i'm not a bad man

Chapter 398 You are braver than me when climbing the knife ladder

Chapter 398 You are braver than me when climbing the knife ladder
I know very well how dangerous and complicated the road conditions will become when rocks fall on that road, so thinking of those bad possibilities, I immediately became restless and even forgot that I and Qiao Jiao were still on the phone... …

Qiao Jiao seemed to feel my emotions. She asked tentatively: "What's wrong?"

I tried not to sound so panicked, but my tone was still anxious. I replied to Qiao Jiao: "My godfather just told me that there was a rockfall accident on the winding mountain road leading to the village, and a vehicle was hit. It hit... Lu Xi took the village party secretary's car, and now the village party secretary can no longer be contacted."

"Then contact Lu Xi quickly."

Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone also fell into a state of anxiety. After all, Lu Xi had been her best friend for nearly 20 years. At such a moment of life and death, the emotional entanglements between us already seemed insignificant.

"I can't contact her now. She deleted all my contact information in the afternoon." I was still calm. After a moment of silence, I quickly said to Qiao Jiao: "Call her. She will definitely not You will be deleted."

"Yes, yes...I'll call her right now."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao hurriedly ended the call with me, but my mood became more uneasy the moment she ended. I was afraid of waiting like this, and I was afraid of getting a result that I was unwilling to accept.


The rain outside the window became heavier, and I even heard the sound of loose gravel, and the cold air brought by the rain was also mixed with moisture, seeping in through the gaps in the window...

I couldn't sit still anymore. When I put on my clothes and got out of bed, my godfather was still standing outside the door, looking at me with concern and anxiety.

In short, the atmosphere was very bad. In this atmosphere, I didn’t know how to explain to my godfather that I had no way to contact Lu Xi. I could only wait for Qiao Jiao and keep comforting me in my heart. This was only a small probability event. After all, they had already left the village at noon, and it was already 09:30 at night. The news of the falling rocks was only heard at this time, so it was difficult to establish the time.

Just when I wanted to speak to reassure my godfather, my phone suddenly vibrated. This was a call from Qiao Jiao. She told me in a very low voice that she couldn't contact Lu Xi either. I couldn’t be contacted on WeChat and my phone was turned off.

She lost contact with the village party secretary!

At this moment, all the luck I had felt before was gone, and then several dangerous pictures appeared in my mind, which forced me to make an immediate decision.

Lu Xi came to this village because of me. If anything happens to her, I will be the one who has the hardest time to blame her. Compared with the responsibility that I cannot bear, my concern for her comes from the bottom of my heart. Afraid that something might happen to her.

As if based on an instinct, when I came back to my senses, I rushed out of the house with the car keys, and I wanted to go along the winding mountain road to find Luxi, even though I knew that I would definitely be stuck halfway. , but I have no choice, I have to figure out the current situation of Luxi.


Afraid that I would not be able to handle it alone, my godfather asked the third child to go with me on the road. Years later, when I recall this incident, I am really grateful to my godfather for his carefulness and calmness. If it were not for the third child, Following, for me, this is a road of no return with no return. …

When the third child and I drove the car onto the winding mountain road, the rain was so heavy that even the wipers had no time to clear it. Even so, I maintained a fast speed. I had some luck again. Since the rockfall had already If there is a traffic jam, there will be no car coming from the opposite direction. I have confidence in my driving skills. If there is no car coming from the opposite direction, I can drive at a high speed, even if it is risky.

The brave third child was no longer so calm at this time. He not only fastened his seat belt, but also kept holding the armrest on the roof of the car with his hand, staring ahead with all his concentration, for fear that a car would suddenly rush out from the opposite direction.


This traffic jam has far exceeded the traffic jam I encountered on the national highway in the small town before. I only drove more than 20 kilometers on the winding mountain road when I saw the brake light coming on not far away. This winding mountain road has a Hundreds of kilometers away, I looked at the navigation. The source of the traffic jam was forty kilometers away, which meant that there was a huge blockage of forty kilometers on this steep winding mountain road, and it was caused by falling rocks. Traffic jams cannot naturally become smooth and require rescue. But on such a road where even passing traffic is difficult, how should the debris removal vehicles drive over to clear the rockfall?And how should the rescue vehicles rescue the injured?
Therefore, in the event of a serious accident, being stuck in traffic for three to five days is not an exaggeration made by my godfather. Such a steep winding mountain road is really not suitable for every Miao villager who is eager to go home for the New Year. It's the same as for people who leave the Miao village and go outside. Here, as long as one side is blocked, the traffic will be completely paralyzed.

At this time, some people could no longer hold themselves back, and began to try to turn around on the narrow road, relying on the fact that they were small cars. But even for small cars, when they forced a U-turn, the wheels were wandering on the edge of the cliff without guardrails. This kind of dangerous scene made me terrified and made me even more anxious, because in such a traffic jam environment where I don’t know when it will end, human nature will become uncontrollable. Once human nature is out of control, there will definitely be consequences. More people are choosing to take desperate risks!Judging from my long-term experience on the road, this kind of desperate risk will not alleviate traffic at all, but will bring more unexpected troubles and dangers.

This kind of anxiety and judgment made me no longer in the mood to sit in the car. I unbuckled my seat belt and said to the third child sitting in the passenger seat: "I'll walk to find them."

The third child immediately grabbed me, shook his head and replied, "It's raining so hard, and it's not easy to walk on a [-]-kilometer mountain road!"

"I can't control that much. If I'm stuck here and can't do anything, I might as well not come."

After saying that, I opened the car door and jumped out of the car. The moment I jumped out and closed the door, the car that had just made a U-turn also happened to drive over. The rain blocked our sight. When I found his At that time, he was only two or three meters away from me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and immediately leaned against my car. The U-turning car could barely squeeze past me. If I reacted even one second slower, I would have to He was cut into pieces and seriously injured.

The third child saw this scene in his eyes and jumped out of the car. He said to me with lingering fear: "Chao, really don't take risks. Everyone is going crazy because of this traffic jam. I don't know how many people are ahead of me." If something happens to you, an insensitive guy like him, you will really regret it."

I admit that such an accident was enough to wake me up, but I still couldn't listen to anything, and I didn't even want to say a word of defense. I just shook off Lao San's hand and walked quickly forward...

I kept telling myself in my heart that I should treat it as the Red Army marching on the Long March. As long as I keep marching at a rapid pace, I might be able to reach the end of the traffic jam in five or six hours. As long as I reach the end of the traffic jam, I can confirm whether Luxi is safe.

Out of worry, the third child hurriedly chased me again. I was afraid that he would hinder me, so I ran faster. The third child also increased his speed again, so the two of us started running in the pouring rain. Field chase.

The third child has been collecting herbs in the mountains all year round. Of course, his physical strength and leg strength are much better than mine, so after running for 500 meters, I was still overtaken by him, but this time, the third child did not stop me. , while wiping the rain off his face with his hands, he shouted to me: "Chao, you are braver than me when I climbed the knife ladder... I did it for faith and inheritance, what did you do for... I remember You told me that she is not your girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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