Chapter 515
After the call with Ren Ran ended, my mood changed slightly. She talked to me about the fate between people. She emphasized the ending rather than the beginning. How could this not make people feel sad? Although I don’t want to look back, many people have indeed disappeared from my life in various ways over the years, and we have never had any contact with them since.

To this day, I have not found an effective way to deal with this separation. I can only continue to be indifferent and let others mistakenly think that I don't care, so that each other will feel less painful about separation.

At least, that's how I treat Qiao Jiao.


I finally carried the box with the building blocks back to my place in the rain; Zuo Xiaowei seemed to have been waiting for me, so much so that she couldn't wait to open the door for me as soon as she heard the noise outside.

She looked at me first, then looked at the box I was carrying and said, "Is building blocks the fun thing you mentioned?"

"Have you never put together blocks?"

"No, this is not something only children can play with."

"If you think so, then you underestimate Lego bricks...I am not advertising Lego. If you are patient enough and rich enough, you can use Lego bricks to build a full-size Lamborghini Come out, if you put an engine on it, you can still drive it on the road.”

"Is it as amazing as you say?"

"You will know when you put together the one I have on hand first. It is really amazing. Just like an automotive engineer, polishing it bit by bit, it finally builds a car. You see, there are more than 3000 parts in this box. There is a W16 engine with moving pistons, an 8-speed gearbox with movable paddle shifters, and it can ultimately be assembled into a big guy that is 56 cm long, 25 cm wide, and 14 cm high.”

"let me see."

I handed the box to Zuo Xiaowei, and she reached out to take it. She almost dropped it because she underestimated the weight...

She couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that I really underestimated it. This is nothing like the cheap building blocks we played with when we were children..." After that, she looked at the assembly diagram on the box and said: " Isn’t this a Bugatti Veyron?”

"Yes, this is the genuine authorized Bugatti Veyron... Let's challenge it and see if two people can spell it out in an afternoon."

"Okay, I think I can definitely spell it out. Don't forget, I am a very ingenious woman."

"Don't talk too much. If you don't hold me back, I'll think it's great."

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back."

Looking at Zuo Xiaowei's eagerness to give it a try, I couldn't help but smile. I think she has found fun in this matter, which is to cooperate with me.


When there is something that can make you immersed in it, time seems to fly quickly; just as Zuo Xiaowei and I were piecing it together piece by piece, the sky was gradually getting darker, and the car was gradually getting darker. took shape.

I stretched my body first and said to Zuo Xiaowei: "It's almost six o'clock, it's time to cook."

"I'm not hungry yet. Let's work hard for a while. We agreed that it would take half a day to work it out. If you can't work it out, it really feels like I'm holding you back."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei focused on the remaining building blocks, trying to piece together the big thing I was talking about as soon as possible; but I was really a little tired, so I stood up and stood in front of the glass window in the living room. Looking at the world outside the window, I tried to find a touch of green under the neon lights to make my eyes feel more comfortable.

Probably due to overusing my eyes, my eyes are very dry and uncomfortable.

This shows how valuable Zuo Xiaowei's mentality of having to do something well with me is. Until now, she has not shown any sign of stopping to rest. She has been completely immersed in it, and she has not even thought about it. Noticed my departure.

It wasn't until my phone vibrated that Zuo Xiaowei looked up at me standing by the window, and then started working hard again.


I took the phone out of my pocket. It was a call from my mother, which surprised me because my mother rarely contacted me proactively. She is a bit "lazy" person, but usually I would. Take the initiative to call and chat with her.

"Mom." "Mom, let me ask you something. How did you and this girl Ren Ran meet?"

I was stunned for a moment before replying: "We met in a bar, what happened?"

"Does she still have a habit of drinking?"

"Young man, it's not normal for you to go to a bar and have a few drinks to relax."

"That's true... Mom just thinks this girl is quite nice and wants to bring her and your brother together..." Speaking of Wu Luoge, this godson, my mother was not lazy at all. She said to me again: "Don't I see that your brother had such an adventure abroad and achieved a leap in class... But it still can't change the fact that he is a poor person... He is only a few months older than you, but his parents are gone, and... It was precisely because he wanted to have a career so much that his parents suffered such a tragedy, so he felt guilty and uncomfortable... I think there is only one way to get him out of this shadow, that Just let him have a new family of his own to divert his attention... I think this girl Ren Ran is very good, especially good at taking care of people. When I say taking care of people, it's not just about life. I found that she is very good at taking care of other people's emotions, and is very patient when getting along with others... that is, in other words, she just doesn't express her own personal colors... Do you understand?... That's what your brother needs. A woman..."

I finally interrupted my mother and said, "Don't be too busy trying to bring my brother and Ren Ran together. Do you know her?"

"Isn't it because I don't want to stop at superficial knowledge that I'm calling you. I want to know more about her... Tell me what kind of girl she is in your eyes."

"He takes care of people, is very patient, and is willing to be a green leaf..."

"Isn't that what I just said!"

"But she was once married and got divorced."


My mother said "ah" and fell into silence; of course I would not take the time to tell others about this past incident of Ren Ran, but when my mother is determined to bring her and Wu Luoge together, it is necessary for her to understand these things ; Because emotions have already been involved, it should be made clear to avoid hidden dangers in the future.

After a while, my mother finally said: "She looks so young, how could she be divorced?"

"She is not young anymore, she is 32 years old this year."

"That's really good at taking care of yourself. You look like you're 25 or six years old!"

I didn't answer, so my mother asked again: "Did she have any children in her previous marriage?"


"It's time to have children, so why don't you have children?"

"Don't ask about things that are too private." Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters! , everyone guesses whether Sister Ran and Wu Luoge are together?

"If you think it's too private, then I won't ask...but you have to tell me, can she still have children?"

"Mom, don't you think this is more private?"

My mother seemed stunned, and after a long while she said to me: "It seems that I asked too many questions... But mom really likes this girl, and is also worried about your brother... I talked to your brother and asked him It's time to get married, and the conditions are so good, why didn't you get married? He said that he wanted to find a true love, not just for his money... Think about it, money is too confusing, your brother's Her net worth is there. Who would believe that she is not interested in money... However, this girl is different. She has a kind of temperament that makes you feel that she is very stable. She is someone who can make money and keep it. Woman... Moreover, it can be seen that she is not short of money herself. She is a girl who has seen the world and can resist temptation... Your brother needs to have such a woman by his side, who can know his warmth and warmth, and can guard him. Family business; for your brother, the most difficult thing is not to start a business but to keep it, because his wealth is not obtained through hard work... From this point of view, being divorced once is not something that is absolutely unacceptable. "

"Did my brother tell you something?"

"There's no need to say anything. You can't hide the way one looks at another person... Your brother likes her... Mom has such a sharp eye... So, Mom wants to talk to you more about this girl Ren Ran... ...What did she do before? Why does she speak so eloquently and talk so well? At first glance, she is a good girl who can stand on the stage!"

I fell into silence again and pondered again; was it really just because of what she said that my mother was so keen on bringing Ren Ran and Wu Luoge together?

Sometimes, I feel that she is a woman who can even see things further than my father, so she can train my father, a grassroots man with nothing, into a rich man.

I'm not flattering my mother. In those days, people generally had low education, but she was a genuine college student who graduated from a prestigious school, so her knowledge was always at a higher level than others.

(End of this chapter)

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