i'm not a bad man

Chapter 529 Good guy Han Chao

Chapter 529 Good guy Han Chao
The next day, I slept until I woke up naturally, then opened the curtains, sat on the bed, and looked at the small town that was gradually enveloped by spring. Among them, the most eye-catching thing was the flowers that were already blooming on both sides of the street, which looked very much like Luan Yu and I. It was the first time I passed through this small town, and I can’t remember some of the details of our visit in the small town. I only remember that the mountains and plains were filled with flowers and green plants, and those barbecue restaurants were hidden among the flowers and green plants. The wine guy keeps going back and forth between these barbecue restaurants.

Inadvertently, the small town has recovered, and the tourism industry is about to recover. For me, everything comes not too early and not too late.

I suddenly wanted to go to Guan Yubo's 5A-level scenic spot; although I am a person who has almost traveled all over the country, in fact, I am more obsessed with the scenery on the road, but I don't like visiting scenic spots; so, I first came with Luan Yu When we arrived in this small town, we did not visit any scenic spots, including Guan Yubo’s scenic spots.

It is said that on the steps leading to the Jade Emperor's Peak in the scenic spot, there is a place dedicated to hanging concentric locks. Countless locks are hung on it, locking the promises of countless men and women who want to be together. At that time, Luan Yu also wanted to climb to the top of the Jade Emperor's Peak. Dingfeng went to hang such a pair of concentric locks, but I vetoed it because I don’t like this kind of behavior that emphasizes form over content. I feel stupid; in this era when even a marriage certificate can’t lock two people, let alone just one person. Put the concentric lock.


After buying tickets for the scenic spot and riding two ropeways, I finally came to the place where the concentric locks were hung. At this moment, there are still couples obsessed with this method. With their expectations for the future, they solemnly hang on the iron chains. After putting on the concentric lock with their names written on it, I felt a little regretful as I watched the scene unfolding one after another...

From a different angle and a different mood, this concentric lock can also be regarded as a kind of commemoration, commemorating the life that two people once had together and the things they did together; there is really no need to have an overly mature and pessimistic attitude towards love. To treat it, even this small concentric lock is the scenery of two people once being together. If you put it down, let it go. If you haven't put it down, come back and look at it. What's more, behind these dense concentric locks, there are also It’s not that you haven’t achieved the right results.

I finally turned around and turned my back to the lock. After a while, there was a whisper of conversation around me. When I looked back, I saw a woman holding a pair of bolt cutters and severely cutting off one of the locks. Pair of concentric locks.

I stared at the broken concentric lock for a long time, and suddenly I felt at a loss. I also felt that love is not necessarily a beautiful scenery, and it might also be the pain of shooting myself in the foot.


When going down the mountain, I did not choose to take the ropeway. Instead, I chose an old road that has almost been abandoned. This old road is rarely known to tourists. The owner of the hotel told me when I was having lunch. He said that the way down the mountain is You can walk this way at any time without any effort, and you can also follow this road and watch the scenery at dusk while walking.

Halfway through, dusk came and I got tired, so I sat down on an open space with a panoramic view of the town and took a rest.

Along with dusk came a suffocating silence. Only then did I realize that I was in Guan Yubo's scenic spot. Of course I came prepared, and Guan Yubo certainly would not sit still and wait for death. Since there was opposition , then there will definitely be victory or defeat.

What if I lose?

I picked up a flat stone from the ground, took out the Swiss Army knife I carried with me from my pocket, and carved my name on the stone.

People are bound to die. After I die, how long will the name Han Chao be remembered by others?And when they mention me, will they compare me to a good person or a bad person?
This time, I gave the answer myself first. Next to my name, I carved the word "good guy" heavily; then I placed the stone under the afterglow of the setting sun and looked at it again and again...

In the end, I still curled my lips and smiled, just think that Wang Po was selling melons and boasting, after all, I also have a guilty conscience in this life.

I started digging a hole in the ground with this saber. I want to bury this stone with my name on it in this hole. The stone will not rot. Maybe a thousand years from now, there will be such a person. Because of some kind of By chance, this stone was dug out of this pit.

He will definitely look at the words carved on the stone and say "Good man, Han Chao" to comfort my spirit in heaven.

I am not so afraid of death, but I am a little afraid of being completely forgotten by this world. Of course I will be forgotten by this world, because so far, I am just a little person wandering on the edge of society. A little person is like dust, blown by the wind. Without a trace.


After doing such a thing, I finally folded the sword and put it back into my pocket, then looked at the setting sun and the birds returning to their nests under the setting sun...

I lost my mind again and even forgot about the way down the mountain. I was only halfway through, and the night had already replaced the dusk, gradually approaching this small town and approaching me.

It wasn't until my phone vibrated that I suddenly came back to my senses. This was a call from my good brother Hei Zu. We haven't contacted each other for a long time, but he was the first to tell me about Qiao Jiao's marriage. People, that is, we have not contacted each other since that time.


On the phone, I couldn't hear any special emotions from Heizu. He just asked me, "Where are you?" "I'm back in the small town, how about you?"

"I just returned to the small town...do you want some drinks tonight?"


"Let's have a skewer."

"Pull it out."

"Then are you looking for a place, or should I look for a place?"

"Look for me, I'm on the mountain right now and won't be able to get down for a while."

"Going to climb a mountain?"

"Well, I took a walk around Guan Yubo's scenic spot...it's really spectacular, and it does have the momentum of a 5A-level scenic spot!"

"The well-deserved leader in the small town's tourism industry, do you think it's just for fun?" After a pause, Heizu added, "Then I'll find a barbecue restaurant near the scenic spot to save you the trouble of running back and forth."

"very good."

"You don't usually talk like this, do you?"

"As soon as you said that, I suddenly want to eat duck heads... There is a stall selling roast duck under the ticket office of the scenic spot. Get me some duck heads and bring them over. If you can tell the male from the female, bring the male to me. Duck head, I heard that male ducks have big brains, so I like to eat brains."

Blackfoot was a little uncomfortable with my jumping way of speaking. He was stunned for a while before replying: "You must have been blown away by the evil wind on the mountain. I have never seen you behave like this."

"I'm so happy." Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

"What good happened to you?"

"Wouldn't you be happy if your name could last forever?"

After saying that, I looked at the place where the stones were buried. I felt really happy and felt fearless because of this. I believed that I would not be forgotten.

I sped up the pace down the mountain. It had probably rained in the small town a few days ago, and the place with the sun behind it was inevitably a little slippery. When I was about to reach the foot of the mountain, I fell and tore my pants. A cut was made on the face.

So when Blackfoot saw me, he was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly said: "No wonder, you must have broken your brain!"

It didn't matter how I spoke or whether I broke my brain. What mattered was Blackfoot's mood. He seemed to have forgotten Qiao Jiao and all the negative emotions caused by not being able to get close to Qiao Jiao.

While drinking, he told me that he gave up because Qiao Jiao never thought about him until she got married and escaped from marriage. He said that he had tried his best, and people should know how to accept things when they are good...

I didn't comment on this, I just stared at the duck heads in the shopping bag, looking at them again and again, not knowing whether they were male or female, or whether they were male or female.

(End of this chapter)

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