i'm not a bad man

Chapter 528 More than just verbal support

Chapter 528 More than just verbal support
At some point, another pair of customers arrived at the deserted barbecue restaurant. After ordering, one of the men asked the boss, "Boss, what's the best beer here?"

The boss squinted his eyes and avoided the oil smoke and replied: "As a small businessman, I don't have any particularly good beer. They are all about the same... Qingdao is just a little more expensive."

"Okay, Qingdao is fine too. You can bring us one box...wait, let's have two boxes."

Lu Ming and I couldn't help but look back, a little curious, who could drink so much beer in the barbecue restaurant opposite the cancer hospital?Unless he is not a family member of the patient accompanying the patient in this hospital, but he is clearly seen carrying a handbag with the words Cancer Hospital on it.

Another man saw him ordering two boxes of beer. He probably thought it was too much, so he persuaded him: "Brother Qiu Bei, two boxes of beer are a bit too much. Let's order less..."

"Not much, not much at all; these past two days have really felt like I have walked away from hell. I even thought about my last words, but it turned out to be a benign tumor. I have to celebrate it anyway..."

"Benign tumors are also tumors. The doctor said we still need to protect our bodies. If we can drink less, let's drink less."

"Drink less... Let me tell you, to protect your body is to protect your good mood... Bad mood is the source of all diseases. When your mood is good, your immunity will be better..." After that, he turned to the barbecue restaurant The boss said: "Boss, just give us two boxes of beer, no less than one bottle, and then change the cups for us to use big glasses for drinking draft beer."

The boss seemed to agree with his health regimen, nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll change you to the biggest beer mug... I'm so happy, I can't drink too much... I sincerely hope that all of you who come out of the hospital will be you." With this kind of mood...I won’t worry about running out of business!”

The man laughed heartily again and echoed: "That's not true. If you ask me, it would be better if this cancer hospital closed down, and then it was pushed to reconstruction and turned into a barbecue street. It was busy until two or three in the morning every day. Then The smell of barbecue is not much better than the smell of potion... I think that a place with barbecue is a time of peace and prosperity, and the good mood is all in the wine and meat!"

The more the man talked, the happier he became, and he turned to the few customers in the store, including me and Lu Ming, and said, "Brothers, let's eat and drink tonight...the accounts have all been settled." On my body."

This kind of sharing must be accepted, so the guests in the store were not pretentious. They all stood up together, raised their glasses, expressed their gratitude to this man, and were sincerely happy for him, because not everyone has the opportunity to escape from this narrow escape. Come out of the place safely.

After drinking the wine in the glass, everyone clapped together and shouted: There will no longer be pain in the world, and there will no longer be a hospital that is needed.

This empathy came so naturally and was so urgent that even Lu Ming, who had always been steady, clapped and shouted... and even added each other on WeChat with these strangers.

This is not a redundant move. Although we may not have a common language or contact in the future, as long as each other exists in each other's contact list, this night will not be forgotten; this is a good medicine in times of despair. Because when we think of this night, we will think of this old man who escaped death, and we will think of how we once screamed loudly because we hated the pain.

This feeling is really good!

The four bottles of beer I ordered before had been finished, and Lu Ming asked the boss for another four bottles of beer. After each filled his glass, he said to me: "I heard that you and Luan Yu have been to 296 cities. "

"Yes, brother."

"I really believe that only when people go out can they see a different life, a different kind of splendor, just like tonight... I may not encounter it a few times in my life, but you must have encountered many Times?"

"Well, only when people go out will they discover different wonderful things... Living paranoidly in your own world is the most painful thing!"

"Then you have to listen to what the big brother just said. Only when you are in a good mood can you have a good body."

"Yes, this is the first time I heard of such a health regimen...it may be really reasonable, and my eldest brother escaped death."

Lu Ming smiled, and then fell into silence, and I was habitually in a trance because of his silence. I kept thinking about the words he just said to me. To be precise, they were the words Lu Xi left for me; She said that as long as it was something I wanted to do, she would always support me.This sentence, in addition to making me feel warm, is also like marrying a wife. Adhering to the principle of husband and wife, she has been silently supporting me, understanding me, understanding me, caring about me, loving me...

I miss her, this woman who amazed me deeply from the first time we met. I miss the good times we experienced together even more. As long as there is her shadow, my world will be colorful.


It wasn't until all eight bottles of beer were drunk that Lu Ming and I left the barbecue restaurant called "Zhiqiang"; in the deep night, we stood face to face under the dim street lights.

I felt a lot more relaxed inexplicably, and a strong confidence was injected into my originally empty heart. Finally, not everyone was against me.

I finally spoke to Lu Ming and said, "I'm very glad that I made the decision to come to Kunming. Otherwise, I would really be paranoid about living in my own world, not knowing whether it's right or wrong."

"You should come to Kunming. There are some things we need to communicate face to face."

"Yes, brother."

Lu Ming patted my shoulder and whispered to me: "The support Xiaoxi said to support you is not a verbal support... Just go ahead and do it. Since you have such talent and ability, just go Be the one who changes history and the pattern... Changing the history and pattern is not an easy thing. Before it is realized, you will definitely have to bear some extraordinary pressure. These pressures are not terrible. What is really terrible is that you don’t know why you want to do it. Do this..."

"Well, I need a track to take me forward."

"It's not so much a track as a principle... Never do anything illegal."

"it is good."

I nodded heavily, becoming more sober in my heart, and grateful for the reminder; the reason why I was able to bring down Guan Yubo and Chang Tianming was because they had done too many illegal things before, so they gave me With small opportunities, I must learn this lesson and make myself as invulnerable as possible.

It was time for me to leave, so I said "goodbye" to Lu Ming, then turned and walked towards the intersection where I could get a taxi.

"Han Chao..."

I turn around...

Lu Ming's figure standing under the street lamp was upright and straight. He said to me seriously: "When you can't control the situation, call me."

I stopped. This seemed to be what Lu Ming said to me, but it was the support Lu Xi gave me. Although I didn’t think I needed such support, I still felt that there was blood boiling in my body...

This made me more determined and clearer.Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!

With this mood in mind, I flew back to Zhengzhou from Kunming overnight, and then took a ride from Zhengzhou back to the small town. I still lived in an inconspicuous small hotel, but my ambition to change the history and pattern of the small town was as big as ever. The flames that started a prairie fire lit up the night sky of the small town, and gaining absolute control of the scenic spot was the first thing I had to do after coming back.

(End of this chapter)

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