i'm not a bad man

Chapter 50 Why I’m Lonely

Chapter 50 Why I’m Lonely
I must have lost my mind to send such a message to Lu Xi; I didn’t even know the name of her friend, but I dared to help her find a boyfriend; besides, Lu Xi and I are just ordinary friends. Guanxi, my kind of familiar behavior will be offensive to others.

When I started to regret it, I knew that Lu Xi would never reply to my message; first of all, she was a woman who seemed a little indifferent in social interactions; moreover, I always felt that she was not aware of something that was happening or had happened. Things lack enough curiosity. These two characteristics have proven that she is not a very easy to get along with woman. Unless something that suits her liking comes up at a just right time, she will respond.

She is different from any woman I have ever met.


After I was sure that she would ignore me, I calmed down. After I went to the bathroom to wash up, I lay on the bed and turned off the light.

It had been a long time since I had stayed in a room, and I couldn't help but feel depressed by the confined space. So, I walked to the window in the dark and opened the curtains until I saw the neon lights on the billboards flickering in the distance. Gradually he felt relieved.

When I was about to fall asleep, a strong wind suddenly blew outside the window. The sound of the wind was not that sad at first, but after it passed by the window and rubbed against the glass, it turned into a desperate scream, which made my heart I was also trembling and restless, so I simply sat up from the bed again, lit a cigarette, and looked out the window...

This is a warning of cooling, winter is coming.


When I was about to finish smoking a cigarette, the mobile phone placed on the bedside suddenly vibrated. I seemed to have lost my sense of curiosity. It was not until I finished smoking the cigarette in my hand that I picked up the mobile phone. It turned out to be Lu Xi. information coming.

I was overjoyed at first, and then muttered in my heart: Are you scolding me for being nosy?

I opened WeChat, and she neither scolded me nor continued the topic. She just asked me: "Han Erjin, why do you think people feel lonely?"

This was so unexpected that I was stunned for a moment. I just held my phone and looked out the window. The sound of the wind was still there and the lights flickered on and off. Suddenly, I felt lonely...

I am really lonely. Although I am still in this city, my home is no longer in this city, and my parents are missing.

Feeling sad, he replied after a long time: "I don't know why people are lonely. Maybe it's because everyone is too independent... Just like just now, you asked me to make a deer for your friend, but I felt that It's yours, and there is a gap in our hearts. The gap prevents us from communicating smoothly... So, we return to our own world. Once people close themselves in their own world, they can't find an exit for a while, and slowly Being slow will make you feel lonely.”

After a short pause, I sent her another message: "In the final analysis, there are still too few people around us who can talk, and our emotions are always in a state of unsatisfaction... Sometimes the streets are deserted and the wind blows hard. Even if the beach is empty, you will feel lonely.”

I often feel lonely, but I have never calmed down to think about the reasons for loneliness. This moment is an exception. When I sent these words to Lu Xi on the other end of the phone, I suddenly felt a lot more enlightened.

After a while, Lu Xi replied to the message, and did not express whether he recognized my understanding of Dugu. He only told me: "The wind in Qingdao is very strong now... The lights outside the hotel have been blown off."

"The wind in Tianjin is also very strong, and there are a lot of garbage bags flying on the streets."

"So, our loneliness is all caused by the strong wind?"

"Hey, it would be great if I could earn some money. Why do you want to be lonely?"

"You're quite funny...you won't be deep for more than 5 minutes."

This was a small complaint from Lu Xi, but I laughed because I thought she was quite funny.However, so far, I have not fully understood her character, so when we get along with her, I am a little worried about gains and losses, but she is not as cold as I imagined. Even this night, she sent me the message first.The reason why she gives me a cold feeling is just because she doesn't like to dwell on one thing repeatedly, such as making a deer for her friend, and she never mentions it again.

She is really a beautiful sea fish, with a memory of only seven seconds.

Just when I was thinking this, Lu Xi sent me another message: "Did you just say that you wanted to introduce a boyfriend to my friend?"

"Uh... I just said it casually. I don't even know her name yet."

"I think it's quite fun, so let's introduce her to a boyfriend."

I suddenly thought of Tu Lin, whose marriage was extremely unsatisfactory. I wanted to introduce Tu Lin to her friend... However, this seemed too mischievous, because Tu Lin was already an unemployed man in his 30s. Old man, and this friend of hers...

