i'm not a bad man

Chapter 514 Unexpected

Chapter 514 Unexpected
While washing the dishes, Zuo Xiaowei told me that after this continuous rainy weather ends, BJ will usher in the real spring. Not only will the flowers bloom, but the temperature will soar sharply; My colleagues who work in BJ heard about it, saying that this is the climate characteristic of BJ, but how long the rain will last, her colleague couldn’t tell clearly, so she only said: Just wait...

The most unbearable thing is this kind of waiting with no specific time limit, so, looking at the city soaked by the rain, my mind is filled with things I want to do to cope with this unbearable hardship.


Out of curiosity, Zuo Xiaowei washed the dishes and chopsticks in a short time. While wiping her hands with a dry towel, she asked me again: "The work is done. Please tell me quickly. What happened?" What's the fun thing?"

"We still have to go to the mall."

"Isn't this fun thing done at home?"

"I made it at home, but before that, I have to go to the mall first..." After thinking about it, I added, "I can go by myself. You can wait for me at home. Soon..."


I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I actually had the idea of ​​creating a sense of mystery in Zuo Xiaowei. This is probably because I value a person’s performance, and I hope to make something that was originally an ordinary thing something more. If it’s interesting, then share it together, realize it together, and be satisfied together.

For this sense of mystery, I left Zuo Xiaowei at home and went to the mall alone.

I found a Lego store in the mall and bought a brick that could be built into a giant car; the brick was so big that I had to carry the box on my body.

It was at this time that a call came in. I tilted my head and held the box as hard as I could before taking out the phone from my pocket. I thought it was Zuo Xiaowei calling to urge me, but it was Chang Yuli calling. phone number.

On the phone, Chang Yuli's tone was a little panicked: "Brother Chao, what I reported to my dad has been leaked... Now, those people who were implicated are saying that they want to cause trouble for me, and they also want to behead me." Damn me."

I frowned subconsciously and asked, "Only you know this matter. How could it be leaked out so easily?"

"I don't know. Except for you and Sister Jiao, I haven't told anyone, not even my grandma... Maybe someone inside them told it."

I fell into silence, because what Chang Yuli was most worried about finally happened in an unexpected way; once, not only Chang Yuli, but even I had the illusion that this matter would happen because of special circumstances. The sex was kept secret forever; in this way, Chang Yuli at least had a chance to return to life in the small town; however, this matter was not kept secret either.

The water in the small town is so deep, which gave me a premonition that people in this whirlpool will not end well in the end, because there are too many people hiding in the dark, and as long as there are interests involved, who knows what? Sometimes a hidden arrow will be shot.

Then, I should think more carefully about how to obtain benefits while fully protecting myself in this complicated situation; after all, what I am doing is something that can change the history and structure of the small town, and it will inevitably involve many people. Go in; some of them, I haven't even seen, but they may have their interests in mind.

The Chang Yuli incident finally gave me a sense of crisis.

I finally opened my mouth and said to Chang Yuli: "It's most likely someone inside told the news. Your dad's reputation in the small town is too great. What happened to him will definitely become the focus of the whole town. At this time, there are so many people." It is inevitable that some people will not be able to control their mouths...you don't have to think too complicatedly..."

I tried to make the situation as light as possible to relieve Chang Yuli's psychological pressure, and then said to him: "If you are really scared, I will ask Sister Ran to take you to Phuket tomorrow. You go there first." Adjust your mood."

"it is good."

Chang Yuli was really scared, and his fear also showed what a vicious group of people were involved; Chang Yuli must know them better than me, after all, he started his business selling drugs with his father. People; in our country, those who dare to get involved in drugs are not only extremely evil, but also risking their lives.

But, who was targeting Chang Yuli and leaking the news?

It was as if they wanted to kill all the Chang family.

This is a bad signal for me, because when I did this, I did not intend to push Chang Yuli to the forefront.I think Chang Yuli might do extreme things under the extreme emotion of lacking family ties, but at most he would just report Chang Tianming for being involved in gangs. Unexpectedly, Chang Tianming once made his fortune by selling drugs.

I am not a god, and of course there are times when my predictions are wrong, because I once talked with Chang Tianming, and he told me that he started his career in the ore business. The ore business will inevitably involve gangsters. I thought this was the most serious thing. In the end, such a big thunder exploded.

Therefore, it is not easy to have 100% control over the overall situation, because information is always unequal.

Since we cannot control the overall situation, something unexpected will happen. To me, this is the real source of the sense of crisis.


After ending the call with Chang Yuli, I stood there for a moment before dialing Ren Ran's number again.

There was a bit of noise there, so she walked to a quiet place and said to me: "Your brother and I are watching the opera with your parents... why did you call me suddenly?"

"I want to discuss something with you... Do you think you can bring my friend to Phuket tomorrow?"

"Why tomorrow? Qiao Jiao is getting married in five days. I came back this time just to attend the wedding."

I fell into silence. I didn't expect that I would find out about Qiao Jiao's wedding date in this way. I didn't want to know...

"Speak...isn't your signal good there?"

I finally said: "Sister Ran, if you must attend Qiao Jiao's wedding, please bear with me and send my friend to Phuket to settle down first, and then come back... It won't be held until five days As for the wedding, there’s still enough time.”

In order to make Ren Ran realize the seriousness of the matter, I paused for a moment and then said: "Some changes happened in the small town, which is very detrimental to my friend, so I have to go abroad as soon as possible to escape."

"Then I really can't ignore him. I'll send him to Phuket tomorrow."

"Okay, Sister Ran."

"Then how do I contact your friend?"

"Call Qiao Jiao, Qiao Jiao will tell you." Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!
After a moment of silence, Ren Ran sighed: "I thought you and Qiao Jiao had cleared everything up, but it turns out you are still involved in such a thing!"

I also fell into silence, and after a long time I replied: "There is only one thing left that is involved..."

"Then when this friend of yours goes to Phuket, will even this last bit of involvement be cut off?"


"The fate between people, if it breaks up, it is really unstoppable... So, with you, it is better to be friends forever. If we are friends, we will not break up."

This was another sigh from Ren Ran, but this time, she didn't wait for my response. She hung up the phone before me; therefore, this sentence also seemed to have a lot of meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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