Chapter 397
The distance of more than 1 kilometers is like a barrier, trapping Qiao Jiao and I in such a lonely night, because the conversation on the phone can only quench our thirst by looking at the plum blossoms. We need a more intimate embrace and integration. , instead of me listening to the rain alone, the sun was glaring over her.

Although this distance cannot be changed, I still feel that Qiao Jiao is the last woman in the world who will not set up obstacles for me. For her, as long as the relationship is confirmed, everything can become unreserved, from spiritual to flesh.


Unknowingly, Qiao Jiao had already spent an hour with me on the phone on this boring rainy night, and I still haven’t told her about my original motive for calling her; because when I fantasized With the possibility of being realized, a kind of pleasure will be generated invisibly. This kind of pleasure is extremely easy for people to indulge in. So much so that Qiao Jiao and I talked about details related to happiness, but we forgot to set the details for these details. Set a general direction, such as where to live and what to do to make a living?

I came to my senses first, and finally changed the subject and said to Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone: "By the way, there is something I want to discuss with you... We have discussed it before. After the situation in the small town stabilizes, we will Return to Qingdao to live..."

"The result has been reached, do we need to discuss it again?"

After a brief silence, I replied: "This afternoon, I had a phone call with Sister Ran... Because Zuo Xiaowei went to her to celebrate the New Year, so naturally we talked about Guan Yubo and me... Me and Guan Yubo represents the current situation to a certain extent... Sister Ran is a little worried because this competition between Guan Yubo and Chang Tianming directly involves five billion yuan... This five billion yuan is enough Making Guan Yubo lose his mind, she was worried that Guan Yubo would be angry with me, because from the surface, Chang Tianming’s chips were all given by me... Now I am not sure to what extent Guan Yubo will retaliate, so Sister Ran suggested that I go first She has lived there for one year, and one year is enough time for this matter to become history... Then, we will go back to Qingdao to live."

"Are you going to take me with you to Sister Ran's place?"

"Of course, this is what I discussed with you... Are you willing to go?"

Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone almost didn't think about it before she replied: "I will go wherever you go... I have told you before that if you were not afraid of the many right and wrongs in the small town, you could stay in the small town if you wanted... Originally I learned how to make pastry just to open a bakery in a small town. I have already bought all the bakery equipment, you won’t forget it, right?”

This is the comfort that Qiao Jiao brings to me. It seems that there will never be any disputes between us on issues of principle, because she is willing to follow me no matter where I am.Just when I was thinking about my upcoming life abroad, Qiao Jiao suddenly said to me with a little worry: "Tell me, Sister Ran suddenly mentioned this to you. Did she go to Phuket with Zuo Xiaowei?" Related?...Zuo Xiaowei may have known something, so she used Sister Ran's words to persuade you...Maybe the current situation is much more tense than we previously expected."

Qiao Jiao's calmness is always reflected in critical moments, and when she didn't mention it to me, I didn't even connect this incident with Zuo Xiaowei's sudden trip to Phuket. I seemed to be awakened from a dream. Man, I suddenly thought of a detail. Before that, Zuo Xiaowei once told me that if I ended up having an irreconcilable conflict with Guan Yubo because of my willful actions, she would definitely stand by Guan Yubo.

At this moment, it seems that this is not a statement, but more like a reminder. Only then did I realize that what I had destroyed was Guan Yubo's family's obsession with the title of the richest man in the town.

I fell into silence, and felt a very powerful sense of oppression in the silence, and behind the sense of oppression was Guan Yubo's ferocious look.

After a long time, I spoke: "This afternoon, I not only received a call from Sister Liao Ran, but also a call from Chang Yuli. Chang Yuli told me that the county has decided on a free highway for a week. To a certain extent, this represents the attitude of the county. They are now more inclined to support Chang Tianming. Moreover, once the expressway becomes toll-free, the scenic spot will usher in the peak of passenger flow. When the passenger flow reaches the peak, it is estimated that the dust of road expansion projects and health care projects will When it's settled... Even Guan Yubo will become increasingly frustrated due to the changes in the situation... If we combine Sister Ran's phone call with Chang Yuli's phone call, this possibility is still very high. "Don't go back to the small town... None of us should go back... After the New Year, you fly directly from Hunan to Phuket, and we will meet up in Phuket."

"This... this is not practical. There is still a lot of work over there that I need to finish. I absolutely can't plan an event and then leave. Moreover, if I leave in such an unexplained way, it will definitely affect Don’t forget the confidence of those investors. They all went to me in the first place. I must at least stabilize these investments before I can leave."

"No... I won't let you go back. In this world, only life and death are important matters, and everything else is not worth mentioning... Han Chao, you really can't give me so many fantasies, and then put yourself Putting it in an environment full of danger... This is irresponsible." (Follow Tank himself on his official account: *** to view the latest chapter)
"But I'm a man, I really can't leave like this... Moreover, there are other possibilities... Maybe Guan Yubo deliberately used Zuo Xiaowei to release such a dangerous signal for the purpose of Forcing me to leave irresponsibly, and then affecting the confidence of those investors to give up investment... Only then did he have the capital to make a last ditch effort... I can't give up on Chang Tianming at this time and let him fall short. After all, I took him A house, this is the commission...More importantly, this is the career that I have tried my best to do for the first time since I was born...I want to see it blossom and bear fruit with my own eyes, otherwise I will not be willing to accept it."

Maybe I really showed my emotions, so that Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone fell into a silence with nothing to say.

I didn't feel so happy, because for me, this was a big gamble in life, and the stake was my own safety. I was betting that this was a smoke bomb released by Guan Yubo.

After being silent for half a minute, Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone finally spoke. She replied in a firmer tone than me: "If you go back to the small town, I will go back to the small town with you... Anyway, I don’t want to be separated from you, even if I die, I will be buried with you.”

The rain outside the window seemed to be getting heavier again, as if I was using this day to shed uncontrollable tears... At this time, I was speechless because my heart was already touched by Qiao Qiao's tenderness. filled.


It was at this time that there was a sudden knock on my door, and then my godfather's voice came: "Xiaochao...I heard from people in the village that there was a big rockfall on the road, which blocked the road. It even hit a car... I just called the village party secretary, but I haven't gotten through yet. You should call Xiaolu and ask them if they are stuck on the road..."

I was shocked at first, and then replied with luck: "No way, they left at noon. The winding mountain road of a total of [-] kilometers should have been driven out long ago."

"Don't be careless. During the Chinese New Year, I have encountered huge traffic jams, which lasted for two or three days... You should call quickly. The village party secretary's family is also worried about this matter, and I haven't been able to get through to him. Telephone!"

(End of this chapter)

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