i'm not a bad man

Chapter 49 is destroyed

Chapter 49 is destroyed
I probably scared Qin Minhong. In her eyes, I shouldn't have said such words, let alone used this opportunity to pester Lu Xi. I heard that there is a very realistic unspoken rule in the entertainment industry. This rule will Celebrities are divided into first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, as well as has-been stars. First-tier stars are in one circle, and second-tier stars are in another circle. They are accustomed to calling this behavior based on seniority. Once their status is established, they cannot easily cross the line.

At the beginning, I confessed to Qin Minhong that I did not have a serious job and spent most of my time hanging out in bars. Why should such a person make friends with Lu Xi?It’s so shameless!

Qin Minhong must have thought so.

I was looked down upon, but I wasn't angry. I sent another message to Qin Minhong: "What's wrong with making friends? A donkey and a horse can produce a mule regardless of race."

"You have such a good attitude. Have you ever heard of the saying that the donkey's head is wrong and the horse's mouth is wrong?"

"That can produce mules too."

"A mule is sterile, it is a deformed product... Why do I have so much trouble talking to you!"

"Before you break through your own knowledge, you will definitely have a hard time...Sister Minhong, do you think Lu Xi is a smart woman?"

"There is a ceiling on academic qualifications in the entertainment industry. Do you think you are smart or not?"

"What a coincidence, I am also the academic ceiling of the construction site. Two smart people are making friends, and others can't really get a word in... That's why I asked you to break through your own knowledge, and wait until you can stand on the same level as us. If you look at our behavior of making friends, you will think that this is a very natural thing."

"Are you insinuating that I'm a fool?"

"I didn't say that, I just want you to view our making friends with a spirit of tolerance... Sister Minhong, I will tell you from my own experience that tolerance is really a great spirit. , as long as you are tolerant, water and fire can be compatible... Think to yourself, what kind of friends are around Lu Xi now? There are many friends in Lu Xi, and Lu Xi has no shortage of them. It's so boring to face countless of yourself every day. Son...I am different."

"Why are you different?"

"If she were water, I would be fire; if she were a fish, I would be a bird."

"Then you won't be her nemesis."

"Look at you, you are still intolerant... Who said fire is the nemesis of water? If you pour gasoline on the water, it can really ignite it, but how many people can see such a shocking scene? Isn't it because In my heart, I cling to the old idea that water and fire are incompatible, and I don’t dare to try or make them compatible.”

Qin Minhong probably thought I was annoyed, so she didn't reply to my messages anymore, but I felt like I still had more to say, because I still had something to say: At this moment, I had imagined that I was a free-flying bird, with a majestic posture. , taking the most beautiful fish in the world, high in the sky, overlooking the earth, flying over the world.

With this fantasy, I found that my mood suddenly improved a lot, and I knew what kind of message I should send to Lu Xi.


I took my phone out of my pocket again, and almost at the same time, I received a WeChat message from Lu Xi. She asked me: "Are you asleep?"

I was happy in my heart, but I still pretended to be calm and replied: "Not yet, what's wrong?"

"Can you make another deer for me? I have a friend who wants it too. She said it would have a good meaning in the car."

Without thinking about it, I replied: "No, I will only be a deer in this life, just for you."

Lu Xi responded with a cold sweat expression, and then said: "She is a very good friend of mine, as you have seen... Her birthday is the day after tomorrow, and she doesn't want any gifts, she just wants a deer."

"The one who went to the movies with you that day?"


"Then don't do it anymore, just buy one online and give it to her."

"She's not easy to fool. She can tell at a glance that the ones on my car are purely handmade... just help her, she really likes them."

"No, she will put one in her car later, and we will form a pair with you. Then I will see you in pairs every day, and I won't feel uncomfortable... Moreover, her surname is not Lu... If she really wants to beg To ensure peace or something, I can help her make a gecko to hang on. The homophone of gecko is to avoid disaster, and the intention is the same."

"You!... If you let someone hang a gecko in a girl's car, do I want to be friends with her in the future?"

"It's better not to be friends, then you will have time to be friends with me."

Lu Xi seemed a little angry. It took her a while before she replied: "It's up to you."

I was even more angry. The reason why I put so much effort into hand-making a deer for her was because I wanted what I gave her to be unique. But she actually asked me to make the same deer for another woman. I'm not that kind of Neptune. When I see a beautiful woman, I give her a deer.

"If you want, I'll be a gecko for her to hang on."

