i'm not a bad man

Chapter 534 Expert advice?

Chapter 534 Expert advice?

When Ren Ran asked this, I also asked myself in my heart: At this moment, should I really still have illusions about this woman Zuo Xiaowei?A feeling of emptiness arose in my heart, and then I shook my head and said to Ren Ran: "It's not about the person but the matter. It's fatal to have any illusions about anyone at this time..."

"So, you are just not willing to accept that something that was originally very simple will become as complicated as it is now?"

"Yes, I am not reconciled!"

I'm not sure what my expression was when I said this. It was most likely ferocious, so Wu Luoge comforted him again: "This is how business is, emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, so we should stay calm." Well... at least, this matter is within the scope that can be solved with money. As long as you think it is valuable, investing more than [-] million is not impossible."

Ren Ran also echoed: "With your brother's words, what are you worried about?... Guan Yubo may not be stronger than your brother. As long as you think this investment is valuable, we will fight with her to the death. in the end."

I looked at Ren Ran and Wu Luoge and felt moved, but in the end I fell into silence. The silence was because I felt that as long as I fell into the rhythm designed by Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei, even if I finally got control of the scenic spot, I would It was also a failure.


After breakfast, Wu Luoge and Ren Ran went back to the big hotel where they stayed, but I still stayed in the small hotel where even the space was cramped; throughout the morning, I did nothing and just stood on the old iron floor. Next to the window, I looked at the small town in front of me over and over again, until Blackfoot called me.

After the call was connected, Hei Zu said to me in a surprised tone: "Let me tell you something, don't be shocked... This morning, Zuo Xiaowei came to the scenic spot and invited those of us who invested in the B&B They all gathered together and solemnly expressed their position to us. After her Pinwei Tourism and Culture Group Company acquired the scenic spot, Chang Tianming cashed in the shares she gave us, and she also recognized and accepted it... Not only us, but also the aborigines in the scenic spot, She also promised to prepare a fund of 10 million to support villagers' entrepreneurship in the scenic area. She said that as long as the villagers can come up with a good plan with business characteristics and get the approval of the scenic area, they can apply with the scenic area. A sum of support for decoration and operation, ranging from 100 to [-] million... This is winning people's hearts. I never saw this woman being so skillful before... Moreover, the person who purchased the scenic spot turned out to be She...if my guess is correct, he should represent Guan Yubo..."

"There are means..." After a short silence, I asked Blackfoot again: "Then do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

Black Foot's tone left no room for doubt: "As long as she cashes in the shares that Chang Tianming promised us before, and can really come up with this [-] million fund for support, then of course it will be a good thing... Anyway, I don't They will object, someone in this scenic area should have come out to clean up the situation long ago!"

"Aren't you worried that after she takes over the scenic spot, she won't be able to bring it to the height you want?"

"As long as the boss behind it is Guan Yubo, we won't worry... After all, so much money has been invested, and he won't let it go to waste... Moreover, the two scenic spots have been fighting over the road expansion project... ...If Guan Yubo acquires the scenic spot, the two scenic spots will become one family. Since they are one family, why not... He will definitely put this road expansion project in the Lover's Valley Scenic Area... Anyway, Lover's Valley The construction of the scenic spot is also Guan Yubo's profit, and the money for the road expansion project, no matter which scenic spot is placed, will eventually fall into his hands... With such logic and strong capital, it is impossible for this scenic spot to be built Not very sexy either... I just never dreamed that after Chang Tianming fell, he would actually take advantage of Guan Yubo. Before that, even if he offered one billion, Chang Tianming would not sell this scenic spot to him. But after returning to the government, the situation is different..." After a short pause, Heizu sighed and said: "But there is also a little gossip that Guan Yubo has fled abroad and is now under investigation. Bian Bian... I thought he didn't have the energy to deal with business matters anymore, but I didn't expect that he supported such a spokesperson. Just because of his resilience, I think this guy is a character... Moreover, if he is really controlling him, After visiting this scenic spot, the authorities will become more cautious about whether to open a case for investigation... After all, he is already an undisputed giant in the tourism industry of the small town. If he touches him, the whole body will be affected. If he touches him, it is equivalent to touching the small town. The tourism economy and the city's image are related to the livelihood of too many people. For those above, stability is more important than anything else, and it may really allow him to escape. Besides, the evidence is not sufficient now, is it?"

Black Foot's words are what I can think of, but my feelings are different from his. I am more regretful. I regret that I failed to seize the opportunity to separate him and Zuo Xiaowei when I was at BJ; at that time , I really have a chance.Guan Yubo is indeed a character, and he is more capable than I thought.

Or is there a more terrifying master guiding him behind his back?
Everything is a mystery, and the situation is becoming increasingly unfavorable to me, because after Zuo Xiaowei's series of operations, even the people's support on which I rely is gradually losing.

How on earth should I deal with it?
I suddenly thought of Lu Ming and what he said to me before I left Kunming; he said that if the situation gets out of control, remember to call him.

It's time for me to calm down and make a good evaluation.

At this moment, the situation is not out of control yet. To me, this is just the beginning, but I can take Lu Ming's words as a hint; why does he think the situation will get out of control?

Do you doubt my ability?Or does it mean that he knows some inside information that I don’t know, so that’s why he gave this advice?

Suddenly, a name suddenly appeared in my mind.Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

Yang Yiming!
My teeth clenched because it was a name that made me feel angry but helpless; everything I am experiencing now was given by him.

If there is such a person behind Guan Yubo who can grasp the psychology of leadership, it is most likely him. That is why Guan Yubo ordered Zuo Xiaowei to acquire this scenic spot at all costs.

If this idea is true, then Zuo Xiaowei is the incarnation of Guan Yubo, and then Guan Yubo is the incarnation of Yang Yiming.

He still refused to let me go, even if I retreated again and again, he still used this crushing method to ravage me!I even suspect that Guan Yubo's matter has been stuck here without a formal investigation, and there are also elements of his operation.

But even if I can figure out the relationship here clearly, facing an opponent at Yang Yiming's level, what can I do besides being furious?What else can be done?
(End of this chapter)

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