i'm not a bad man

Chapter 461 Brothers for a lifetime

Chapter 461 Brothers Forever

In the ten days since I entered, the weather has changed a lot. The town has become warmer, and the vegetation that will revive in early spring has already sprouted buds at the door of the hotel. I watched with some fascination, and couldn't help but think of the past few years. I came to this small town with Luan Yu for the first time before, and the whole city was filled with scenes of flowers blooming.

It’s coming soon. In less than two or three months, this scene will happen again...

It's just that the same city will never have that feeling again; speaking of it, it's really amazing that when Luan Yu and I traveled to this place, this city already had Zuo Xiaowei and Chang Yuli , Guan Yubo, Chang Tianming... But at that time, there was no intersection at all. I didn't know that Chang Tianming and his son were the richest men in the town, I didn't know that Zuo Xiaowei was a pearl bred in the town, and I didn't know about Guan Yubo's notoriety; but As time goes by, I have actually established such a big grudge with these people in this city, but Luan Yu has left this world forever; then, what else in life cannot be changed?
"Brother Chao."

I turned to look at Chang Yuli: "What's wrong?"

"Do you think there is the kind of friend in this world who can be a lifelong friend?"

"Of course, there is nothing to question."

"I hope so, but I've never encountered it..." After a pause, Chang Yuli smiled sadly, and then said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I first entered junior high school, Guan Yubo and I even worshiped each other. The handle is not the kind of worship you talk about... That day, we brought the rooster up the mountain. At Guan Gong Temple on the mountain, we worshiped the second master Guan, cut off the chicken head, and made an alliance with blood... He is the eldest brother , I am the younger brother... I thought we could be brothers for life, but since my dad took the throne as the richest man in the town, our relationship has stopped working... He wants to overwhelm me in everything he does..."

"and then?"

"Without that, the relationship faded away unconsciously."

I didn't answer because I knew Chang Yuli must be holding something else in his heart; sure enough, after a period of silence, he said to me again: "Brother Chao, if you live alone in this world, if you even have a sincere heart, It is actually a very sad thing to have no friends... Therefore, I really want to be a lifelong friend and a lifelong brother with you."

I smiled and replied: "We didn't drink either. You are telling me this now, but it seems to be deliberately sensational."

"It's not sensational... I've lived for so many years, and no one has ever really tried their best for me... You are the first one... The fact that I have eye problems made me very unconfident, so I told my dad Many times, he was either busy or had no time... Later, he finally took me to the hospital, but I couldn't be cured, so he gave up and never mentioned it again... He always told me that a man, Don't always focus on appearance. Just because of our family's reputation in a small town, we can't find any kind of woman... Actually, I'm not afraid of not being able to find a girlfriend. What I'm really afraid of is the inferiority complex in my heart. Everyone always Behind my back, they used my eyes to talk about things, saying it was retribution, saying that our family was too rich and it was ill-gotten wealth, so we couldn't give birth to healthy children... My dad's response was to marry a young wife early. Then I gave birth to a pair of healthy twins...but I felt even more uncomfortable!"

I patted Chang Yuli on the shoulder to express comfort, but he was already choking: "Brother Chao, can you understand how I felt after you took me to BJ to treat my eyes, and it was really cured? ?...I think you are the only person in this world who has not given up on me. I want to be a brother with you for life, even if I am in front of you and behind you."

At this moment, I unconsciously had a very complicated psychological activity, but in the end I simplified the complex and said to Chang Yuli with a smile: "Then it's not that difficult to be brothers for life."

Chang Yuli finally smiled and said, "With your words, what I just said is no longer nonsense... We have agreed to be brothers for life."

"Brothers for life will never change."


After finding a hotel to stay, I took a hot shower, ordered a takeaway, and then took a deep sleep; when I woke up, it was already evening.

While I was asleep, the bartender named Zou Chang took the initiative to contact me and asked me where I would eat that night.

I said that I wanted to go to her place and asked her if it was convenient. She said that since she lived alone, there was nothing inconvenient about it. So, I chose her home as the place to eat.


Before going to find Zou Chang, Jia Guoying and I met. The water in the small town was muddied, and we became people in the same boat. Jia Guoying seemed to have this realization, so he took the initiative to ask for a bee farm where few people would go. Meet.

This bee farm is Jia Guoying's own property. It is built deep in the mountains. There is usually only one deaf-mute person in charge of it. Jia Guoying only comes occasionally.


It's so clean. Except for the buzzing sound of bees vibrating their wings and the sound of water flowing from the nearby creek, there is no other sound.Jia Guoying made a pot of tea with mountain spring water, and while the tea was boiling, we also chatted...

Jia Guoying said to me with some worry: "Brother, will this matter end badly... I feel like it's too big a fuss!"

"How big... Or, let me ask you this, before making trouble, what kind of effect do you hope to achieve?"

Jia Guoying was stunned for a moment and replied: "Uh... I didn't want to kill Guan Yubo either... but this situation..."

"Are you afraid of his revenge?"

"It's a lie to say I'm not afraid... You also know that the teacher in our village was tortured to death just because he slapped him a few times!"

"There are so many people in your village, who is he going to take revenge on... Is it possible that he will take revenge on your entire village?... Moreover, you don't look at the current environment. They are cracking down hard. There is no soil for the underworld to survive." ”

"That's what I said, but I was indeed the one who instigated this matter. There are so many people in the village, and I'm afraid that someone will be lax and let the news slip."

"What will happen if I let it slip?"

"Even if the superiors don't pursue the case, I'm afraid Guan Yubo won't let it go."

I frowned and knocked on the table with my hand. I didn't say anything for a long time. Jia Guoying said to me again: "Do you also think that I used too much force?"

I finally replied: "There is no turning back when you shoot a bow. It is meaningless to say this now... Brother Jia, if you are really so afraid of Guan Yubo, then you can go out for a trip to relax... Don't worry about this for now, maybe When you come back, those things that you find troublesome will have been solved."

Jia Guoying obviously felt that this was not a one-and-done solution, so he looked suspicious.

I lit a cigarette and said: "At this time, Guan Yubo will not focus on you... For him, neither you nor the people in the village are real threats. ...You just need to choose to avoid it at this time and don't cause trouble."

Jia Guoying fell into silence, and after a while she said: "I understand what you mean..."

"Well, you and I can't meet each other in the future. As long as we don't meet, we will be outsiders."

After thinking for a while, Jia Guoying sighed: "Brother, I have been in this society for so long, and I have never seen anyone with such a deep mind as you!"

"I have nothing to lose. The worst I can do is just slap my butt and leave... But Brother Jia, you are different. Your roots are here, so you still have to be careful with your words and deeds. If trouble is ever brought to us, I will not You don't have the ability to deal with Guan Yubo..."

"So, what you mean is that there must be someone in front of us who can be as good as Guan Yubo to block us?"

"Now that you've clearly seen the pros and cons, don't think too much, and just be an outsider with peace of mind... When this little storm passes, the benefits you get will be beyond your imagination!"

After a short pause, I said seriously: "Brother Jia, you also erected a merit monument for me... You should believe that I am the one who is truly capable of doing this scenic spot... At the beginning, I took over the management of this scenic spot. I only want to bring the villagers in the scenic spot to make a fortune... In the future, I will still have the same idea..."

After saying that, I got up and left the bee farm.

This time, the reason why I met Jia Guoying was not entirely out of worry, I wanted to win his heart; in this complicated situation, I need someone who can really help me. For me, Getting Jia Guoying means getting public opinion. This is my only reliance now.

(End of this chapter)

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