"What I mean is that it's up to you to do it or not, just hang the gecko yourself."

"I definitely won't do it, but you have the right to control the things I give you. If you really feel that you must fulfill her wish, just give her your own one." Lu Xi ignored me. , my mood is not that good... If she hadn't sent me a message first, I would have sent her a message to talk to her about home.

Regarding home, our feelings should be the same, so I like to live in a car, and she always lives in a hotel; but home is an indispensable place for a person to belong, especially at this moment, I suddenly started to miss that life of my own. My home for a long time has been deserted... My emotions seem to be empty, and this emptiness needs another emotion to fill it.

The premise of filling it up is, of course, to find someone who can resonate with him and talk to him... Unfortunately, it was ruined again by that annoying woman who didn't even know her name.


Just when I was in a trance, there was a sound of pushing the door from the next room.I turned around and saw that Ren Ran had also come to the balcony on her side. She was wearing a nightgown and holding a box of ladies' cigarettes in her hand.

Ren Ran lit a cigarette skillfully, then smiled and asked me standing next door: "Why don't you rest?"

"I have something on my mind and I can't sleep... What about you, why don't you rest?"

"Same... After leaving the bar, I couldn't sleep well for several nights in a row, but I was obviously very sleepy."

"How about I have a drink with you."

Ren Ran shook her head and replied: "Everything has a process of adaptation. It's better not to drink unless necessary." After saying that, she looked at the cigarette in her hand and said, "I want to even smoke it." Stop doing."

"Why did you transform yourself so completely?"

"Suddenly I miss my old self... At that time, I didn't smoke or drink, and everyone thought I was a good woman with whom we could live a good life... But now, I almost don't even have a home... You may not believe it, I haven’t been back to that home for almost a month.”

"He didn't look for you either?"

Ren Ran took a deep breath of cigarette and replied: "He hasn't been back for almost half a year, what else is he asking me for?" After a pause, Ren Ran smiled again: "I really want to end this marriage... …find your old self.”

I let out the depressed air in my heart and said with some emotion: "I also suddenly want to find a place to live. I don't have to find a place to fill the car with water every day. I don't have to be woken up by the heat in the summer or too cold to sleep in the winter."

"This is easy to handle. You can live in my apartment. You have nothing to do anyway, so I will use it as a staff dormitory for you."

"Forget it, it's easy to talk about it, but it's not easy to hear. I'd better rent a house by myself."

"Why are you so clear with me?"

"I respect you from the bottom of my heart...I don't want others to say gossip."

Ren Ran smiled: "You respect me and you dare to book a hotel room with me?"

I also smiled, and then replied: "Isn't that before...people will always change."

"Speaking of changes, I really have a lot of feelings... The group of people we were together with before seem to have changed, especially that... Tu Lin, I said I didn't go to the bar, so I never went there again. Last time I met him half a year ago, and I don’t know how he and his girlfriend are doing?”

"He came to see me yesterday and told me about his girlfriend. Originally, they planned to get married, but they probably won't get married now."

Ren Ran was a little surprised: "Why?"

"That woman came with a house, a car, plus gift money... She asked Tu Lin for 300 million, uh, 290 million to [-]... She didn't mean to marry Tu Lin."

"That's too much!"

"Yeah, so Tu Lin came to me yesterday. He complained a lot at first, and then he started to miss me... I miss the days when we drank in the bar... but we can't go back. Our group is almost gone."

"Suddenly a word came to mind: Things have changed, people have changed, and times have changed." (Follow the author's public account: ***, reply to the heroine's name, and view the protagonist's picture!)
"Only unhappy people will think of this word, so forget it."

"Forget, forget, forget... A happy life is ahead. After returning to Qingdao, we will work hard together."

After saying that, Ren Ran had a look of longing on her face, and then she opened her arms as if to embrace this strange city and the night breeze blowing slowly; but I don’t know why, even though we were talking about hope, she was also looking forward to it. Hope, I still feel sorry for her inexplicably...

I can't explain why I feel sad, but I just feel sorry for her, a woman who is looking forward to divorce.


After chatting like this for a while, Ren Ran and I went back to our rooms.I had no intention of sleeping at all, and the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Suddenly, I came up with the idea that I wanted to drive that annoying woman away from Lu Xi, so I sent another message to Lu Xi, who never replied. Xi sent another message: "I forgot to ask you just now, does your friend have a boyfriend? ... If not, I can help her find one."

(End of this chapter)

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