i'm not a bad man

Chapter 467 Awesome, really awesome

Chapter 467 Awesome, really awesome
The conversation between Jia Guoying and I continued. After he expressed his loyalty to me, I said to him again: "Brother Jia, do you really think that I, Han Chao, am a trustworthy person?"

"No need to ask!... I dare not say anything else. You are definitely a good hand in creating a scenic spot... We have lived in this scenic spot for generations. Starting from my father, we have been relying on the mountains and the water. Dream, but my personal ability is limited. I have been the village party secretary for so many years, but the village is still very poor... Until Chang Tianming bought this scenic spot, everyone in the village thought that an opportunity had come. At that time, they were trying to sell iron and open a B&B. Open a restaurant and wait for Chang Tianming to build this scenic spot; however, Chang Tianming's industry is too big to take care of this scenic spot, so the scenic spot has always been in a state of half-death. The villagers have suffered huge losses, even more than Chang Tianming. Tianming was even poorer before he took over the scenic spot... There was no way, the young people in the village could only go out to work to make ends meet, leaving the village full of left-behind old people, left-behind women, and left-behind children... Until, you came to this scenic spot... The bus lines have also been opened, and the gate and ticket office of the scenic spot have been renovated, especially for this event planned for the Chinese New Year... I have never seen the scenic spot so lively since I can remember, let alone the scene where it is hard to find a bed in a B&B... ...So, I chatted with people in the village privately and said, we must do it, work hard, work hard, and as long as we do it well, the young people will come back...So, we have set up a monument of merit for you. This is not only A monument of merit and virtue is also the hope that the villagers can be reunited... Tell me, who do we believe more between you and Chang Tianming?"

After a while of silence, I spoke to Jia Guoying and said, "Brother Jia, with your words, I feel at ease... Don't worry, as long as you follow my plan, the scenic spot will definitely be revived."

"Okay, okay...if you have any ideas, just contact me and I will try my best to do it well."

I responded and ended the conversation with Jia Guoying... Then I lit my cigarette again and sat alone by the moat for a while.

My mentality has become more and more indifferent. It is precisely because of my indifference that my thoughts have become clearer than ever before, and my purpose has become clearer. However, I am even more lonely, and there is no one around me who can speak freely. People even have reservations about Ren Ran, which is not a pleasant feeling.


The night wind blew, and I finally got up, but I just went to the convenience store opposite to buy a bottle of liquor, and then returned to the place where I was sitting, drinking wine, listening to the wind, and watching the water rushing into the distance... …

I thought again of what Jia Guoying had just said to me. Their trust in me was not only driven by the pursuit of money, but also by the pursuit of the hope that the family could be reunited.

Such words sound very warm, but when I put myself into it, it is so desolate; I once had such extravagant hopes, but now, looking back, on the road to happiness and reunion, there is only The next lonely figure, and I am drifting away after all...

In a daze, the phone vibrated again. I took it out and looked at it. It was a WeChat message from Qiao Jiao. She said, "I am leaving the small town tomorrow. Where are you?"

I wanted to send her my location, but when I opened the map, I hesitated.

What else can I say to a woman who is about to get married?And what can she say to me?

I finally put down the phone, then held the bottle again, and took a sip of white wine. When the spicy taste completely spread in my heart, I felt better.

Qiao Jiao sent another message: "Do you habitually pretend to be dead? It doesn't matter... The town is so big. I searched street by street and couldn't find it. I just looked for it from hotel to hotel... Unless, you really start from this The town evaporated.”

If there is a tacit understanding between Qiao Jiao and I, it is our understanding of her character. She may not always follow her words, but as long as she says harsh words to me, she will do it even if all difficulties are overcome. It will definitely be fulfilled.

I finally texted back: "Just think of me as dead."

"Bullshit... I still have 150 million left with you... You don't want to pay it back, do you?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I remembered the 150 million. Before, I planned to ask Chang Yuli to pay it back, but because there was a limit on bank card transfers, I put it on hold. Then I went into the detention center, and this matter It also delayed.

"I never thought about taking advantage of your 150 million. If it weren't for the transfer limit on the bank card, I would have transferred the remaining profit to you."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Just give me that bank card right now..."

It seemed that Qiao Jiao wanted to meet me no matter what, and the 150 million was just an excuse, so I didn't resist anymore and sent her my location.

... She seemed to have been wandering on the street, so after a while, she came over; she was standing under the landscape tree only three to five meters away from me. The landscape lights under the tree were flickering. She looked It's not that real, but the mocking tone is very real: "Don't say it, if you really die here, it is really a geomantic treasure. There are mountains and rivers nearby, and there is a square behind it. If you have nothing to do, you can see the old people nearby. It’s not boring for the ladies to dance in the square... right?”

I looked at Qiao Jiao, and she came to my side and put her hands in her pockets.

Her hair is long enough to be tied into a braid.

"Why are you always looking at me and talking?"

I shifted my gaze, then lowered my head and lit a cigarette. It wasn't until I took a deep breath and passed through my lungs that I said, "I heard from Yu Li that you are getting married next month... Now that we have met, , then I wish you a happy wedding in person."

Qiao Jiao sneered and replied: "Did it excite you? It's prostitution again, and it's like you're dead again!"

I looked at her in astonishment...

"Get up...the mud will be harder than you when it hits the wall!"

After saying that, Qiao Jiao took my arm and pulled me up with brute force. She was wearing high heels and could almost look at me, so I felt her breath and the anger in her heart.

She was indeed very angry, and kicked over the liquor bottle on the ground, and dropped the cigarette in my hand; I was not angry because of her anger, I just felt lonelier, because cigarettes and alcohol were so harmful to me. To me, they are like two silent friends, the last companionship.

"If humiliating me brings you pleasure, then go ahead and humiliate me."

"Don't you deserve my humiliation?"

"It's worth it, so worth it. I'm just trash, a puddle of mud that can't hold up the wall."

I thought Qiao Jiao would say something humiliating, but at this moment she lowered her voice and said to me: "That's right, I'm getting married next month. Do you dare to come to my wedding?... Look Watch me put on wedding dresses for others, watch me and others put on wedding rings for each other, listen to me say to others that I do..."

After a moment of silence, I shook my head and replied, "I don't want to go."

After saying that, I took out my wallet from my pocket, found the bank card with Qiao Jiao's 150 million in it, handed it to her, and told her the password.

She took it from my hand, with hatred in her eyes, and whispered to me: "Son of a bitch, tell me the truth, are you really having sex with the barmaid?... I want to You said it yourself.”

I took out another cigarette, tilted my head and nodded, and replied coldly: "Yes, and more than once... When the police came in, we played in every position."

Qiao Jiao nodded, as if confirming me, but she was already heartbroken: "Awesome, really awesome... No wonder you say you can do it seven times a night... But Han Chao, you know, how powerful you are, how dirty you are!"

(End of this chapter)

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