i'm not a bad man

Chapter 523 Sudden Changes

Chapter 523 Sudden Changes

I never thought that Zuo Xiaowei would actually encourage me to destroy Qiao Jiao's wedding, just to stop me from going back to the small town, and then wandering around with my beloved woman like before.

She herself withdrew, pinned her feelings for me on those piles of bricks, and then summed up her experience in the emotional world in a tragic way.

I can't help but have some thoughts. Is she willing to be miserable and prevent me from returning to the small town? Is it just to avoid being caught in a dilemma between me and Guan Yubo?Or is it that she can already predict some things that will happen after I return to the small town?
When I was troubled by these questions, I was not moved by what Zuo Xiaowei said. I just looked at her with a little cold eyes.

I finally spoke to Zuo Xiaowei and said: "Sometimes I really feel that you and Sister Ran are quite similar... When you look at other people's affairs, you are always unrealistic in the habit of looking at other people's affairs. Therefore, she also told me , asked me to go to Qiao Jiao's wedding to cause trouble... Excuse me, what is my motive? You can't instruct me to do something that I shouldn't do just because you think I should be with her... ...In the end, it was Qiao Jiao and I who had to bear the consequences. You were just the audience watching a show, so it was insignificant... You have to know that during the time when we should be together most, we were not able to be together. What’s more, now, our mood and the environment we live in have already changed beyond recognition compared to before!”

Zuo Xiaowei looked at me, looking a little helpless.

I let out a heavy breath to release the depression in my heart. I had no way to tell her my true thoughts. Of course, Qiao Jiao could not marry Lu Nai, but even if she did not marry Lu Nai, she would not be with me anymore. possibility.

Because Lu Xi and I had already had that night, I couldn't do anything to Qiao Jiao, which would make the relationship between the three of us even more confusing and unbearable; besides, the love between my children is no longer the first priority in my heart. It is impossible for me to give up my progress for someone; for me, one wandering experience in life is enough, and I don’t want to take anyone wandering with me again.

What I want is a career, a career that can make me stand upright.

As for Qiao Jiao, I can only regard it as the biggest regret in my life and never forget it...

Of course I will never forget Qiao Jiao or the time we spent in the small town. It was she who lit up me with her feelings and gave me countless shining points in my otherwise barren life. The fire of my life was almost She was the one who started a prairie fire. It was really only a little bit close!


I finally picked up the chopsticks and, under Zuo Xiaowei's gaze, ate the tasteless braised pork in front of me, and then said to her neatly: "Let's go to Qingdao... go and complete your mission." , I silently bless her with a blessing mentality."

Zuo Xiaowei looked at me with some pain and helplessness, but was still unwilling to get up; I knew that what she was really afraid of was that I would return to the small town with such a resolute attitude.

It was at this time that her mobile phone placed on the table vibrated. I glanced subconsciously and saw that the caller ID was Qin Minhong.

This time, Zuo Xiaowei avoided me. She walked to the corner of the cafeteria with her phone in hand. She didn't know what Qin Minhong would say to her or what orders he would give her.


Taking advantage of Zuo Xiaowei's free time on the phone, I also walked out of the cafeteria, stood in the shade and lit a cigarette, and then looked at the lush green plants in front of me to relieve my fatigue, as well as those who were holding textbooks and walking from the green plants. students walking by.

I have to say that students at the Conservatory of Music are generally good-looking, especially girls. In the time it took me to smoke a cigarette, I have already seen two or three beautiful girls who have a chance to enter the entertainment industry based on their looks alone.

I couldn't help but look at it twice more, and then I felt a little dazed. I seemed to see the shadow of Zuo Xiaowei in these beautiful girls. At that time, Zuo Xiaowei was probably like them. She had no worries and only wanted to go on. The infinite longing of society; but now she is somewhat worried, and she also holds a huge sum of money that Guan Yubo deposited with her, which makes her look less innocent than before.


Just when I was thinking about this, Zuo Xiaowei had come to my side. I looked at her, and her face was full of disbelief and shock. Of course, this change happened after her phone call with Qin Minhong.

She finally said to me: "We don't need to go to Qingdao. Qiao Jiao's wedding is gone?"

I was stunned until the cigarette butt that was about to burn burned my hand. I suddenly came back to my senses and asked, "What's going on?"

"She ran away; disappeared with Deer Creek, just this morning." This!This simply subverted all my assumptions. I never imagined that the person who finally took Qiao Jiao away was not a man, let alone me, but Lu Xi, who had been her best friend for more than ten years.

This was obviously beyond Zuo Xiaowei's cognition, so after she told me everything that happened suddenly, she stayed where she was.

Such a grand wedding that consumed countless manpower and material resources ended in such a dramatic way...

Just when we couldn't recover, someone in the crowd recognized Zuo Xiaowei without a hat and sunglasses. They rushed towards us and affectionately called Zuo Xiaowei "senior sister", trying to make Zuo Xiaowei Xiaowei took a photo with them.

Only then did Zuo Xiaowei come back to her senses and deal with it. After finally meeting the students' demands, she put on her sunglasses and pulled me to the school parking lot. Finally, she drove away from her car like the wind. alma mater.


After deciding not to go to Qingdao, neither of us had a clear destination, so we drove through street after street until the traffic gradually thinned out and the crowds stopped surging.

During this long time, neither of us spoke. I didn’t know what she was thinking, but I thought a lot; I was thinking: After this sudden change, where will Lu Xi take Qiao Jiao? ?

Why did she take Qiao Jiao away?
Or, contrary to our conventional thinking, it was Qiao Jiao who took her away?

This matter is nothing more than these two possibilities, but for the first time I have a brain-burning feeling; I feel that if Qiao Jiao's marriage is an event, then it should never go like this.

They left like this quietly, and in the end no one was satisfied, or in other words, no one was able to achieve their wish; the "who" here, of course, refers to Yang Yiming, Lu Nai, and me.


Zuo Xiaowei finally parked the car in an open space and finally said to me: "Where will Lu Xi take Qiao Jiao?"

Of course, I had already thought about this problem, but to no avail. In the end, I just shook my head and said to Zuo Xiaowei, "I don't know."

"I once heard Qin Minhong say... Qiao Jiao's sexual orientation is a bit problematic, and she doesn't seem to reject women... But can two women really elope?"

"Stop it...just stop it!"

Zuo Xiaowei looked at me, her expression a little confused, probably because she didn't know why I rejected this statement so much; of course I would reject it, because this statement was ridiculous from the moment she said it.

Because there has never been a problem with Lu Xi's sexual orientation. The only problem was with Qiao Jiao. And how could a slap make a loud sound?What's more, Qiao Jiao has clearly expressed to me that she has overcome the barriers to sexual orientation.


I lit another cigarette and tried to sort out the myriad of things in my heart. But this time, I couldn’t figure it out. Instead, I became more and more confused. I couldn’t tell whether the result was good or not. Still bad.

Zuo Xiaowei seemed to see through my doubts, and she spoke to me again: "What I just said may be a bit ridiculous... But, one thing is for sure... For you, this is nothing Bad thing, because this result finally leaves a little possibility for you...and a little possibility for others...So, Han Chao...should you really stop and think about it...think about it later How to take the road."

(End of this chapter)

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