i'm not a bad man

535 - Fall into passive

535 - Fall into passive
Yang Yiming's name once again pressed on my heart like a mountain, making it difficult for me to breathe; although we have not had any direct conflicts until now, everything he did was aimed at me. , and Guan Yubo and Qin Minhong were like his right-hand men, one on the left and the other on the right, pinching my neck so hard that every step I took was accompanied by mountains of knives and thorns...

Under the pressure that made me feel suffocated, I thought about my relationship with Wu Luoge again. There is no doubt that he is my most reliable helper now, but if the situation is controlled by Zuo Xiaowei, I can really let him do it regardless of the cost. To invest?
Until now, I haven't given him enough benefits and motivation to do this. He just wants to repay the 300 million yuan in kindness, and human nature has always been unable to stand the test, so my mother once warned me to let me do this. When facing Wu Luo Ge, don't touch him easily.

I haven't felt this upset for a long time. The reason why I am upset is because my opponent is completely beyond the scope of what I can deal with. Yang Yiming represents more than just capital. The power behind him is what really makes me What is feared.

At this moment, I even had some doubts. Was the decision to kill Chang Tianming a foolish move?With Chang Tianming here, regardless of our relationship, at least he will form a check on Guan Yubo; now that Chang Tianming has entered, looking at the entire town, Guan Yubo will only become more unscrupulous, and now, he has begun to do so .


Just when I was at a loss, Jia Guoying called me. I only glanced at it and answered the phone instantly, but I was speechless for a while because I had a hunch that this was not a call that would bring me good news. .

Sure enough, Jia Guoying's voice was a little low, and he said to me: "Brother, I got a piece of news here. This morning, Zuo Xiaowei went to the scenic spot. She promised the villagers that as long as her company gets the scenic spot We will prepare a capital of [-] million to support villagers to start businesses in the scenic area..."

"I have heard from my friends about this matter... What do the villagers think of this matter?"

"She must be welcomed with a raised hand... If she can really provide [-] million for support, it will definitely bring a lot of entrepreneurial opportunities to the village. The only doubt everyone has now is whether this [-] million will be cashed in the end. "

"Didn't anyone think that the capital behind her is Guan Yubo?"

After a moment of silence, Jia Guoying said: "It may be a bit harsh to say that you are only interested in profit, but for the people in the village, whoever can make them eat enough is the one who provides them with food and clothing. The past things can be ignored... Yes Yes, there is another matter. The family members of the teacher who was killed by Guan Yubo in the village have now made it clear that they will not pursue the matter and went to the Public Security Bureau to overturn their previous confession."

"Oral confessions are not child's play. Can they be overturned if they are overturned?"

"The previous confession was given by the teacher's wife. Now, the teacher's son took a mental illness certificate and went to the Public Security Bureau, saying that his mother has become mentally ill since his father died... With such a legally binding identification certificate, the previous confession will definitely be invalidated."

"Then is she mentally ill?"

"This...it's hard to say...but I estimate that someone must be working on this matter, and what's certain is that this family must have received benefits from Guan Yubo, so they chose to keep it secret. , after all, the person has been dead for so long, and the family is too poor to make a living, so if I really hold back my energy and send Guan Yubo in, I might as well get a benefit fee... don’t you think so?"

I fell into silence. Silence was because I didn’t know how to refute these remarks. I just felt that Zuo Xiaowei was probably really crazy. She was helping Guan Yubo cover up his crimes. She no longer had any basic knowledge. view of good and evil.

She can say that she is a love brain, or she can be willful because of her love brain, but she cannot not even have the most basic concept of good and evil. This is already a sign of evil.

In my silence, Jia Guoying asked me again: "Brother, what should we do now? I feel really passive!"

"It's too early to be passive now. I will find a way here."

"Then what should I do? Should I stay outside to avoid the limelight?"

"Well, just be patient a little longer."

"Okay..." After a short silence, Jia Guoying said to me again: "Brother, I have been outside for so long and I have to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation. Do you think you can give me some more money?" "Okay, I will." I’ll transfer 1 yuan to your account later.”

Jia Guoying hesitated for a while and replied: "1 yuan is not enough..."

I was a little surprised, and he added: "My son is going to junior high school soon, and his academic performance is a mess. I'm thinking of transferring him to a better middle school in the city, so I have to ask someone to do it. You know, this Nowadays, whenever you ask for help, you have to spend some money... Look, can you give me another 10 yuan? This 10 yuan is what I borrowed from you. When I get back, I can start the business and start it immediately. The 10 yuan will be returned to you."

"Okay, I'll transfer another [-] to you."

"Thank you very much!"


After I ended the call with Jia Guoying, I stood silently. After a long time, I sent a message to Zuo Xiaowei. I wanted to meet her. The place to meet was the landscape in front of her house. Beside the river.

Zuo Xiaowei didn't reply to me, but I went anyway. I stood there from the afternoon until the evening. I had never experienced the feeling of waiting for someone like this, but even though I felt uncomfortable in my heart, I still endured it...

Just as night was coming, a Bentley Bentayga with dual colors drove over from the other side of the river and parked next to me.

Zuo Xiaowei just walked up to me. She was wearing sunglasses and a hat, so it was impossible to see her expression clearly. She just said to me lightly: "I never thought that one day, you would be waiting for me like this."

"Yes, I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

"I know you've been waiting for a long time, but don't you think it's a little too late to come to me now?..." After a pause, Zuo Xiaowei said to me in a deeper voice: "While we were at BJ, I told you more than once, don’t go back to the small town.”

"Huh... If I don't go back to the small town, won't you do these things?... Your Pinwei Tourism Culture Group Co., Ltd. was already established before I went to BJ." Follow me from the public Number: ***, you can view the latest chapter!
Zuo Xiaowei fell into silence, and finally spoke after a long time: "Why did you insist on killing him?"

"You should ask him more, why is he unwilling to give me a way to survive? From the first day I came to the small town, he has been bullying me, and he has plotted against me more than once since then."

Zuo Xiaowei chose silence again, and I waved and said: "Forget it, these are not important, what is important is your choice... I will only ask you once, are you sure you are awake now?... Guan Yubo once He persecuted a teacher in Danangou Scenic Area to death, and you were willing to be his pawn and help him destroy evidence... Do you still have any conscience?"

I thought Zuo Xiaowei would at least reflect on it, but this time, she just replied coldly: "You are not from a small town and don't understand the situation in the small town. There is always a shortage of people here who want to get something for nothing... Yu Bo's reputation in the small town He is so old, there are too many people who want to touch him, and there are so many people every year... My purpose in doing this is just not to want him to be wronged by people with ulterior motives."

I was so angry that I laughed back: "Did someone else teach you these words?"

"I'm telling you the truth. It's really boring for you to induce me randomly here!"

Looking at Zuo Xiaowei's face hidden under sunglasses and hat, I gradually felt despair in my heart. There was a high probability that we wouldn't have to talk anymore, even though I had lowered my posture in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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