i'm not a bad man

Chapter 527 She will always support you

Chapter 527 She will always support you
I walked alone from the community where Luan Yu lives to the cancer hospital about two kilometers away. There are some communities next to the cancer hospital, but the occupancy rate is not high, so that more than half of the windows have no lights on; This is a sequelae of blind real estate speculation in the past few years. Houses can no longer be sold, and many houses rot in the hands of real estate speculators, making the entire area look a bit depressed. Corresponding to this depression, the hospital The lights are brightly lit, and there are lights on in almost every window. This is a cancer hospital, and there must be many people living in it who are heartbroken tonight...

Looking at these vacant houses and overcrowded hospitals, I suddenly felt negative. I just felt that life was just water forcibly packed in a bamboo basket, and it might not really have any meaning.


Facing the lonely wind in the middle of the night, I lit a cigarette and finally dialed the phone call I had just received from Luan Yu's mother. The call was connected after a while, and Lu Ming's voice sounded a little tired. He asked: "Where?" Bit?"

Until now, I am not sure who is older between me and Lu Ming, but I still called him "brother" with Lu Xi on the phone, and then said: "I am Han Chao... I am here now I want to talk to you downstairs in the hospital, is that convenient?"

Lu Ming seemed to be unable to treat me with a calm attitude, so after a short silence, he replied: "It's not inconvenient, just wait for me for a while."

"Okay, there is a Zhiqiang BBQ restaurant here. I'll wait for you in the store."



Lu Ming is probably the most magnanimous person I have ever met. Even though there was such a grievance between us, he still did not give me a bad attitude, nor did he put himself in a high position. He calmly accepted my meeting and chat. I also accepted our request to chat and we met in a very simple barbecue restaurant. I thought that Lu Xi had a similar state of mind and was probably influenced by him, so he has always been very well-educated and not careless.


This barbecue restaurant called "Zhiqiang" is really simple. There are only two refrigerated cabinets in the whole store, which contain some ingredients for customers to choose. After settling the accounts, they take them to the oven and let the boss grill them; The tables and chairs in the store are even more rudimentary. There are only small benches and a few greasy small tables. The business in the store seems a bit deserted. I don’t think this is due to the rudimentary facilities. The boss should not put the barbecue The store is opened opposite a cancer hospital; let me ask, the hospital is full of terminally ill patients, and the family members who come to accompany them, who is still in the mood to eat barbecue and drink beer?


After a while, I saw Lu Ming. At first glance, he was still upright and graceful. But when he walked up to me and sat down, I realized that he hadn’t shaved his beard for a long time. Although his eyes were still determined, He couldn't hide the fatigue after hard work.

I opened a bottle of beer and handed it to him. He took it from my hand and drank half of the bottle as if he was thirsty. Then he asked me, "Where did you come from?"


"You came all the way to Kunming, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Before I came to see you, I met Luan Yu's mother... She felt very sorry for you and didn't want to drag you down anymore. She wanted you to forget about the past and this place and start a new life." Lu Ming He looked at me for a long while before replying: "Do you also think I'm too serious?"

"I..." I avoided Lu Ming's gaze and whispered: "I am not qualified to judge you. I am a very vulgar person."

"There is no need to belittle yourself. Everyone's beliefs and paths are different... You must also have something you want to pursue."

"Yes, brother..."

"Then don't act as this lobbyist... During the process of getting along with Luan Yu, I thought about spending the rest of my life with her more than once. But for various reasons, I didn't have time to give her a Wedding... Some people think that thoughts are a very erratic thing, but I don’t think so. Thoughts are things that come from deep within your heart. They don’t just pass by in a flash, and they don’t come out of thin air. They are Meaningful... This idea must have come from the process of getting along with Luan Yu. I recognized her and everything she brought to me. I must respect this process. This process for me, It's a silent contract... So, after she leaves, I have to take good care of her family, because this must be her last concern..."

After a moment of silence, Lu Ming said to me in a lower tone: "While I was doing this, I felt that we were still involved. If one day, I left Kunming and put down her parents, what would happen between us?" It’s really time to say goodbye.”

I also raised the beer bottle, took a long sip, nodded and said to Lu Ming, "I can probably understand your mood, so I will only convey Auntie's thoughts to you, without any meaningless persuasion."


Lu Ming responded, and then took the initiative to raise the bottle. I was stunned for a moment, and then I touched it with him. It was precisely because of his action that I relaxed a lot of tension. I didn’t meet him before. Before, I thought that the atmosphere of our conversation would not be very good, but he was like a long-time friend, sitting opposite me, full of magnanimity in his heart, no complaints, no complaints, only the truth he insisted on.

This is the first time I have seen such a person, and I can't help but respect him; unfortunately, I will never be able to become a person like him. I am just a lonely boat drifting in the deep sea, with strong winds and big waves. Follow the waves…


After another bottle of beer, I finally took the initiative and said to him: "Brother, I'm going back to that small town. I don't know for sure whether it will be a disaster or a blessing in the future... So, before I go back to the small town, I came to Kunming... It can be regarded as a wish. I haven't visited Luan Yu since she passed away... Then, I just wanted to meet you... It was for Lu Xi... She held her wedding in Qiaojiao Before, Qiao Jiao and Qiao Jiao disappeared from everyone's sight...are they okay now?"

"Why do you think I have news about them?"

I had a look of recollection on my face, and then after pondering for a while, I replied: "That time, when you were on the phone, I heard the content of your conversation... You said on the phone that you would choose to support her no matter what... I can't explain clearly what the situation is now, it just feels very chaotic, a complete mess... When no one can guess the direction of the situation, you must be the only person she trusts in this world. If even you Without knowing her whereabouts, no one else will ever know.”

Lu Ming was a little absent-minded, and I kept looking at him. I wanted to know the answer; but this time, Lu Ming did not give me a clear answer. He just said to me: "Do what you want to do, don't No matter who or what happens, she will always support you!"

(End of this chapter)

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