my emotions. I just felt very wronged... I finally understood that a woman cannot cry. Crying doesn’t depend on how strong she is, but on who the man is next to her.”

"So, you have been very happy these past two years?"

"Yes, I am very happy... Especially after I met him, he was very good to me and doted on me." After a pause, Luan Yu continued: "This year, my father has been in poor health. I took my parents to Qingdao and sent my dad to the best hospital in BJ for treatment until my dad recovered. With him, I no longer have that wandering and restless feeling in my heart. My parents I am also happy for me and feel that I have found the right man and he will give me a home soon... At one time, I didn’t know what home was, but now I understand that home is a sense of security and a shelter from the wind. The harbor…the RV is just a means of transportation and a place to sleep.”

"That's enough for you. You can find your happiness, but you can't use your happiness to belittle my life!"

"It's what you asked me to say. Originally, I just wanted you to return to Tianjin."

I felt pain in my heart, but I could no longer say anything to express myself; but I knew in my heart that Luan Yu said so much just to let me know how unbearable I was, and to use this unbearable hurt to After leaving her, she hoped that I would realize that I was a bad man through and through, and she hoped that I would feel guilty in my heart.

"Han Chao, do you mean what you say? You said, if the vinyl record I gave you is true, you will leave Qingdao and never come back... Now I have proven that I did spend so much money, I bought this set of records. Whether it is true or false, it does not affect my sincerity towards you... And what you really care about is not whether the set of records is true or false. What you care about is whether I am sincere to you. …”

After a long silence, I finally replied: "I already understand the reason why you came to me and everything you said... It's because I can't give you the happiness you want. This is my fault." I'm sorry for you, but I can never compare to that man... But I still want to tell you a few words from my heart. Don't try to hide that man's life, because you will live together in the future. As the two closest people in the world, you can lie for a while, but you can't lie for a lifetime; if one day, your lies are exposed, you will definitely die miserably... It's better to confess to him now, if He truly loves you, and he will slowly pull out this thorn in his heart."

"No, you don't understand how important people with religious beliefs value their beliefs... I can hide it for the rest of my life. I don't have any friends in Qingdao, and my parents don't know about my past with you. As long as you are gone, I will still be a woman without any stain. As time goes by, even I will feel that I have never known you. When I think of you occasionally and this experience, I just think it is a dream. ." I laughed miserably: "So? You love him, you are willing to have your hymen repaired, and you must also respect his beliefs; because you don't love me anymore, my beliefs have become garbage, and you can trample on them at will... You Knowing that I can't go back, knowing that the pursuit of freedom is what drives me to live... Why do you still want me to go back to Tianjin?"

"You are trying to get into trouble. Tianjin has your parents and your home... For reasons and reasons, you should go back."

"Forget it, forget don't have to say anything anymore...there will be no results from our discussion, just like that set of records..."

Luan Yu interrupted me and tried to persuade me: "If you still have a chance to go to LS, you can ask the owner of the video store for verification. He swore a poisonous oath to me, saying that it must be true."

"Even if I go, there will be no definite answer because the record has been destroyed... In fact, this set of records is like a summary between us. You are sincere to me, but you also have different feelings... So , even if this set of records is real, it is also fake; even if the record is fake, it still seems to be real...half-truth, half-false, is the best summary of our relationship."

Luan Yu fell into silence, and my heart was filled with despair...

I don't know how long this state lasted before Luan Yu spoke to me again: "I hope you return to Tianjin, just out of goodwill. If you really don't want to go back to see your parents, I have nothing to say... As long as you are not here Qingdao, you can go anywhere.”

I laughed: "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Thinking about what?"

"You act too impatient... I'm thinking, if I still stay in Qingdao for nothing, will you kill me and silence me?"

When I said this, Luan Yu suddenly put her hand into her handbag. I was shocked, and then subconsciously took a step back. I no longer trusted her, because the desire she showed made me feel fear.

Not wanting to, Luan Yu took out a document bag from her bag, handed it to me, and said, "Go to XJ... That's the place you've always wanted to go to. There's 6 yuan here." The money is enough for your travel expenses and enough for you to stay there for a long time."

I can no longer describe my feelings at this time. I stood in the cold wind and turned into a weed swaying in the wind. I didn't know whether to leave or stay here and become a big worry for her.

Obviously, we were once so happy and so in love.

I was completely in a trance, and I couldn't tell whether it was reality or fiction. Luan Yu seemed to be saying something to me again, but I couldn't hear it clearly. Until she left, I was still in a trance...


I don’t know how long it took, but my phone suddenly made a vibrating sound. I came to my senses and took it out of my pocket. After a night, Luxi finally replied to my message: “This little deer is definitely... Didn’t the carving you bought be a handicraft?”

(End of this chapter)

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