Chapter 554
From the moment Lu Xi and I hugged each other tightly, my mood went through very complicated changes. First I was excited and overwhelmed, and then slowly became calm. After calm, I felt inexplicably lost, and then I felt nostalgia and reluctance...

So I hugged her tighter and stroked her hair; she seemed to have the same emotion as me, so I got her response, she leaned against my chest and held me tightly with both hands. The clothes on her back were afraid that I would turn into sand that could not be grasped and fall from her fingers.

It wasn't until Lu Ming beside us coughed lightly that we let go of each other; it turned out that when she and Lu Ming met, there was no hugging ceremony, so she just looked at Lu Ming and smiled, then shouted A "Brother".

Lu Ming nodded, not as close as I imagined. This is probably the way their brothers and sisters get along. Although there is a sense of distance, they are also the biggest concern for each other deep in their hearts.

The next moment, I took over Lu Xi’s suitcase, and Lu Ming took over Lu Xi’s satchel. She looked relaxed. Of course she is favored here.

"Brother, I haven't eaten yet. What are you going to take me to eat later?"

Lu Ming looked at me and said, "Ask Han Chao and see what he wants to bring you to eat."

Lu Xi turned his attention to me again, and I suddenly remembered the "Zhiqiang BBQ" that Lu Ming and I had eaten before. I was deeply impressed by this barbecue restaurant, because there, I met a man who was reborn. Brother, he was finally diagnosed with a benign tumor by the hospital. He was in a good mood. That night, he paid for all the diners in the barbecue restaurant. Feeling his emotions, when he thought of the barbecue restaurant again, he felt that it was just outside the cancer hospital. is a mascot, but the cancer hospital is a ghost gate, where Luan Yu's father died.

I finally said to Lu Xi: "Let's go eat barbecue. Your brother and I went there last time..."

"Is it delicious?"

Lu Ming and I exchanged glances, and Lu Ming replied: "The taste is average, but if there is a chance, I would like to eat it again."

"Are you two okay? The taste is average. Do you want to eat again?"

I echoed: "Not only are we going, but this time, we have to take you with us."

Lu Xi didn't particularly like to be entangled. Seeing that Lu Ming and I had agreed, he nodded and said, "As long as we can eat together, it doesn't matter what we eat."

After saying that, Lu Xi took Lu Ming's arm. I was a little far away from her, but she also pulled me over, and at the same time, she took my arm; then, the three of them walked together in this posture. Walk to the parking lot outside the airport.

It turns out that she and Lu Ming are not not close, it depends on their mood, especially on such a night when she is pampered by two men. For her, everything is easy to talk about, so she even chooses a barbecue restaurant with average taste. In order to accommodate us; she seems to be no longer the Lu Xi before, she has become a girl full of happiness, corresponding to my full thoughts and the depth of Lu Ming.

Maybe she hasn't changed, she just hopes to use herself to eliminate the haze in the minds of the two of us.


After experiencing the traffic jam during the rush hour after get off work, we arrived at Zhiqiang BBQ an hour later. The business in the store was still very cold. We saw the boss sitting next to the barbecue grill, holding his mobile phone and scrolling through short videos.

The hospital opposite is still brightly lit, and inside every bright window, there are several people who are heartbroken tonight...

Perhaps it was because Luan Yu’s father had just passed away there, so Lu Ming and I subconsciously stopped and looked in that direction.

"Are you here again?"

There were not many customers, so the boss naturally remembered Lu Ming and me. He stood up, stood by the barbecue, and said this to us.

I replied: "Yeah, here we go again."

"Oh! If only there was a panacea for my barbecued skewers. Come and have a barbecue here and there will be nothing wrong with it. I will try my best to compete with the hospital opposite and close it down!"

I smiled and replied: "I believe you have all the miraculous medicines here. Look, the tofu pieces strung together look like longevity elixirs, and the long beans look like fairy grass!"

Lu Xi smiled and whispered: "You are so talkative!"

Unexpectedly, the boss is even more glib than me. He replied: "How about these longevity elixirs and grass jelly, I will bake you a dozen skewers each later?"

"Okay, as many skewers as you want..." After a short pause, I said to the boss: "If there are still guests coming later, tell them that I will pay for the entire meal today... I will treat them to elixirs to prolong their lives." , no pain or disease." The boss didn't seem to understand my behavior, and asked tentatively: "Young man... who are you?"

I looked at Lu Xi and replied with a smile unconsciously: "There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just happy."

I'm happy, I'm really happy. I haven't been this happy for a long time. I want to have a drink, and drink longevity pills and various fairy herbs.

Based on this mood, I asked the boss for two boxes of Tsingtao beer as soon as I opened my mouth.


Lu Xi and I sat together at the low table in the only small private room in the store. Lu Ming sat alone on the other side. He finally said to Lu Xi: "Last time, Han Chao and I were drinking here. , I met a big brother who bought everyone’s orders in the store... I have never seen such a happy person... Do you know why he was so happy that day? "

Lu Xi shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

I poured beer for Lu Ming and filled a cup myself. I almost ignored Lu Xi and quickly filled up her cup before I opened my mouth to catch Lu Ming’s words and said, “He is also from the cancer hospital. patient, but when he came that day, he had been diagnosed with a benign tumor... He was really happy. Not only was he happy, we were also happy for him. That night, we all added each other on WeChat and created a group... ...The name of the group is Escape from Death... The eldest brother is the group leader. He will give out red envelopes to us when nothing happens. Last time we gave out red envelopes, your brother grabbed the most, which was 26 yuan, right?"

Lu Ming replied: "26.2."

Lu Xi looked at Lu Ming and sighed in disbelief: "Brother, you still go to the group to grab red envelopes!"

"Han Chao grabbed more than me and basically didn't get a single red envelope."

Lu Xi turned to look at me and asked, "How much did you rob?"

"Big brother gives out big red envelopes, which must add up to more than 100 yuan."

Lu Xi took my arm and shook it, and said: "Grab so much, treat me to milk tea later."

I laughed and said, "You said your brother grabbed red envelopes, but you yourself want to take advantage of this." Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to see the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

"You have a share in seeing it, will you buy it?"

"Buy... As long as you drink it, I'll buy you milk tea!"

This kind of joy that comes from the heart is really unstoppable. Although, in my memory, Lu Xi and Lu Ming are not particularly willing to take the initiative to talk, but in this small barbecue restaurant, But we never had a moment of silence, just like a family sitting together, chatting... And the source of happiness is only the hundreds of dollars we grabbed in the group.

Of course fame and fortune are important, but sometimes, it seems not that important, like right now.

I finally raised the cup and said to Lu Xi: "Put the milk tea on the account and drink the beer in the cup first. If I remember correctly, this should be the first time for the three of us to drink together... "

Lu Ming and Lu Xi raised their glasses together, and we clinked the glasses together. The beer was a little cold, so I raised my head, closed my eyes, and drank it all in one breath.

Lu Ming also finished drinking, but the wine in Lu Xi's cup did not move.

I asked: "Are you trying to cheat? Why don't you drink?"

Lu Xi looked at me, and after a while he said, "I'm on my period."

"When did you become so careless that you could even forget your own menstrual period!"

"You set the pace. I only remember the time when my eldest brother escaped." After saying that, she turned to Lu Ming and said, "Brother, you turn around and drag me into that group. I want to grab it too." Red envelope."

(End of this chapter)

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