i'm not a bad man

Chapter 570 Firefly Project

Chapter 570 Firefly Project

After Yang Yiming drank the full glass of beer, he put on disposable gloves, and then started to eat the plate of spicy snails in my silence. His behavior seemed to tell me that he was not in a hurry to get it. The answer, he can give me time to think about it.

When he had eaten almost a third of the plate of snails, he finally said to me: "It tastes really good, but it's a bit late today. Let's stop here. Thank you for your hospitality."

After saying that, Yang Yiming got up and walked to the roadside, where there was already a car waiting for him, leaving me with the table full of mess.

I took a deep breath, then closed my eyes and leaned back on the chair, trying to calm down. After I calmed down a little, I filled my cup again and drank it all in one go.

I think that after this meeting, I got to know Yang Yiming a little better. However, this understanding did not really help me. I just became more clear-headed and realized that I and him There is a huge gap between; yes, just when I was planning to control the scenic spot, he had already reached out to the molybdenum mining industry that had created a group of rich people in the small town.

Just one scenic spot has already made it difficult for me, but he is still able to face the molybdenum mining industry that ordinary people cannot touch, and this is the gap between us.

Because of this gap, I remembered the book "The Controversy of Human Hearts" given to me by Qiao Jiao. Even if I read this book thoroughly and took the so-called "Controversy of Human Hearts" to its extreme, there is still no way to narrow this gap. .

So how do I continue my career?
A layer of haze enveloped my heart, which made me feel breathless. I subconsciously raised my head and looked at the boundless sky. The night was good today, so I saw many twinkling stars. The knowledge I learned told me that I Every star I saw was millions of times bigger than the earth I was on, so I felt even smaller, living a small life, trapped in those difficulties and obstacles.

Not only am I small, compared to the stars in the universe, he, Yang Yiming, is also very small, and in the face of the ultimate rules of life and death, we are equal. When I think about this, the oppression in my heart suddenly becomes much smaller. I am even trying to sort it out. How to get out of the current predicament with Yang Yiming...

It's difficult, but looking at the stars in the sky, I suddenly had another thought. This thought was related to the agreement between Qiao Jiao and I. We both remember the left-behind children, although there is currently no way to change their fate of being left behind. But it can give them more psychological care.

"Project Firefly."

I muttered this sentence, then filled the cup, and drank another cup happily.


It was really late at night, and even this "Hai Cuo Dao" barbecue restaurant, which claims to be open 24 hours a day, only had my table left. The boss and the waiter were sitting at the cashier not far away, and they kept looking at me eagerly. , waiting for me to check out, waiting for me to leave.

I picked up my phone again to check the specific time, but found that someone in the "Escape from Life" WeChat group had sent a red envelope again, just half an hour ago.

I clicked on it and took a look, and it turned out to be from Lu Xi. It was also a big red envelope, and I was the luckiest in the room, grabbing a total of 68 yuan.

People in the group thanked Lu Xi one after another, including the group leader. Lu Xi seemed willing to chat with them. Since that red envelope, there have been hundreds of chat messages in the group; however, she still insisted that she was the first person in the group. The photo posted here is of her, it is not stolen, she just looks similar to her.

I know that sending red envelopes and reciprocating courtesy with the elder brother are true, but those chat messages were meant for me to see. She wanted me to know that we have not gone far. In such a WeChat group where no one may pay attention, we Still maintain the relationship of group friends.

Compared to Yang Yiming, this is my real confidence.

Perhaps, we are the fireflies, shining faintly, but reflecting each other.


Early the next morning, I went to the second-hand car market in the small town and bought a second-hand pickup truck. Then I spent a lot of money online to buy a Dobsonian telescope. Online shopping requires a process. On the fourth day, I also bought a second-hand pickup truck. The day before the auction in the scenic spot, I finally transported the telescope to the scenic spot in a pickup truck and chose an open place to arrange it...

I called all the left-behind children in the village and asked them to line up under the night sky, look up at the stars, and take a close look at the moon. The purpose was to cultivate their desire for discovery, and at the same time, to alleviate the pain of not getting what they wanted.

I also have this kind of pain, but what they long for is family affection, and what I long for is love, but I think the two are interlinked; therefore, I want to pass on my experience of overcoming this kind of pain to them... Under the starry sky, facing the universe, all pain is insignificant.


Looking at these children who were eager to try, I finally said to them: "Before exploring the stars, I want to ask you a question. Do you know why our plan is called the Firefly Project?"

Among the children, some immediately raised their hands and answered: "Because fireflies are very similar to stars, we are fireflies."

"Then who is the star?"

The most active child thought for a moment and replied: "Mom and dad are stars..."


"Because my parents told me that if I miss them, just look at the stars in the sky..."

"Then your parents didn't tell you that there is any necessary connection between thinking about them and watching the stars?"

The child scratched his head and replied, "I won't say anything anymore."

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd, and then another child who looked to be the same age as him said: "I'm coaxing you... All parents are like this. They can't live with us, so they make up these things to coax us... My dad Mom is different from your parents. They told me that if I miss them, I should go to the mountain and look at the rocks...because I jumped out of the cracks in the rocks, and those are my biological parents."

The crowd laughed even louder, and such remarks stimulated the imagination of the children. Some said that they came from the sea, some said that they came from the desert, and some said that they came from among cows and horses, because they started from his grandfather's generation. , the family raises cattle and horses.

My stomach ached as I laughed, and I realized that not only did I have a solution to my pain, but these children also had it, because a lot of their pain was gradually faded away while talking and laughing.Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

After the laughter stopped, I spoke to these children again: "Actually, mom and dad are not coaxing you. Whether it is a stone or a star, it is actually a kind of sustenance. They want you to believe that there is something between people." Telepathy, when you are thinking of them, they are also thinking of you... The stars in the sky are equivalent to a medium. I don’t know if you understand the word medium. Anyway, whether they are in Shenzhen, BJ, or It's Shanghai. As long as you look up at the same time, you will see the same starry sky..."

When I said this, the child who compared his parents to stars suddenly realized.

I turned to the adults and elderly people who came to participate in the activity and said: "The nights in the mountain villages are often dark, unlike the brightly lit cities, but in my eyes, every child left in the village is a child." Fireflies, dreams are the light on their bodies... The reason I hold this event is to gather the light of fireflies and light up the starry sky in my hometown... As long as the children's dreams are big enough, the starry sky will sparkle, no matter what they are Wherever your parents are, they will see this light..."

Someone in the crowd immediately echoed: "I understand, I actually hope that these children can make a difference in the future... Their generation can't help it, but as long as they make a difference, their next generation will not stay here. In the village.”

"No, as long as we build this scenic spot, they don't have to be left alone... This Firefly Project is the dream of children and our generation... So, children, hurry up and line up to see it. Look, look at the stars, and see what your dreams look like..."

There was silence in the crowd at first, and then enthusiastic applause broke out. Listening to the applause, I finally felt that I had done something for these villagers and children...

When I looked back, I accidentally discovered that Zuo Xiaowei was also standing in the crowd...

The auction of the scenic spot is about to be held, and she has the motivation to come here. She also hopes to win the hearts of the villagers at this time, because winning the hearts of the villagers means that after taking over the scenic spot, conflicts and disputes will be reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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