i'm not a bad man

Chapter 375 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 375 Unexpected visitor
With a smile, I told the old man on the other end of the phone about my new feelings. At the same time, I thought about Qiao Jiao, who was already thousands of miles away. Hunan, because I don’t want to turn her into an emotional substitute, but now, our relationship has undergone a qualitative change. If she was not in a hurry to go abroad, I would really take her to Hunan with me; because of this, I have Some fantasies about the scene when two old people met Qiao Jiao and me: Will they like Qiao Jiao as much as they like Luan Yu?
You will like it, because Qiao Jiao is a more lively person than Luan Yu, and they are easier to get close to emotionally. After all, what Qiao Jiao has lacked most over the years is family affection, and the same is true for the two old people. On the premise that they can complement each other Next, the emotions derived will definitely be more sincere.This gave me a sense of expectation, and I felt that there would always be a chance to take Qiao Jiao to see them.


After finishing the call with the old man, I sat back on the steps at the door, picked up Xiele, and stuffed it into my sweater. Only a dog's head was exposed, juxtaposed with my head. I like this feeling of closeness. I also like its furry body and the warmth it brings to me on this chilly evening. I feel that having such a dog by my side is healing to a certain extent, especially when I hold it in my arms. Sometimes, I won't think randomly, I will just look at the mountains in the distance and lose my mind, and it will be the same, so a silent companionship and tacit understanding will be formed between us. I know that it will not go away, which makes me feel at ease. Once you feel at ease, everything you look at will be comfortable...

Suddenly, I pulled "Xi Xi" out of my sweatshirt again and stared at it for a long time...

I was almost about to take it as my own, but I still couldn't erase the fact that it was given to me by Lu Xi. I gradually understood why Lu Xi had to give it to me; she was in a different place and working. , companionship has become a very luxurious thing for her, so "joy" is a reminder to a certain extent, reminding me not to forget her easily, let alone let her go easily, deep in her heart , she also hopes to have such companionship, but reality gives her too many constraints...

I inexplicably remembered the way she looked after she wanted to give me a scarf, but was coldly rejected by me.

I had some feelings of empathy, but I was also so uncomfortable and disappointed.

I immediately stopped this kind of empathy, but the emotions were overflowing, and I remembered the scene when she was drunk in the bar. Finally, I shook my head hard, let go of the joy in my hands, and forced myself to move away. Attention...


I went to the scenic spot again. The scenic spot once again received a wave of tourists in the evening. In order to solve the accommodation problem, these tourists stopped at the door of the row of B&Bs near the scenic spot to inquire about accommodation.

This was an unexpected wave of passengers, so the owner and waiters of the B&B seemed a little confused to deal with it. However, this confusion did not affect their good mood. Everyone's face was filled with joy. A smile of satisfaction and surprise.

I stood under the road sign of the scenic area and watched all this calmly...

Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Jia Guoying, the son of the village party secretary. We had a very serious conflict before about changing the name of the scenic spot. I was determined to resolve it, so when I came back last time, I bought them cigarettes and alcohol, but they threw them away; so when he approached me, I felt a little wary and subconsciously took a step back...

But he handed me a cigarette, took out a lighter, and bent over to light it for me. This made me very puzzled. "Brother Han... that... what happened before... I want to apologize to you... We villagers in the mountains really don't have much foresight. What we can see is the things behind us, so we do I feel sorry for you a lot... You are an ambitious and ambitious person. I hope you can forgive us for our ignorance. We will definitely cooperate with all the work in the scenic spot in the future. If anyone dares to be the black sheep like before, I am Jia Guoying. Be the first to stand up and deal with him."

I was stunned for a moment, then leaned over and asked him to light a cigarette for me.

While taking a deep breath of cigarette, I also felt that the suffocation I had held in my heart before was released like a floodgate. I am indeed a person who doesn’t like to explain. I have always insisted that the best way is to convince others. It’s about giving results, so when I looked again at the B&Bs that the villagers had spontaneously built, I already understood why such a big change had happened to them, because I had already given them a staged result, turning them into Became the first beneficiary of this event.

"Brother Jia, don't say anything to outsiders... On the first day I decided to take over this scenic spot, I regarded you, the aborigines in the scenic spot, as my comrades-in-arms. My comrades-in-arms must have come here for the common benefit." At the same time, although there will be differences in tactics... there will always be a day when we can talk about it. If we can't talk about it, we will see the results... Therefore, I have always been very sure in my heart... I will not talk about these trivial matters. Keep small things in mind, not to overwhelm the guest, and you must be the master of this scenic spot. You are the master of this scenic spot, because even Uncle Chang Tianming, his contract has a limited number of years, but you have been here for generations. Let me live here..." After a short pause, I extended my hand to Jia Guoying and said with a smile: "Brother Jia, let's work hard together... The future will definitely be better!"

Jia Guoying held my hand tightly and said excitedly: "Definitely, definitely... Brother Han, we grew up in the mountains and have never seen much of the world, but you are really a talent. We will reposition ourselves in our hearts." , I will be a green leaf beside you with peace of mind from now on, all for the sake of the scenic spot..."

"Not only for the scenic spot, but also for the next generation. They are the real hope of this scenic spot."

"Yes, yes, this is what I feel the most about... In the past few years, the business in the scenic spot has been worse than the previous year. My son graduated from a technical school this year. I originally wanted him to find a job outside the county, but Looking at the current situation, I am really shaken... I am thinking about renovating the old house in the scenic spot and making it a decent B&B. I will keep him by my side and run the B&B well in the future. ...This is not much better than being outside! ...But I am still a little worried in my heart. I am afraid that the excitement in front of me is just a temporary illusion. If the investment is not good, it will have a huge impact on our family. After all, this It’s really hard to save some money these days…so I’d like to hear your opinion.”

I replied sincerely: "Brother Jia, let me give you a clear time point... If Uncle Chang can make the highway free this time, you can boldly invest in B&B... If not If it’s done, then you just have to wait. Anyway, the house is ready-made. If others can afford to wait, you can even afford to wait.”


While we were talking, a taxi stopped not far from Jia Guoying and I, and then I saw Lu Ming walking out of the car...

I was so surprised, because in my mind, he shouldn't be a person who would appear in a small town. This kind of surprise made me completely confused about what kind of mentality I should use to greet him, so I just stared blankly. Look at him...

(End of this chapter)

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