i'm not a bad man

Chapter 530 A Mysterious Opponent

Chapter 530 A Mysterious Opponent
After staring at the duck heads packed in the convenience bag for a moment, I finally asked Blackfoot: "Did you ask when you bought these duck heads, whether they were male or female?"

"Stop talking nonsense and let me tell you something serious..."

Heizu threw a cigarette to me, lit one himself, and then said to me seriously: "The scenic spot is basically closed now; to be honest, Chang Tianming's sudden accident really caused a lot of trouble for me. Psychological shock... After all, I have dominated this small town for so many years with the title of the richest man, but in the end I capsized after being completely clean... Therefore, people really have to maintain a sense of worry at all times. Sometimes, time also It’s not a panacea. At the very least, it can’t wash away the sins... Speaking of the sense of worry, we have to go back to the scenic spots. It’s not a problem that the scenic spots have been shut down. Some other B&B investors and I After chatting in the group... we have reached a preliminary consensus. We are going to use crowdfunding to buy the management rights of this scenic spot from the government. The government now regards this scenic spot as a hot potato, so we gave it to The conditions are quite generous... Of course there are risks, but there is no one-size-fits-all deal in this world. We thought about how to minimize this risk, and finally came to the conclusion: You have to run this scenic spot, because it is You have a good relationship with the aborigines in the scenic area. If you want to do something, they will be willing to cooperate with you. Moreover, you also have successful operation experience before. As long as you come, we will have the right time, place and people. Don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to do this.”

I looked at Black Foot with some astonishment. As expected, there is no situation that is 100% controllable in this world. I had not calculated before that Black Foot would join forces with other investors to buy the management rights of the scenic spot, but it really happened. Yes, and it's reasonable, because if the scenic spot continues to be in such a state of ruin indefinitely, it will do the greatest harm to them.

"Why don't you speak? Are you carried away by this sudden feeling of happiness?... Before, I knew that you always wanted the right to speak in the scenic spot, but Chang Tianming was wary of you at every turn, which made you unable to use your hands and feet in the later stage. ...But if the management rights are in our hands, we will definitely give you the absolute right to speak."

After pondering for a while, I asked: "Are you so optimistic about the future of this scenic spot?"

"If you want to say that we are optimistic about the future of this scenic spot, that's nonsense. Ever since we came to invest in this scenic spot, all kinds of bad things have happened one after another, and it has never really developed steadily. But we have no choice but to get to this point. We It’s hard to get off the tiger, after all, so much money has been invested in the early stage, especially me..."

Hearing Black Foot say this, I breathed a sigh of relief, because from his words, I heard that this was a forced and helpless choice. Since it was forced and helpless, it meant that they did not have to win. Otherwise, he and those investors will become my first opponents after returning to the small town.

After a brief silence, I asked again: "Have you communicated with the leader responsible for this matter?"

"Not yet. Didn't we just reach a consensus here... But it is really necessary to communicate as soon as possible. The scenic spot must not be delayed like this anymore." After a pause, Black Foot said again: "This matter has to be struck while the iron is hot, I still Call there now."

After saying that, Blackfoot took out his cell phone from his pocket, and I ate a duck head while he was on the phone.


Black Foot finally finished chatting, then looked at me with an incredible expression and said: "The scenic spot has been in ruins for so long, and now there is a company willing to take over, and they accepted the quotation given by them without bargaining at all. .”

I feel even more incredible. This is definitely not Wu Luoge's doing. If it were him, he would have communicated with me in advance. Moreover, we have reached a consensus before. Regarding the above quotation, we want to press it again. He has no reason not to Negotiate the price and accept it all.

So, who is this mysterious company and opponent?Besides me, who would be interested in such a scenic spot that has entered a state of disrepair?

I put down the duck bone in my hand, immediately took out my mobile phone from my pocket, and then called Wu Luoge, but Wu Luoge's phone was turned off.

A bad feeling gradually developed in my heart, but I didn't know what the problem was. I didn't even know who my opponent was.

I asked Blackfoot again: "When did this happen?" "It happened this afternoon."

"Quite suddenly."

"It's quite sudden, but for us, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. Unless we have to, we really don't want to invest in this scenic spot anymore... I just don't know what the capabilities of this newly taken over company are, right? Are we investors friendly enough? Before this, Chang Tianming had promised to unconditionally give up part of his shares to us investors... If the newly taken over company cannot do this, we may have to Bullshit."

Blackfoot expressed his worries, and I became even more worried, and therefore fell into silence. I did not allow myself to be the first to take advantage of something I had planned for so long.

I just lost my appetite for eating and drinking, but Blackfoot had a good appetite and ate two duck heads in a row.


About 10 minutes later, Wu Luoge finally called me back. I avoided Blackfoot, walked to an unnoticed corner, and answered the call. Wu Luoge on the other end of the phone spoke to me first: "I was on the plane just now. , the phone is turned off."

"Where have you been?" Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!
"Zhengzhou... Before I called you, I had already called the leader in charge of the scenic spot in the small town. He also made several calls to me when I was on the plane..." After a brief silence, Wu Luoge said to him again I said: "The situation has changed a bit. The leader told me that a company doing cultural tourism projects has accepted their quotation. The process was very smooth, so the leader asked me what I meant here. If I didn't continue to add more money, With the idea, the management rights of the scenic spot were sold to this company at the price mentioned before.”

"Where is this company? Did he say?"

"I didn't say much on the phone... but don't worry, since I have promised you to take over the management rights of the scenic spot, I will never break my promise... I have already expressed my position to the leader, and I can increase the stakes here."

"Now it's not a matter of increasing the price. What I'm afraid of is that this company will fight with us and raise the price all the way. If the price exceeds a certain limit, even if we get the right to operate the scenic spot, we will face a lot of pressure. This It will lose the original meaning of doing this thing..."

"Yes, I also have such worries in my heart... So now I really want to know the details of this company, which feels a bit provocative." After a pause, Wu Luoge asked me again: "How much do you think it has been exceeded?" , will the meaning of acquisition be lost?”

After pondering for a while, I replied: "It cannot exceed [-] million. If it exceeds this value, I think it will put a lot of pressure on the subsequent operations, even make it unprofitable, and then fall into a vicious cycle of losses."

"Okay, that [-] million is our bottom line, but before that, we need to understand the details of this company as soon as possible and see if everyone can communicate about this matter privately. Don't let the superiors regard our competition as a bargaining chip and then sit on the ground. We raise the price and become the biggest beneficiary, but in the end it is both of us who suffer the loss.”

(End of this chapter)

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