How could a woman who could be Lu Xi's best friend be so bad!

I was unsure, so I tentatively said to Lu Xi, "Aren't you afraid that the person I introduced is unreliable?"

"Don't be afraid... She's not reliable anyway. Let's see which one of them is more unreliable." "What I said is unreliable is different from what you think... My friend, what should I say... …It’s hard to describe in words!”

"Let's talk about it when we meet... Do you still plan to go back to Qingdao?"

"Well, if nothing else happens, I can go back tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll make an appointment with Qiao Jiao to meet you tomorrow night."

It turns out that her friend's name is Qiao Jiao, but after I learned the name, I felt a little bit like I was riding a tiger.It’s not that I underestimate Tu Lin, he is indeed too good. When I present the real Tu Lin in front of Qiao Jiao, I think she will definitely kill me... because there is such a sentence, so What it says: When you see your blind date, you know how you look in the eyes of the introducer.

Putting aside her worldly status, at the very least, Qiao Jiao is not bald and has an amazing amount of hair.

It was at this time that I discovered another very magical thing. After Lu Xi and I agreed on this matter, the feeling of loneliness just now disappeared!

I lay back on the bed again, and after a while, I felt sleepy.I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up again, it was already 08:30 in the morning.

Ren Ran and I went to the nearest police station and asked them to call the police station in my parents' hometown. Soon, we knew the result. In the past three years, they had not even returned to their hometown once. Just like me back then, I left behind all social relationships and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

I wasn't in too much pain, but there was a concern in my heart that I couldn't let go of.


Before leaving Tianjin, Ren Ran and I mentioned that she wanted to change her car; she laughed "haha" and said that the car she had was driving well, and she had no idea about cars, and it was just a transportation vehicle. You can change the tools if you have enough time. If you are in a hurry to return to Qingdao, it’s okay not to change them.

Look, she just came to Tianjin with me specially; or maybe she really regards buying a car as buying groceries at the wet market. Whether to buy or not depends only on mood and convenience.

So, we left Tianjin before 12 noon...


Ren Ran asked while groping, "Han Chao, where is the USB flash drive you gave me?"

"I gave it to Xiaowei."

Ren Ran turned to look at me with an unhappy expression: "How can you give it to Xiaowei when you have already given it to me?"

I didn't explain too much, just replied: "The USB flash drive is a tool, and the contents inside are backed up in my computer... I will send you a copy later."

"Pass it to me now. I've only listened to half of the songs in it."

Ren Ran showed extraordinary enthusiasm for the songs I composed. I couldn't resist her, so I had to spend some time and use the computer to connect to the phone on my mobile phone when communication in the car was not convenient. hotspot, and transferred these songs to Renran’s mobile phone through the computer; just such an operation directly used up my data quota for this month; therefore, I gave the USB flash drive to Zuo Xiaowei, which was not completely useless. cost; I immediately spent another ten yuan and bought an emergency traffic package.

Ren Ran was satisfied now. She was so satisfied that she didn't notice when I completely deleted these songs from the computer. The reason why I completely deleted these songs was because I didn't want to leave any hidden dangers to Zuo Xiaowei regarding copyright issues. I have always been a person who sticks to my word. If I tell her to use it, I will never get involved again. (Follow the author’s public account: *** and have a chance to get signed books from tenants!)


In the evening, we drove the car to the "Jiaozhou Bay Bridge" again, which meant that the urban area of ​​Qingdao was already within easy reach of us.At this time, I was driving, and I deliberately slowed down the car, wanting to see enough of the sea and sunset scenery in front of me...

It was at this time that Lu Xi sent me a message. She told me that she and Qiao Jiao were ready to go out and asked me when I could bring the man out to meet them.

I was a little embarrassed, but also wanted to laugh, and thought of the word "harming friends".I told her in advance that my friend was not that reliable, but she was more enthusiastic. It didn't look like she had good intentions... So, I also saw her naughty and bad side.

I just hope that when Qiao Jiao sees Tu Lin later, she won’t kill us.

In fact, Tu Lin is not that unbearable. At least when he likes a woman, he is willing to risk his life to pay for it. In short, he values ​​sex over friends.

(End of this chapter)

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