Chapter 547
Thinking back to that dream, after getting up, I took out the mobile phone and the book and read them. There is no doubt that these two things brought me great motivation when I felt sleepy, but this For a moment, what I am pursuing is not motivation, what I want is a sense of intimacy, because I can imagine that before packaging these two things into express delivery, she had also touched them deeply because of her good intentions.

Feeling that kind of intimacy, my mind became calmer, and then I washed up, ate, and called Wu Luoge, with the purpose of going to the scenic spot again.


When Wu Luoge and I arrived at the scenic spot, it was during working hours in the morning. The scenic spot had not completely closed down, so there were still some former employees staying in the scenic spot, but they were completely confused. They didn’t know where the future of the scenic spot was, and they didn’t know if they had finished receiving their money. This month’s salary, who will pay them again next month, or they won’t be able to survive next month at all…

They have a greater sense of crisis than the aborigines in the scenic area. Zuo Xiaowei has promised a lot here, but she has not promised whether the original personnel structure will be retained after acquiring the scenic area; everyone knows that Zuo Xiaowei The representative is Guan Yubo. Guan Yubo has a very successful 5A-level scenic spot. If Guan Yubo gets the operating rights of the scenic spot, there is a high probability that he will deploy personnel from his 5A-level scenic spot to re-operate it. [-]% of these people are Those who are about to lose their jobs are because they are neither close friends nor have they achieved any major achievements in the past.

In a place like a small town, there are not many job opportunities, so being unemployed in the tourism industry is really a scary thing.

Based on this understanding, when the employees in the scenic area saw me reappearing in the scenic area, they immediately surrounded me and expressed their grievances and worries. At the same time, they also expressed regret, because when I was operating the scenic area, they felt that The closest I've ever been to success.

We did create a very successful event and a scenic spot together. In the end, it did not die from the heat, but died from the management. In their view, it was really a very sad thing.

I have been trying to appease their emotions and told them that when I came back this time, I came back with capital. I still hold on to the original dream of revival in my heart and have never stopped.

Some people really shed tears because of this, but unfortunately, their support for me will not play any special role in this competition; unless I can get the scenic spot, it is possible to turn them into a A more cohesive team.

But this time, I didn't want to get this scenic spot, I just wanted to use them to send some confusing signals to Zuo Xiaowei.


When the villagers and previous B&B investors learned that I had come to the scenic spot, they also came to the office area of ​​the scenic spot and surrounded me. It was not that they had any malicious intentions. In their eyes, there was one more choice. They are very happy to see competition between Zuo Xiaowei and me. The fiercer the competition, the more lucrative their income will be. They know this.Amidst the chattering of others, I finally said: "Everyone, a lot of shocking things have happened in the scenic spot recently... I really feel very sorry and sad about this... because in these things Before this happened, we all saw the development potential of the scenic spot. I don’t know what you think... But as far as I’m concerned, it’s really only a little bit short of success..."

Having said this, I closed my eyes, raised my head, and felt sad...

There were also sighs in the crowd, and some people were even cursing Chang Tianming, cursing him to die early and be shot early.

It's a harsh, yet true sound, because that's just how human nature is.


After loosening the collar around my neck, I added, "I'm not willing to do it, especially... Before that, I considered whether to leave this place, but when I fell asleep, I just needed to close my eyes." When I close my eyes, I will think of everything I have experienced in this scenic spot. I will never be able to forget how I brought investments to this scenic spot, and those sleepless nights before doing activities. My team stayed up all night after night to make the event plan... You may not know that before the event was officially held, in order to verify the feasibility of the event and to have a sense of experience, I myself spent time in the cold weather , it took me an all-nighter to get to the top of the mountain. This process was very difficult and exhausting, but I did it... These are my emotions for this scenic spot, and there are reasons why I am not willing to accept it... So, think about it. , this time, I came back with capital, the purpose is to get rid of the control of others, so that I can really do what I say in this scenic spot... Before this, I heard that Zuo Xiaowei also represented her Pinwei Tourism Culture Group Co., Ltd. came to talk to you once, including two promises. It said that if she could get the ownership of the scenic spot, first of all, she would continue to share the stock issue promised by Chang Tianming to all investors. Cashing in, I think she might be able to do it. If it were me, I would spare no effort to cash it in, because this is a real investment in the scenic spot, and it is also a very important part of the scenic spot strategy. If you are sincere If you want to make this scenic spot a success, you must give up some of your profits... Moreover, the brothers and friends who invest here have certain backgrounds and connections. I think as the owner of the scenic spot, you must pay attention to it, and at least you cannot offend easily. ...So, as a competitor of Zuo Xiaowei, I would like to express my opinion here. If Mr. Wu Luoge and I can obtain the ownership of the scenic spot, we will also recognize the policies that Mr. Chang Tianming and Mr. Chang have previously formulated on the shares, and even Give up more benefits... When I say these words, I hope everyone can feel that I am sincere... Then, what I want to say is another promise made by Zuo Xiaowei... She made a promise to the aborigines in the scenic area Promised that [-] million will be used to support everyone's entrepreneurship... I think everyone must know that the representative behind Zuo Xiaowei is Guan Yubo... This is not the first time that everyone has dealt with Guan Yubo. One person regards suppression as Would a fun-loving person, a person who has frustrated everyone for so long, really be willing to spend this [-] million to support me? What is his real purpose? It is nothing more than to divide my relationship with everyone and erase my previous Everything he has done in the scenic spot is to gain everyone's support... But when he really gets the scenic spot, will he still cash in? Even if he cashes in, will there be any shortcomings in it?... ...After all, the movement of funds is opaque... To put it bluntly, as far as the aborigines in the scenic area are concerned, he doesn't think you can make much of a disturbance, because he has suppressed you for so many years and he knows you too well... …This is the real reality…”

At this point, there was already very noisy discussion in the crowd, and the discussion represented doubts, not only questioning Guan Yubo, but also questioning me.

At this time, someone said: "At least Guan Yubo can give us such a promise. If you win this scenic spot in the end, what can you give us?"

I kept a calm mind and replied: "You have already received everything I can give you...otherwise, why would you set up a merit monument for me at the entrance of the scenic spot?..." After a pause, I said in a more serious tone: "Of course, this is what I gave to everyone before. The purpose of saying this is just to hope that everyone will not easily forget the trust and deep feelings we have established during the revitalization of the scenic spot... But people still have to Looking forward, compared to Zuo Xiaowei, I also have a promise to everyone... If I win the ownership of the scenic spot, I will spend 5000 million to do the same thing as Zuo Xiaowei. Although it is less than her, but I can actually let everyone supervise the movement of this money. I can even give this money to the village committee, and the village committee will supervise it. Therefore, based on the relationship and trust we have established before, I think this 5000 Ten thousand, it will be more realistic than the one hundred million promised by Zuo Xiaowei!"

(End of this chapter)

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