i'm not a bad man

Chapter 508 Death Threat

Chapter 508 Death Threat
I resisted the countless urges in my heart to look back and left this luxury shopping mall with Zuo Xiaowei, which is known as the best in the country, and then returned to the house she rented for me.

Looking at the baby products piled on the coffee table, Zuo Xiaowei and I fell into silence; despite the silence, my mood gradually calmed down, but Zuo Xiaowei was different. She seemed to be more stubborn than when she was in the mall. Yu is pregnant.

Before, the reason why she was able to let go of this matter was because she thought I didn't care; but when I told her clearly that I was willing to have this child, take the child, and live with the three of us, she would Regret, collapse, and a slight sense of missing out.

Human nature is like this, so many times, I live by the principle of "it's rare to be confused", because as long as some things are unclear, it will be less painful.

But human obsession is the most terrifying thing.


I finally spoke to Zuo Xiaowei: "Do you eat fruit? I'll peel an apple for you."

Zuo Xiaowei shook her head.

I added, "I'd better cut one off, and we'll share it."

After saying that, I peeled an apple, cut it into two, and handed half of it to Zuo Xiaowei. Zuo Xiaowei then reached out and took it, but she didn't eat it. Instead, I kept eating it.

When I was about to finish eating, I spoke to Zuo Xiaowei again and said, "Let bygones be bygones... I will never mention the child to you again from now on."

"But, I can't forgive myself. When I felt most helpless, I should have called you instead of Guan Yubo."

"It's not entirely your fault. When we were in the bar before, I already left a bad impression on you of being a gamer and not willing to take responsibility. If I had been more reliable, it might not have ended like this."

After a short pause, I said to Zuo Xiaowei: "Eat the apples, mine is almost finished."

Zuo Xiaowei put the uneaten apple on the coffee table, and then replied to me: "I don't want to eat apples, I want to drink some wine, can you accompany me?"

"What do you want to drink?"

"White wine, the kind of white wine we drank that day."

"If you're not afraid of getting drunk, then I'll go down and buy it."

"I'm not afraid of getting drunk, I'm just afraid of being sober."


After going downstairs, I followed a still unfamiliar path to the outside of the community, and then bought the Red Star Erguotou that Zuo Xiaowei and I drank that night in a very old convenience store.

Just when I took out my mobile phone and was about to check out, the mobile phone vibrated again, but this time it was different from the past. In the past, even if I couldn't know who it was, at least there was a clear number, but this time, the other party was called It shows "unknown number".

It was most likely a scam call from overseas. I ignored it, hung up, and paid using WeChat.

Unexpectedly, the other party persistently called me again.

I frowned and then got through. The other person's voice was hoarse and I couldn't tell who it was. He asked me, "Are you Han Chao?"

"I am, who are you?"

"A man who wants to kill you."

My heart trembled, but I still asked the other party in a calm tone: "Why do you want to kill me?"

"You have offended someone, do you know that?" "I have offended someone?... Why don't I know who I have offended?"

"Don't fucking pretend to be confused with me. You know what you've done yourself..."

I sneered and replied: "You want to kill me, there are so many nonsense... just come here and kill me."

The other party did not expect that I would have such a completely non-threatening attitude. He was stunned for a moment before replying: "Don't take my words as a joke... I am giving you a chance. If you still bite me, If you don't let go, be careful of your life."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone. This hanging up without waiting for a response seemed to reveal a hint of terrifying determination.

The first thing I thought of was Guan Yubo. This may be a voice-changed phone, or it may not be Guan Yubo himself, but it must be entrusted by him. I am not surprised by this, because this is what will happen in my plan; The moment Chang Tianming entered, Guan Yubo should have figured it out; before, he did suspect that Chang Tianming was operating behind the scenes, but if Chang Tianming was operating and Chang Tianming ended up going in, it would not be logical; What's more, he knew better that Chang Tianming's fall had nothing to do with him, so there must be a third hand between him and Chang Tianming.

The reason why the other party made this threatening phone call was because he was not 100% sure whether the third hand was me. Therefore, this was just a death threat, but being able to make this phone call to me was enough to prove that I had been listed as the third person. An object of suspicion.

Guan Yubo, he dares to kill people.

I curled my lips and smiled. Even if I wanted to let go of Guan Yubo, he would not really let me go. Therefore, I kept telling myself that when I decided to do this, I had no way out. .

Or, it may not be Guan Yubo, it may be someone else involved by Chang Tianming.

In this complicated situation at this time, it is difficult to draw a conclusion, but what is certain is that I have gradually floated from the darkness to the light, while those who were originally in the light have gradually sunk into the darkness.

Therefore, I, who can see the situation clearly, do not regret letting Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao go.

I sincerely hope that they can live happily after they are far away from me. After all, they are all women I have loved with all my heart; the first woman I have loved with all my heart has passed away, so what can I do? I can't bear to let them continue to take risks with me; especially Qiao Jiao, she is on the right path. As long as she chooses to get married, she can completely separate from me.


After putting the phone back in my pocket, I carried the two bottles of Erguotou I just bought and returned to my residence as if nothing had happened; Zuo Xiaowei had been sitting in that position without even moving.

She didn't look up at me until I put the liquor on the coffee table.

I smiled and said to her: "Although I bought two bottles of liquor, we can only drink one today. There is another bottle. I plan to keep it for myself to drink tomorrow."

"I want to get drunk, let me drink enough."

"What can I do if I'm drunk?" Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

"I'm drunk, so I dare to say some things to you. I think there is still a way to go back between us."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei opened the bottle and took a sip from the bottle. She seemed to be crazy. She was not satisfied with one sip. Then she closed her eyes again and drank even harder than the last sip. Just these two sips. , a bottle of white wine, already one-third missing.

I can guarantee that if she took one more sip, she would immediately lose consciousness and even suffer from stomach bleeding.

I quickly grabbed the bottle from her hand, and a blush quickly appeared on her face, and her eyes began to become blurry, and then she choked and said to me: "Han Chao, remember that you were willing to accept it, but you couldn't." Protect the child, I feel really uncomfortable to death...I don't know how to get out of this emotion...The only thing I can think of is...that we have another child...I don't want to hate Guan Yubo , I don’t know how to tell you... I am also responsible for him becoming like this..."

"He is him, you are you...you have never really lived together, what responsibility can you have?"

Zuo Xiaowei shook her head in pain and repeated over and over again: "I can't say it, I can't say it... I really can't say it..."

(End of this chapter)

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