462 Threat
This evening, the flaming clouds suspended in the distance were like a person's eyes red from crying. I sat in the car, lit a cigarette, and stared at the sky for a long time before driving away from Jia Guoying's beekeeping place. field.

The next place I want to go is Zou Chang's home; originally, after this incident, I didn't plan to meet her again, but during the ten days in the detention center, I thought about a lot of things and thought about There were a lot of possibilities, so I didn’t delete her contact information and kept the opportunity to meet this time.


Ten minutes later, I arrived at the community where Zou Chang lives. This is the only apartment-style community in the town. There are many young people living in it. As a result, there are so many takeaway boys coming and going. The community does not seem to be busy. There is no very standardized management regulations, so that the delivery man and the security guard have a dispute. When there are more people watching, the traffic in the community is paralyzed. There are only a lot of cars blocked at the door. Some owners who are anxious to go home urge those The owners parked their cars to watch the excitement, so the sound of horns at the scene was endless...

And I was also stuck in the back. I took out my mobile phone to spend this free time that meant nothing to me. In the process, I received a WeChat message.

This was sent by Qin Minhong. To be precise, it was a document.

After opening it, my heart sank. This document recorded my life, starting from the accident at my family's construction site, then my dad went to jail, and I ran away from home because I couldn't bear the pressure... I met Luan Yu on the road, After separating from Luan Yu, there were records of depression in bars and indulgence in private life. Even Luan Yu later followed Lu Ming and died of illness...

These are all facts. When it comes to Ren Ran and I, they are fabricated out of thin air, saying that Ren Ran and I have an improper relationship. It is this that led to Ren Ran's final divorce from Lin Sheng'en.

Even Qiao Jiao was involved, talking about her sexual orientation and her bad family relationship. In the end, she ended up having a despised relationship with me.

I couldn't help but clenched my fists. In this document, I was not only transparent, but also vilified, and the people around me were also implicated in it.

At this time, Qin Minhong sent me another message: "This is a warning. You'd better not have any thoughts about Lu Xi, otherwise your privacy will no longer be privacy... When the time comes, you can Can you bear it, or can Lu Xi bear it? How will other people face society and public opinion in the future because of your implication?... You have to know that Lu Xi is a public figure who is watched by countless eyes, as long as it involves Her news will spread explosively, and once it is exposed, you will never have peace in your life."

At this moment, I finally knew why Lu Xi left without saying goodbye. Maybe she had received such a threat that night. Faced with such a threat, she could only make such a choice; she was in pain and very sad. Unwilling to give up, she left behind the most important thing for a woman.

My fists clenched tighter!
I finally replied to Qin Minhong’s message: “Then what do you want me to do?”

"You are doing very well now... I heard that a few days ago, you went in because of illegal sex trade... I have told Lu Xi a long time ago that you are a despicable person, and sooner or later you will show your fox tail... Actually, there is no need to send you this document, but I am afraid that Lu Xi is not sober and still has illusions about you, so I am giving you a warning not to have any contact with Lu Xi in the future. You must listen to this."

I raised my head and closed my eyes, but my heart couldn't be calm anymore.


At this time, the congestion caused by the onlookers had been cleared, and there were no cars blocked in front of me. The cars behind me started honking their horns again to urge me, and I started the car.

After parking the car in the parking lot, I smoked two cigarettes in a row, trying to calm myself down...

This was the first time in more than ten days that I couldn't control my emotions, even though I knew I had to restrain myself.


There was a knock on the car window suddenly, and I turned around to see it was Zou Chang.

I opened the car window and she asked me, "Why don't you get out of the car when we get there?"

My mood suddenly calmed down, and I put out the cigarette in my hand and asked her with a smile, "Why don't you call me brother?"

"I can't scream." "Are you so eager to meet me?"

"I came down to take out the trash, and I happened to see your car... Why did you want to harm me?"

I got out of the car, took the rubbish that had not been thrown away from her, turned around and threw it into the trash can for her, and then pulled her towards the elevator entrance.


Zou Chang lives on the highest floor of this building. Although it is only a small single room of about [-] square meters, it is not particularly depressing because of the wide view.

After entering the house, I took off my coat, then looked at the place where the kitchen utensils were placed, and asked, "Didn't I agree that you would cook dinner for me? Why is there no smell of cooking smoke?"

"Can you eat enough?...I can't eat anyway."

"Why can't you eat?... When you are alive, you really shouldn't compete with yourself too much. You should eat and drink when you should... Sometimes you think it is unlucky, but maybe it is an opportunity... If you can't see clearly this It’s an opportunity, and it would be stupid to make yourself unhappy and depressed!”

After saying that, I took the initiative to open the refrigerator in the room, then took some eggs and tomatoes from it, walked to the kitchen with only a gas stove and sink, and started making dinner.

Not only did I make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but I also made fried shredded pork with green peppers and kelp and winter melon soup. It looked like a decent dinner.

I took off my apron and said to Zou Chang, who was standing aside with doubts all the time: "Even if I compensate you for this dinner, I really don't really want to open a room with you, let alone have anything to do with you. I Have a little purpose of your own.”

"What is the purpose that allows you to send yourself to a detention center?"

"Let's chat while eating." (Follow the author's Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B. Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view character pictures! You can also view the latest chapters

After saying that, I handed Zou Chang a pair of chopsticks, and she finally put aside her doubts temporarily and accepted the chopsticks I handed over.


After we officially started eating, I was the first to speak. I asked Zou Chang, "Do you believe there is a perfect crime in this world?"

Zou Chang was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Is there any necessary connection between the question you asked and what you are doing?"

"There is no inevitable connection. If I had not chosen you that night, I would have chosen someone else... But if I had chosen someone else, there might have been a perfect crime in the world, and it would have happened to you." After a short pause, I said seriously: "Before I talk about you, I have to tell you another thing... I heard such a rumor in a place, saying that there was a teacher who was addicted to gambling. When he was in junior high school, he taught Guan Yubo. This is not the point. The point is that he slapped Guan Yubo more than once. Slapping will definitely be hated by others. Some people will slap him back on the spot, and some will remember it in their hearts. ...Guan Yubo was the latter. Later, he set up a scheme to lend a loan shark to the teacher, and then used the loan shark to force the teacher to death..."

Zou Chang didn't know why I mentioned this to her. After she pondered for a moment, she said to me: "What does this have to do with me?"

"I heard that your father also taught Guan Yubo."

(End of this chapter)

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