i'm not a bad man

Chapter 546 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 546 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
Wu Luoge was already the most important force behind me, and the matter was of great importance, so even late at night, I still met with him; in order to ensure the privacy of the conversation, this time I chose to stay in his hotel room.

Wu Luoge is a person who refuses all drinks late at night, so I was the only one who drank some beer to relieve the urgency in my heart.

Wu Luoge spoke to me first and asked: "It must be no small matter to come to me so late, right?"

"Well... I feel that my previous thinking was limited, so I only regarded whether I could get the scenic spot as the only criterion for success... In fact, this kind of idea is very dangerous and can easily be used by others... This scenic spot must have its value, and coupled with my personal emotions for it, its value can be higher, but it is not without a bottom line... So, if it exceeds this bottom line, I can choose to let it go... But, also We can't let Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei get this scenic spot easily... It may take some risks, but I still want to raise the price to a value that will put huge pressure on them during the official auction. They have pressure. , there will be flaws...With the flaws, we will still have a chance to make a comeback..."

Of course Wu Luoge is a smart man, so he just thought about it for a moment and asked: "But how to grasp this critical value? We are afraid that after the price is raised to a certain height at the auction, they will let go before us. …”

"Yes, the most difficult thing is to grasp this critical value... Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that they think so too... Therefore, the top priority is to test their true thoughts. If they are determined to win this Scenic spots, then we must also send out some confusing signals to make them feel that we are also determined to win, so that a stalemate can be formed..."

Wu Luoge nodded, then smiled and said: "At this time, if you can think like this and be so calm, I will be more relieved... If we really let them win the scenic spot at a high point that far exceeds the actual value … There will definitely be a lot of operational pressure. At that time, if we try to cut off their capital chain, they will be pinched by the throat…”

"Yes, brother, regarding this, we thought of going together."

"This idea is theoretically feasible... However, I also have some concerns of my own. I heard that the Guan Yubo family has been operating in the small town for many years and is involved in all walks of life. They are known as the cash kings of the small town. If they have enough strength, , to withstand such operational pressure, and use the scenic spot as a springboard to win the road expansion project, you may really lose this scenic spot forever.”

"Your worries do exist, but you must not forget that Chang Tianming was previously known as the richest man in the small town, but the Thousand Miles Embankment was destroyed in an ant nest. Those scenery are only for outsiders to see. I am afraid that places where outsiders cannot see have long been It is already riddled with holes... So, I bet that their funds are not as strong as the outside world imagines. Once a crisis occurs, they will still have to rely on the power of a third party. At that time, we will have the opportunity to cut off their capital chain..."

"I don't agree with you treating this matter with a gambling mentality."

I finally smiled and replied: "How can you control such a big game and such a big scene 100% in your own hands? You have to take a gamble, just like you did back then, put everything down." On Bitcoin.”

"It's different. I'm afraid you won't be reconciled after losing the bet."

"I am willing to admit defeat..." After a short pause, I continued: "There is no situation in this world that is 100% controllable, but for a self-disciplined person, he can 100% control his emotions... So, I can really admit defeat...at worst, I have to start all over again. I have already thought about it. Even if I lose this time due to miscalculation, I will not leave the small town...Do you still remember the ravine where we went to eat yesterday? I think it's not bad, so I will find a similar place, make a resort, and take my time... Just like when I first came to this small town, I had the same mentality, because life cannot always be on the fast lane, there must always be something When you stop to catch your breath.”

After a period of silence, Wu Luoge finally said to me in a tone of approval: "Well, since you can be so open-minded, then you can go ahead and do it... However, the auction is just around the corner, and you don't have much time left."

"Yes, I plan to go to the scenic spot again tomorrow... It's time to let everyone know that I am going to win this scenic spot."

"Do you need me to go with you?"


"Then we'll stop here today and go there early tomorrow."

...I'm very fortunate that I didn't encounter any resistance from Wu Luoge. He has always been very supportive of me, so this also made me feel at ease a lot...

When I returned to the hotel where I was staying, the first thing I did was to carefully put the mobile phone and book in the box where I used to store various documents. I felt that in the days to come, they would be Just like the documents that can prove my identity, they cannot be lost and I must treasure them.


After washing up, I felt sleepy; on such an enlightened night, I had a long, long dream. I dreamed that the RV that I had sold returned to my hands again. I drove it and went to XJ, a place I had always wanted to go but couldn't.

I am still alone. There is no explanation in the dream whether I have become a rich man. Maybe, in the dream, whether I am rich or not is not important at all. I just feel lonely. I can’t see the lonely journey. On the Gobi Desert at the end...

The wind and sand were blowing all over the Gobi Desert, and there was no life in sight. I just drove from day to night. I didn't encounter a service area where I could rest along the way. It seemed to be deliberately creating a sense of oppression, and I really didn't know why. Feeling anxious about falling fuel levels.

My car finally broke down and parked in a place where I couldn't reach my fingertips; the dream was still real, and occasionally some vehicles would pass by me, but no matter how I waved or asked for help, there was no car. Be willing to stop for me.

In this windy and sandy Gobi Desert, I gradually felt desperate. I thought I would die here, so the fragments of my life experience appeared in my mind like a movie replay.

It was at this time that a beam of light suddenly pierced these fragments; this time, what passed me was also a RV. I didn't have any expectations, but this RV that I had missed came again. Suddenly retreated from a distance.

It's Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao...

My body was secreting dopamine crazily, and I felt that this was the peak of joy in life. I suddenly remembered that we had made an agreement that the three of us would drive to XJ together.

So, I didn’t realize in my dream that this was a dream. I got into their RV, and not long after, it was daybreak. The endless Gobi Desert was no longer outside the window. I saw a large number of wind turbines. There are also grasslands and herds of cattle and sheep.

I finally arrived in XJ, and I could finally piece together a complete map of the places I had traveled. My heart was filled with joy.

But just when I wanted to share this joy with Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao, the RV was unmanned...

Then I felt scared and realized that this might be a dream.

I was woken up just like that. The sunlight outside the window was dazzling. Against the dazzling sunlight, I tried to analyze this dream: I might really miss them, and I knew that they were getting further and further away from me in reality.Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

But this is definitely not a nightmare. I think it is a hint that one day we will meet again, maybe on the road, maybe in an inadvertent moment.

(End of this chapter)

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