i'm not a bad man

Chapter 548 The battle between hearts and minds 2

Chapter 548 The battle between people's hearts [-]

After I said these words, the discussion among the crowd became louder, especially the villagers surrounding me. They seemed to be awakened and realized that in front of Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei, Here, they cannot be compared with those investors. They are better because they have more people and can make troubles. But if Guan Yubo really takes over the ownership of the scenic spot, judging from Guan Yubo’s character of retribution, there will be no difference between them. There is absolutely no possibility of getting along with each other, and they themselves will probably not forget that they once targeted Guan Yubo and brought trouble to the visiting leader, which led to Guan Yubo being forced to hide abroad...

The way they looked at me finally changed, and they became full of desire. They longed for me to be the final owner of this scenic spot. They were also a little afraid, afraid of Guan Yubo, because human memory cannot be completely wiped out. Guan Yubo I once tortured a teacher in the village to death. With this kind of grudge, compared to the 5000 million promised by Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei, my [-] million is obviously more valuable.

It's really time for them to wake up.


At this time, Wu Luoge, who had been silent beside me, also said: "Dear folks and investors, I am Wu Luoge. You may not have seen me, but you must have heard of my name. There is no one in the scenic spot or even the whole town. Before so many things happened, I planned to invest in building a health care town here... Whether this project will be done in the future and where it will be done is still uncertain, but what is certain is... I returned to this small town. The biggest purpose is to help Han Chao win the ownership of this scenic spot... no matter the cost... I said no matter the cost, it is not a blank check. As long as we can win the ownership of this scenic spot, Han Chao promised 5000 million support I will transfer the money to the account immediately, and it will be supervised by your village committee to be truly transparent and fair... If on the basis of this 5000 million, good ideas and good projects continue to emerge in the scenic spot, 5000 million It is definitely not the end, and I will continue to increase the support funds. In short, our ultimate goal is to support and achieve each other with everyone, and turn this scenic spot into a truly century-old brand that will benefit everyone for generations to come..."

Everyone became more confident after hearing what Wu Luoge said. Coupled with the prestige I had established in their hearts, their balances tilted again, and they all verbally expressed their support for us.

Wu Luoge and I looked at each other, and then said some words to stabilize the morale of the soldiers.

I believe that these words will definitely reach Zuo Xiaowei’s ears, and this is my real purpose.


At noon, Wu Luoge and I were "forced" to stay in the village for a lunch. The village party secretary, Jia Guoying's father, even killed a sheep for us to show his sincerity in entertaining us. I also drank some wine, which can be said to be Full of wine and food.

When leaving the scenic spot, the old employees in the scenic spot came to Wu Luoge and me again and asked us to take ownership of the scenic spot no matter what. They said that they could not trust Zuo Xiaowei and Guan Yubo, but only trusted me.

People's standpoint is really a very strange thing. With a clear standpoint, it seems that they have faith; but unfortunately, I can no longer carry their faith. The purpose of doing this is just to make Zuo Xiao Wei and Guan Yubo felt that even if it was a big deal, I still wanted to get this scenic spot, but in fact, I could give up.


Wu Luoge, who was not drinking, drove the car to a lake and stopped. I lost my mind facing this lake. This lake has the memories of Lu Xi and me. That night, we were being chased. In desperation, He jumped from the shore into the lake.

The reeds by the lake still have burnt marks. At that time, Lu Xi and I relied on burning reeds to keep warm.

What's funny is that Zuo Xiaowei asked me more than once why she refused to let Guan Yubo go...

I finally lit a cigarette for myself, with so many thoughts in my mind. It wasn't until Wu Luoge next to me spoke to me that I came back to my senses.

Wu Luoge smiled and said to me: "I can already imagine that after Guan Yubo and the others took over the scenic spot, the villagers forced them to cash in the [-] million support fund... You have taught them how to supervise this If the support fund is really cashed, it will be a lot of pressure. After all, it is [-] million in cash... If it is not cashed, the two parties already have grievances. I am afraid that this grievance will only become deeper, and the villagers will only become more... I miss you... I think it's like being in a relationship. Once the relationship is not going as you want, you will think of your ex... What your ex did was really good. Feeding the appetite of these villagers will only make things more difficult. They." "Yes, but they can never see that this is essentially a battle for capital."

"So, I really think you understand human nature very well, just like an invincible little strongman. This time, you are forced to change from passive to active..." After a pause, Wu Luoge said with some doubts: " However, one thing I don’t quite understand is why you promised 5000 million to the villagers instead of an evenly matched [-] million?”

I took a deep breath of cigarette, exhaled it, looked at Wu Luoge and replied: "Don't be too strong, but also show weakness appropriately, so that Zuo Xiaowei and others can feel that they can overwhelm us in terms of funds... "

Wu Luoge thought for a while, nodded and replied: "It's a good method. Only if they think they can overwhelm us in terms of funds will they continue to increase their investment. If our performance is bottomless, they may give up... By showing weakness appropriately, we will be more confident in seizing that critical point."

"Yes, brother...that's what I mean." After a short pause, I said to Wu Luoge: "About our plan, don't tell Sister Ran yet..."

Wu Luoge looked at me in surprise, and after a while he replied: "Don't you even trust your sister Ran?"

"It's not that I don't trust Sister Ran, I just want to act more realistically. Zuo Xiaowei and I are mutual friends of Sister Ran. We have known each other for many years. Now that we have come to this point, Sister Ran must feel uncomfortable. I think she secretly She will definitely go to Zuo Xiaowei. If she doesn’t know our plan, she will talk to Zuo Xiaowei with true feelings. The most flawless thing in this world is probably true feelings... So, as long as she goes privately If you go to Zuo Xiaowei, Zuo Xiaowei will definitely be misled and think that I am determined to win this scenic spot, so that she will not suspect that I am plotting against her and deliberately raising the price; as long as she does not suspect that I am plotting, They also feel that if they can overwhelm us in terms of funds, there will definitely be a stalemate at the auction. Only then will we have a chance to escape at the highest point..."

Wu Luoge was stunned for a long time before sighing: "You have really calculated everything that can be calculated..."

"The best state of the battle between people's hearts is to make it watertight."

"Yes...but to tell you the truth, I still don't want to have so many disputes, because when I was in Thailand, sister Tingran and I talked a lot about you two in Qingdao. We can become friends, and there is so much fate. , is a very difficult thing. If this fight continues, no matter who is the winner or who is the loser, the result will be ugly... Therefore, the best result is that Zuo Xiaowei voluntarily withdraws, and we will still pay the earliest price of 1.2 million. Acquiring scenic spots..."

"Sister Ran will probably think so too... However, Zuo Xiaowei is no longer Zuo Xiaowei, she is Guan Yubo's substitute, so this is just an extravagant wish for you, me, and Sister Ran."

After I said these words, I felt a very strong feeling of exhaustion in my heart, which made me close my eyes. But at the moment I closed my eyes, I experienced what I had experienced with Zuo Xiaowei. Those pictures also gush out like spring water.

We were two people who almost had a child, but she forced me to be cruel to her...

The struggle of people's hearts, the struggle of people's hearts...

Is there really a winner behind this battle for hearts and minds?

I was confused again, more confused than ever.

(End of this chapter)

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