i'm not a bad man

Chapter 509: I can afford it, but I can’t let it go.

Chapter 509: I can afford it, but I can’t let it go.
The principle for a man and a woman to get along is to be happy for each other; but in just two days since I came to BJ, Zuo Xiaowei has broken down and cried several times, which made me unable to bear to force her to tell her. The secret that lurked in her heart.

In fact, even if she didn't say it, I knew that Guan Yubo hired a murderer to kill Zou Chang's father because of the humiliation she suffered; from Zuo Xiaowei's point of view, of course she didn't dare to say it.

Letting out a slight breath, I finally took out a tissue from the tissue box on the coffee table, handed it to her, and said, "How can you drink without having some food to go with the wine? I see there is a piece of fresh beef in the refrigerator. I'll go." Make some spicy beef jerky, there’s no better side dish than this.”

After saying that, I took out the piece of fresh beef I bought in the supermarket from the refrigerator and went into the kitchen.


The process of this dish is not complicated, so during the frying process, I took some time to think about the situation in front of me: I almost had to hide it, but one day, I will become the real owner of that scenic spot. , which means that I have to surface. How should I protect myself when the time comes?

Guan Yubo must not stay; and then there is Chang Yuli. Will he feel that I am using him?If, as Qiao Jiao said, he really wakes up, how should I deal with the brotherly relationship between us?There is a high probability that Chang Tianming will not be able to escape the fate of being sentenced to death, because he is afraid that he will regard me as the culprit of the destruction of his family.

Therefore, the days in BJ may be the last peaceful time, and you can still do what you want to do, eat and drink without restraint.

With this understanding, I looked back at Zuo Xiaowei who was sitting on the sofa, and I didn't want to force her anymore.


Ten minutes later, I brought the prepared spicy beef jerky in front of Zuo Xiaowei, wiped my hands with a paper towel, and said to her: "Try to see if the taste is better than the kind with packaging bags sold in supermarkets." good."

Zuo Xiaowei stretched out her hand.

I quickly stopped him and said, "Fang, I'll get you chopsticks."

Zuo Xiaowei didn't seem to have fully recovered. It wasn't until I handed the chopsticks to her hand that she looked at me. I sat opposite her and kept looking at her. I also had a little expectation in my heart, hoping that she could Compliment the beef jerky I made.

Zuo Xiaowei ate one, then nodded and said, "It's delicious."

I smiled and then picked up the chopsticks...

The beef jerky I made is indeed delicious, at least it is very tasty and chewy.


When I did not deliberately guide Zuo Xiaowei to think about those painful things, Zuo Xiaowei gradually forgot about them; I began to actively find topics to chat with her, and I asked her: "If you talk about seaside cities, what would be your first choice?" Where would you first think of?"


"What about outside Qingdao?"

"There are many...Xiamen, Dalian, Haikou, Sanya."

"These are the most famous coastal cities in the country."

Zuo Xiaowei asked me with some curiosity: "Isn't it these cities that you are thinking of?"

I laughed: "Of course not, don't forget, I am a person who has been to 296 cities. In my eyes, niche beauty is the real beauty... If you are lucky enough to find such a place, it is like It is your personal treasure, it can swallow up those messy emotions in your heart, and your mood will become much better accordingly."

"Tell me, what's the first coastal city you think of?"

I put down the wine glass in my hand, then lit a cigarette, took a heavy drag, and exhaled with an attitude of enjoyment, then said to Zuo Xiaowei: "Pingtan."


"You've never heard of it... It's a county under Fujian, located in the east of Fujian, across the Taiwan Strait from Taiwan... In this county, there is a Pingtan Island... Do you know, that island There are windmills all over the mountains and plains, not only on land, but also in the sea... In the evening, the scenery is the best, the entire sea is orange, and those white windmills are reflected on the orange sea. There is only one word to describe this feeling, it is ingenious... Therefore, the sea area with windmills is also called the Windmill Orange Sea... I liked that feeling so much that I stayed there for a week; every evening, I I would make a pot of tea and sit next to my RV, waiting for the wind, waiting for the evening, waiting for the sunset... Those rotating windmills are like timers, they rotate tirelessly in circles, and the night is It came without you realizing it..." Zuo Xiaowei was a little lost in thought, as if she was imagining the scene I described. After a long time, she asked: "What happens after the night falls?"

"Go back to the RV, lie on the bed, and open the skylight... Although the skylight of my RV is very small, you can feel it through it and see the vast starry sky..."

"At that time, Luan Yu was still with you, right?"

"Yes, always... we lie on the bed together and watch the stars together."

"She will be in your arms."

"There was no third person in the RV. She must have been lying in my arms."

"Can you stop being so funny? What I want to express is that this is a very romantic feeling!"

I took another deep drag on the cigarette and replied: "When romance becomes routine, it may no longer be romantic."

"No...when I look back on it afterwards, I still feel romantic...So, even if you never gave Luan Yu a home, she didn't blame you in the end, right?"

"No, she didn't blame me."

"very nice!"

After a brief silence, I asked: "Are you talking about that experience, or the lifestyle of being on the road at all times?"

"It's all good... So... you know why I was so obsessed with you at that time... I have fantasized more than once that you would take me traveling across the country just like you took Luan Yu, driving you That little broken RV... I was even a little resentful. If only you had met me earlier... I feel that I am more suitable than Luan Yu to accompany you to go through those... When you are on the road, the most uncomfortable thing is not having money. Back then, Luan Yu worked as a shopping guide, and you went to the construction site to do carpentry work. In order to earn the next stage of money, you both stayed in a city for a long time... But, I can sing, and we can sing on the streets, and you can play Guitar, I sing, and then live broadcast online. All I see every day is cash. I don’t have to stay in any city to earn a dead salary... Maybe, I will have the opportunity to become an Internet celebrity travel blogger... "After a short pause, Zuo Xiaowei smiled again and said, "If you had met me first, maybe we would have visited more than 296 cities."

This time, after being silent for a long time, I replied: "Yes, it is a waste of time to stop in one city to find a job. Otherwise, there will be more than 296 cities."

"Unfortunately, there is no if... The furthest place you and I have been to is just a small town... In the end, we were not very happy there."

"In the future, there will be opportunities."

Zuo Xiaowei looked at me, tears flashing in her eyes, but this time it was not because of pain, but a sudden joy. She asked me: "Will you really take me everywhere with you?" go?"

"You are now a famous singer. It is not practical to take you everywhere, but it is still possible to go to Pingtan Island to see the sea and the windmills built on the sea."

"Don't lie to me."

"Don't lie."

"Then...can I also lie in your arms and look through the skylight with you at the vast starry sky?"

This time, I fell into silence and looked up at Zuo Xiaowei for a long time; she probably forgot that she still carried the identity of Guan Yubo's girlfriend.

Looking at my eyes, she seemed to realize it. Then she looked downcast, picked up the cup again, and took a sip of liquor. After a long time, she said to me in a drunken manner: "Han Chao, you know true love." How does it feel when you are alone?..."

"Everyone has a different attitude towards love, so I don't know if we feel the same way."

"To love someone is to be able to pick it up, but not to let it go... So, every time you give me a little hope, even if there is only a little hope, I will treat it as a kind of fire and want to burn the entire grassland... My There is only heat and madness in my heart, as well as a feeling of indifference that cannot be controlled at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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