i'm not a bad man

Chapter 410 Envy of such fate

Chapter 410 Envy of such fate

Only then did I realize that Lu Xi was holding my car door open and refused to come in because she was embarrassed. I quickly removed the sundries placed in the passenger seat and motioned for her to get in the car, and Lu Xi sat next to me. beside.

My heart became confused at this moment, and the reason why I didn't force anything was because I was afraid of encountering such confusion. I didn't know what kind of identity and mentality I should use to face the Luxi in front of me. At this time, he will think of Qiao Jiao and the promises he made to her.

After Lu Xi got into the car, she fell into silence. After a long time, she said to me: "Let's just treat each other as friends. There is no need to do anything extreme... so..."

Lu Xi didn't say what he said next, but he picked up his phone, removed me from the blacklist, and then said to me: "Then we'll see you in Tianjin."

With the blessing of this fate, I finally let go of my escape mentality, nodded and said to her, "Okay, I'll contact her when we get to Tianjin."

Just when Luxi was about to get off the car, I called out to her and asked, "You have fulfilled your promise to go to Hunan with me. Do you really not want to go home for the New Year?"

Luxi looked at me...

I added, "It's actually quite uncomfortable to celebrate the New Year outside, especially when you watch other people having New Year's Eve dinner."

"I know it's hard to celebrate the New Year alone, so I want to go to Tianjin with you... If you can't find your parents before the New Year, won't you be alone?... Besides, my brother will go I went to Kunming and didn’t want to go home to celebrate the New Year, so my parents discussed it and decided to go to Sanya to celebrate the New Year...Sanya is so hot and doesn’t look like winter at all, so I don’t want to go with them.”

I responded, and Lu Xi got out of the car, then got into his own car, and started the car before me, and I quickly started the car after her.

This time I was following her path, and our destination was Tianjin.

I looked at the navigation system. It was still [-] kilometers away from Tianjin. It would take about two o'clock in the morning to arrive in Tianjin.


After that, during the [-]-kilometer journey, I basically never got lost. Even if I got lost sometimes, I would make an appointment with Lu Xi to meet at the next service area, so when I got off the expressway, I was still behind Lu Xi’s car. .

We drove directly to the vicinity of the scrap collection station, and then booked a hotel. Lu Xi stayed in the room opposite me. Because I was too tired, when I got to the room, after a simple wash, I fell into a deep sleep; I woke up. By now, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

I ate something casually outside, then went to the scrap collection station. Then I called Zhai Nuo and asked her about what time she met my dad here, so as to give myself a reference.

Zhai Nuo told me that it was probably around 07:30 in the evening.


I no longer have a photo of my dad. When I found the staff, I could only try my best to describe my dad's appearance and tell him that we were very similar. I wanted to confirm whether my dad came here often. If so, The staff would have some impression; however, I got a negative reply from the staff; she said that this is the largest scrap collection station in Binhai District, with a huge flow of people every day, so she did not have a clear impression in her mind.

Then, she brought me even worse news. Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, this scrap collection station will also completely end its business for this year after [-] o'clock today. Once this scrap collection station closes, it means I don't think my dad will come here again before the Chinese New Year.

This made me a little frustrated, so I lit a cigarette, sat on a bench across the street from the scrap collection station, and stared blankly.

It was at this time that I received a call from Qiao Jiao.

I felt a bit burdened in my heart. I didn't know whether to tell her that Lu Xi also came to Tianjin with me. After all, our meeting contained too many elements of fate. Qiao Jiao might be very concerned about this fate. …

I didn't want Qiao Jiao to wait too long, so I answered her call before I had any idea. She asked me first, "You've arrived in Tianjin, right?"

"Well, I'm sitting opposite this scrap collection station right now..."

"Then just be patient and wait. After all, it's a matter of luck."

I sighed and replied, "If I can't wait today, I might not have any hope of finding my parents before the Chinese New Year."

"what happened?"

"It's the Chinese New Year soon, and the scrap collection station has to have a holiday. If it's a holiday here, what else is he doing here?"

After a brief silence, Qiao Jiao said comfortingly: "That's not necessarily true. There is some information gap here. After all, your dad doesn't know when they will have a holiday. He might not come today, but he will come tomorrow...anyway. Don't run around."

"You know, Tianjin is such a big place, and trying to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We can only wait in this place where he is likely to appear."

"It's okay. Emperor Tian will live up to his hard work, and he will definitely be able to wait." After a pause, Qiao Jiao asked again: "It must be quite lonely for a person to wait without a deadline, right?"

Since Qiao Jiao asked, I had no intention of hiding it anymore, so I replied to her: "Lu Xi came to Tianjin with me."

I couldn't see Qiao Jiao's expression on the other end of the phone, but I could clearly feel her tone of voice lowered: "Didn't you get separated after you got off that winding mountain road?"

"They got separated, but we met again in the service area later."

"Can this happen?" (Many book friends say that Han Chao's parents are making a comeback. Search and follow the author's personal satellite number: ***. Reply: Parents, see if you guessed it right.)

"When using the navigation system, three routes are given every time. Not only did you choose the same route, but during the more than 1000 kilometers and dozens of service areas on the road, you actually met in the same service area... This Such a probability... If you say you are not destined, who would believe it... Moreover, your meeting itself is a kind of fate. Without this kind of fate, how could you have the opportunity to meet a celebrity and enter her room wearing shorts? !”

Qiao Jiao really cares about this fate, but I don't know what to say to her. The only thing I can do is to be honest.

Qiao Jiao's voice became even lower: "It doesn't matter if she goes to Tianjin. At least she has someone to accompany you to celebrate the New Year...just like when I accompanied you to the small town...and before that, I thought she would be with you." We went to Tianjin together."

I finally replied: "I won't have any extra thoughts. I'm just waiting for you to come back."

This time, Qiao Jiao didn't seem to listen to my promise. She just said: "I suddenly thought of a very interesting question, which is more important, hard work or talent... With the three of us, I think it's OK Change talent into fate... You are really destined. It seems that no matter what I do, I am vulnerable in front of such fate... I am not complaining, but I am a little envious of such fate. It seems that God is chasing me. It’s the same as enjoying a meal. I can’t break off the relationship even if I want to, but I can only be trapped abroad, refreshing flight updates over and over again, but I can’t wait for a refund message.”

I felt quite uncomfortable, and then I subconsciously looked at the hotel where I and Lu Xi were staying. Lu Xi actually walked out of the hotel at the same time...

This seems to be another kind of unexpected fate. When I think of her, she appears.

(End of this chapter)

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