Chapter 553
During the phone call between me and Ren Ran, there was no blame or emotional loss, only calm analysis; therefore, such a matter does not seem to be so difficult to characterize. Maybe Ren Ran should not do this, but To a certain extent, it's true.

The only suspense for me now is whether Zuo Xiaowei will give me this call. Ren Ran is right. If it were the Zuo Xiaowei from before, he would definitely call me to question me as soon as possible. ; if you don’t ask, does it mean that even if it is such a thing, Zuo Xiaowei has become indifferent?Or, she mentally accepted the unrelenting situation in front of her, so she had a premonition that this was something that would definitely happen. Since she was mentally prepared, there was no need to bother and come to question me.


Night gradually fell, and the originally quiet cemetery fell completely into deathly silence. The occasional chirping of birds intensified the silence. Therefore, I had a hope in my heart, hoping that Luan Yu would really be like in the dream. Same, you have been reincarnated, don't endure a hundred years of loneliness in such a place.

Looking back again, I finally left the cemetery, my steps heavy.


Kunming is destined to be a city where I feel like I have nothing to do, so after returning to the hotel, I sat alone by the floor-to-ceiling window, drinking while looking at the city below me that was dimmed due to the late night...

I had some fantasies, imagining the scene of meeting Lu Xi tomorrow. I was excited and confused at the same time, because I knew that she would still leave, and we had long lost the conditions for living together.

And Qiao Jiao, will she come with Lu Xi?
Faced with this uncertainty, I miss even more the time in Qingdao when the three of us could get along without restraint. Everything started to change after I decided to go to the small town. With the appearance of Yang Yiming, this kind of time changed even more. Changes push into a situation that is unpredictable and makes me feel sick and disgusted...

I took a sip of wine to vent my unhappiness. When I looked out the window, all the lights in the square opposite had been extinguished; and a young couple, taking advantage of the night, sat on the bench in the square. On the chair, they kissed passionately.

This scene made me lose my mind. Then, there was a knock on the door. I stood up suddenly and opened the door. It was a takeaway boy with a convenience bag in his hand. Then I remembered that I had ordered a box of boneless chicken feet and salt and pepper peanuts half an hour ago.

I don’t know what’s wrong lately. I always think of some things in hindsight, so that I get used to being at a loss, and then I deliberately focus my attention. When my attention is concentrated, the painful feeling of life will follow again. Come... Repeatedly, constant mental internal consumption.

Therefore, there is an extremely strong desire in my heart, eager to hold my beloved woman to sleep, and before falling asleep, talk about my worries and trivial matters until the loneliness is gone.

When this desire could not be satisfied, I didn't want to go to bed at all, so I opened another box of beer, drank salt and pepper peanuts and boneless chicken feet alone until late at night.

The world in the middle of the night is a completely different scene compared to the daytime, and people's curiosity for novelty has become even stronger. As a result, there are overwhelming speculations circulating on the Internet about who the man whose work Zuo Xiaowei has stolen is; in addition, There are also some people who are waiting for Zuo Xiaowei to make a public appearance to clarify this matter. They like Zuo Xiaowei so much. Even though the evidence is irrefutable, they still hope that Zuo Xiaowei can retain her identity as an original female singer and continue to develop in the music industry. Sex goes on.

Amid these chaotic remarks, I fell asleep, and then fell asleep without a dream!

The next day, I didn't wake up until noon. After waking up, I have been waiting for Lu Ming's notification.Yesterday he said that if there were no accidents, Luxi would arrive in Kunming tonight; however, it is not pleasant to wait for someone, especially the one you love, which will always give rise to countless fantasies. This kind of fantasy is It's like an adhesive that sticks to time and prevents it from passing too quickly.

I finally made it through the night and looked at the increasingly dull night outside the window. I took out my phone and looked at it again. There was still no movement. But at the moment when I was about to put it down, Lu Ming sent me this message as if to save me. Information, he told me that Luxi’s flight would land in four to ten minutes, and asked me to go with him to pick up Luxi at the airport.

I rushed out of the hotel room, and it wasn't until I was standing at the intersection that I remembered that I hadn't asked Lu Ming if he would come to pick me up, or if I would go find him. If I went to find him, where would he live?
This was another hindsight. Fortunately, Lu Ming is a very reliable person. He was already waiting at the intersection opposite me.

I sat in his car, and then put on sunglasses and a hat together, because the person we wanted to meet was Lu Xi... Even though she was gone, she still had not completely disappeared from the public's memory.I was very conscious and didn't ask Lu Ming where Lu Xi came from on the road. I would wait a few days before leaving. I would just feel anxious when I was stuck in traffic, for fear that I wouldn't be able to see Lu Xi immediately after she got off the plane.


Half an hour later, we finally arrived at the airport. My eyes barely left the exit, but Lu Ming seemed much calmer. He even took the time to buy a cup of black tea, and then held the black tea in his hand, still carrying With his unique calmness, he looked towards the direction where Luxi might appear.

I finally couldn't hold myself back and asked him, "Did you remember the time wrong? It's been 45 minutes since we set off."

"It also takes time to pick up your luggage."

I was stunned for a moment before replying: "Yes, I thought I was taking the high-speed rail and I took my luggage with me."

After saying that, I walked through the crowd again and looked towards the exit... There, another wave of passengers walked out, including men, women and children. Some people called to report that they were safe, and some were dragging heavy suitcases. Every step It was walking heavily, and there were children playing with each other around their parents... Only one figure caught my attention deeply.

It's Lu Xi, it must be Lu Xi. Even though she is wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses, her walking posture and temperament have long been deeply engraved in my mind. Besides, I have seen her wearing a hat countless times. , masks and sunglasses...

I subconsciously took a step forward, but looking at Lu Ming who was motionless next to me, I stopped again and reminded myself to restrain myself and exercise restraint.


Lu Xi finally followed the crowd and walked in front of me and Lu Ming. She seemed to have come from a warm place, so she was only wearing a white T-shirt and a thin black jacket that almost reached her knees. The lower body was distressed. Styled jeans, the whole outfit looks very casual, but it still cannot erase her innate temperament, which is like a flame burning in my heart.

I stood next to Lu Ming and looked at her.


I didn't dare to move, and subconsciously looked at Lu Ming beside me, thinking this was a ritual for their brother and sister to meet each other.

But Lu Xi opened his arms, pointedly facing me, and said again: "Hug."

My heartbeat began to accelerate and my blood pressure increased, as if I wanted to break through all taboos and constraints!

I finally hugged Lu Xi tightly under Lu Ming's gaze... I breathed desperately, trying to contain all her breath in my body, so that I could remember and release her when she was no longer around. , I miss it...

(End of this chapter)

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